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Is Elan Musk Autistic

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What Does An Asd Diagnosis Look Like

Autism News: Elon Musk ASD

ASD is considered a spectrum disorder because its said to exist on a spectrum, with each person having their own set of differences and needs.

Autism affects each person differently. Not all people will have every characteristic or behavior. But for a diagnosis, a number of behaviors will be present.

According to the , ASD is characterized by these behaviors:

  • differences in social communication and interaction
  • repetitive patterns, interests, or activities
  • movement problems

Also, these behaviors are typically present early in the persons development, and based on the individual, they can cause challenges in daily life.

Diagnosis also involves determining whether the autistic person has intellectual or language delays.

Before the DSM-5 criteria changed in 2013, an autistic individual received a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome if their symptoms or behaviors required minimal support and they did not have a language delay or intellectual impairments compared with neurotypical individuals.

Now, instead of labeling a person with Aspergers or using stigmatizing terminology like high functioning or low functioning, the DSM-5 has identified three levels of autism defined by how much support the autistic person needs:

  • Level 1: requires some support
  • Level 2: requires more support
  • Level 3: requires substantial support

Elon Musk A Brilliant Mind On The Autism Spectrum

Written and verified bythe psychologist.

15 November, 2021

Elon Musk revealed on Saturday Night Live that he has Aspergers syndrome. For many, this was a surprise. It was also a cause for celebration for making this developmental disorder more visible. Nevertheless, his announcement was not so well received by everyone.

It didnt take long for social media to echo the news. In fact, in a matter of hours, a controversy was underway. It concerned the fact that, on the show, the celebrated physicist, entrepreneur, inventor, co-founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and SpaceX had joked about having Aspergers. Furthermore, hed justified many of his strange and misplaced behaviors.

Musk also talked about many things that his particular brain had enabled him to do. For example, to reinvent electric cars and create a project to send people to Mars.

However, the truth is, that neither the terminology nor the vision that Elon Musk exposed to the media is correct. As a matter of fact, the term Aspergers syndrome is no longer in use. Indeed, the American Psychological Association removed Aspergers syndrome from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 2013.

Nowadays, we talk about autism spectrum disorder. This is important for many reasons, some of which well discuss in this article.

Elon Musk Does Not Suffer From Aspergers Syndrome

I actually make history tonight as the first person with Aspergers to host SNL or at least the first to admit it! Said businessman Elon Musk in known American TV show Saturday Night Live.

Whispers, that the founder of Space X has Aspergers syndrome, have however existed before the official announcement.

There is even a note in the biography by Ashlee Vance, that some people interpret his behaviour as autism. The author has however passed this, because it is too easy, and it shows the lack of information of these people.

Hints that Elon Musk may be on the autistic spectrum have been here before. Even in childhood has Elon shown signs of being different. He had very vivid imagination ever since childhood, and he was able to concentrate on a problem so much, that he has stopped paying attention to the rest of the world. That is actually the reason, why Elon has been through tonsil surgery as a child his doctor had thought, that was is slightly deaf.

Elons mother May remembers that often, when the family went shopping, Elon has disappeared. They knew where he has gone to and indeed as many times before he sat at the library and was in his world.

He got interested in computers even before puberty and at the age of twelve managed to programme a computer game called Blastar, which he subsequently sold to PC Magazine and Office Technology.

It is obvious that Elon Musk has several interesting personal traits, that can be explained by autism.


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Elon Musk Reveals He Has Asperger’s On Saturday Night Live

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has revealed he has Asperger’s syndrome while appearing on the US comedy sketch series Saturday Night Live .

The 49-year-old told viewers he was “the first person with Asperger’s” to host the long-running programme – to loud cheers from the audience.

People with Asperger’s interpret the environment around them differently to other people.

It is thought to be the first time Mr Musk has spoken about his condition.

The tech boss was guest hosting the sketch show – a coveted role that has been filled by an array of celebrities since SNL’s inception in the 1970s. These include Adele, Chris Rock, Ringo Starr, and Will Ferrell.

“I don’t always have a lot of intonation or variation in how I speak… which I’m told makes for great comedy,” he joked in his opening monologue. “I’m actually making history tonight as the first person with Asperger’s to host SNL.”

His comment prompted a round of applause from the studio audience.

Some people on social media, however, questioned his claim. They pointed out that the comedian Dan Aykroyd, who has spoken publicly about his experience with Tourette’s and Asperger’s syndrome, has previously hosted SNL.

Mr Musk, who has more than 53 million followers on Twitter, also joked about his use of social media. He has faced criticism and even legal threats over his tweets in the past.

“Look, I know I sometimes say or post strange things, but that’s just how my brain works,” he said.

Celebs Who Have Kids With Aspergers

Elon Musk falsely claims hes first Saturday Night Live host with ...

Famous comedian D.L. Hughleys son, Kyle Hughley, has Aspergers.

When Kyle Hughley was a child, doctors diagnosed him with Aspergers syndrome. At times, D.L. Hughley has seriously discussed how that disorder has affected Kyles life. For example, in 2015 D.L. spoke with pride about Kyle graduating from college during an Oprah: Where Are They Now segment. After talking about his sons education, D.L. briefly spoke about Kyles day-to-day life and then he got emotional as he told a touching story.

source: The Things

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Solarcity And Tesla Energy

Musk provided the initial concept and financial capital for SolarCity, which his cousins Lyndon and Peter Rive co-founded in 2006. By 2013, SolarCity was the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States. In 2014, Musk promoted the idea of SolarCity building an advanced production facility in Buffalo, New York, triple the size of the largest solar plant in the United States. Construction on the factory started in 2014 and was completed in 2017. It operated as a joint venture with Panasonic until early 2020 when Panasonic departed.

Actor Diagnosed With Aspergers Overcomes Challenges To Land Dream Role

Apart from his autism revelation, Musk also joked about his and musician Grimes baby’s unusual name, X Æ A-12, which Musk joked “is pronounced, ‘cat running across keyboard.'” He also brought his mom, model Maye Musk, onto the stage and she quipped that she hoped her Mother’s Day gift was not Dogecoin.

“It is,” he responded.

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How Is Autism Diagnosed

It can be hard to get a definite diagnosis of autism. Your doctor will focus on behavior and development.

For children, diagnosis usually takes two steps.

  • A developmental screening will tell your doctor whether your child is on track with basic skills like learning, speaking, behavior, and moving. Experts suggest that children be screened for these developmental delays during their regular checkups at 9 months, 18 months, and 24 or 30 months of age. Children are routinely checked specifically for autism at their 18-month and 24-month checkups.
  • If your child shows signs of a problem on these screenings, theyâll need a more complete evaluation. This might include hearing and vision tests or genetic tests. Your doctor might want to bring in someone who specializes in autism disorders, like a developmental pediatrician or a child psychologist. Some psychologists can also give a test called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule .

If you werenât diagnosed with autism as a child but notice yourself showing signs or symptoms, talk to your doctor.

Neuralink Is More Likely To Create A Bionic Person Than Solve Any Memory Issues

Elon Musk Reveals He Has Aspergerâs In âSNLâ Monologue

Neuroscientists expect that instead of making us all faster computers, Neuralink might be a way to give paralyzed patients more mobility.

The man whos lost his arm, can we now give him an arm back that he can control in great detail? Bruno said.

A Neuralink implant could also help blind patients see.

Even though their eye doesnt work right, they have in their mind the image of something that Im trying to send to them, Bruno said.

Neurobiologist Andrew Hires and bionics bioengineer Rylie Green both previously told Business Insider giving disabled patients more refined controls over robotic limbs or bionic parts could be a benefit of the Neuralink system.

Giving somebody back full motor control after theyve had a spinal cord injury, is how Musk described this idea on the podcast.

By stimulating electrodes, Neuralink might enable better grasping, walking, or breathing.

The first application you can imagine is better mental control for a robotic arm for someone whos paralyzed, Hires said.

Musk mentioned earlier this year that Neuralink had already succeeded in getting a monkey to control a computer with its brain, which is not an entirely new feat, but speaks to how Neuralink might work.

Its bi-directional, Bruno said. There is a hope here of being able to send information out to machines, but also to take information in.

Social media lit up with comments about Musks two errors:

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What Is Aspergers Syndrome And Why Have Some People Stopped Using The Term

Aspergers Syndrome trended online on Tuesday, as video footage emerged of a Twitter executive mocking businessman Elon Musk who himself has the neurological condition and his plans to buy the company.

The conservative activist group Project Veritas, regularly criticised for its poor grasp of journalistic ethics and questionable reporting practices, released a video showing Alex Martinez taking aim at the Tesla founder.

Mr Martinez, credited as the lead client partner at Twitter, said: He has Aspergers so hes special.

Youre literally special needs. So I cant even take what youre saying seriously.

Musk later hit back at Mr Martinez on Twitter ironically and wrote: Twitter exec trashing free speech and mocking people with Aspergers

But what is Aspergers Syndrome?

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Allow us to explain. Aspergers Syndrome is an autism spectrum condition, with the National Autistic Society saying some people with Asperger syndrome say the world feels overwhelming and this can cause them considerable anxiety.

In a page on their website, they write: Understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family, school, work and social life, can be harder. Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other, yet can also struggle to build rapport with people with Asperger syndrome.

But autistic people and medical professionals are moving away from that term

Autism And The Limits Of Representation

Autistic people of color and people who are assigned female at birth are routinely overlooked or only diagnosed later in life because of the dominant cultural stereotype of autistic people as white boys. Non-diagnosis or late diagnosis prevents people from receiving support that could meaningfully improve their lives.

Representation is valuable in many contexts, but white men who are successful in tech fields are some of the most-represented of all autistic people think Sheldon Cooper and The Big Bang Theory. Musks relationship with this stereotype is also the source of one of the main criticisms of his SNL monologue.

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And indeed, Musk has previously said he hopes to use brain implants from his neural technology company to cure autism. But according to some surveys, nearly three quarters of all autistic people do not want a cure and would not take it if one existed. Autism affects perception and information processing, which means its intimately related with peoples personalities and ways of experiencing the world. In an essay for The Guardian, Anya Ustaszewski writes, If I were to be cured of my autism, the person that I am would cease to exist. Instead, autistic activists say the focus should be on making sure people have access to whatever support they individually need to live happy lives.

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Be Careful About Changing Your Childs Diet

Talk to your doctor before trying something different, like a special diet. Thereâs no hard evidence that special diets help children with ASD. Autism is a complex brain disorder. While it may seem that cutting out certain foods could relieve your childâs symptoms, it might actually cause more harm.

For example, children with autism often have thinner bones. Dairy products have nutrients that can make their bones stronger. Studies on a protein in milk products called casein have found that many children performed the same whether or not they ate foods with this protein. Their autism symptoms didnât change in any remarkable way.

Some evidence shows that people with autism may have low levels of certain vitamins and minerals. This does not cause autism spectrum disorder. But supplements may be suggested to improve nutrition. Vitamin B and magnesium are two of the supplements most often used for people with autism. But people can overdose on these vitamins, so megavitamins should be avoided.

However, some diet changes may help with certain symptoms of autism. Food allergies, for example, may make behavior problems worse. Removing the allergen from the diet may improve behavior issues.

Some children with autism have digestive problems like constipation, belly pain, or nausea and vomiting. Your doctor can suggest a diet that wonât make them worse.

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Musk Reacted To The Video

Who wants to be a billionaire? Not Elon Musk

Elon Musk reacted twice to the video. In the first reaction, he just posted a sad emoji.

Elon Musk May 18, 2022

In a follow-up tweet, he said, Twitter exec trashing free speech & mocking people with Aspergers.

Twitter exec trashing free speech & mocking people with Aspergers

Elon Musk May 18, 2022

Earlier, the video of another Twitter employee Siru Murugesan was by Project Veritas, where he confessed that the micro-blogging platform is aligned with the far-Left and how it clamps down on Right-wing accounts.

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His Career As A Student And Entrepreneur

Between jewelry and intelligence, Musk began to develop his character and ambitions, which led him to move to Canada to begin his university studies, joining his mother and siblings.

Eventually, he would finish his double degree in Economics and Physics at the University of Pennsylvania in the US. He also began his doctorate, but abandoned it a few days later to start his career in the business world, where his legend began, founding companies such as Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX and Solar City, among others.

Together with his brother and a friend, he created his first company, Zip2, which was dedicated to offering development, hosting and maintenance services to different media websites. However, he eventually sold it in 1999 for $307 million.

Today, Musk is almost like a deity in the business world, owning the following brands: SpaceX, Tesla Inc, SolarCityHyperloop One Open AI. Neuralink, The Boring Company, Musk Foundation and now Twiiter.

There Are A Lot Of Aspies Out There

In recent years, more and more adults in the general population have discovered that they have Asperger’s. This may be because the syndrome is growing more common or–more likely–because mental health professionals are learning to recognize it better. That second explanation makes sense because the other name for Asperger’s is autism spectrum disorder. Since the spectrum goes from very mild to very severe, it seems natural that the condition would be harder to recognize at the mild end. In fact, one of the world’s leading authorities on autism failed to recognize Asperger’s in his own son until that son was in his 30s. Some experts say it’s particularly likely to go unrecognized in girls and women since most autism research has focused on men and boys.

I know all this because of my husband, Bill. Just over a year ago, he was watching videos about mild autism when he realized they were describing him. Like many people who suspect that they have Asperger’s, Bill did not seek a medical diagnosis, which wouldn’t have served much practical purpose anyhow. Instead, he took several of the self-tests available online, all of which indicated that he was on the spectrum. He also sought advice from a friend who works with autistic teenagers. She not only agreed with his self-diagnosis, she told him she’d suspected it for a long time.

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Asperger’s Syndrome The Cause Of Musk’s Eccentricities

Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that affects the interpersonal relationships of people who suffer from it. Elon Musk revealed last May that he had it, opening a new debate about how this disorder can lead to both great successes and failures.

In Musk’s case, they were undoubtedly successes, because his individualistic side, away from the masses, led him to satisfy his purposes without thinking so much about the opinion of others.

Let’s remember that this syndrome makes it difficult to understand other people, both verbally and non-verbally, making interactions difficult, confusing or strange.

Understanding this, it is no coincidence that Musk suddenly decides to announce that he is challenging Vladimir Putin, one of the most feared men on the planet, to a face-to-face combat. No, it is also because people with Asperger’s do not measure these kinds of situations or circumstances well. They live in their own perception of things, in a kind of mental and psychological isolation.

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