Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jobs For High Functioning Autistic Adults

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Technology And Software Development

A Higher Functioning Form Of Autism | Cuan Weijer | TEDxDunLaoghaire

This field has a few great advantages for autistic adults. Jobs in this field tend to have exactly the type of job environment listed above. There is one main task to focus on and the work is detail-oriented and requires accuracy.

Jobs in software development and IT rely on highly logical people who can focus on the task at hand and are good problem solvers. High-functioning adults with autism often excel at this type of thinking.

Jobs in this field pay quite well, and so this should be a serious consideration for any interested adult with autism, particularly those on the high functioning side of the spectrum.

Job Classifications For Different Types Of Autism

According to the authors of A Parents Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive, a child with autism can choose from three types of employment:

  • Competitive employmentthe employee should be independent, and no support is offered
  • Supported employmentthe employee is part of a support system, and jobs are usually created for him/her
  • Secure or sheltered employmentthe employee is given a job at a facility

The kind of employment would depend on the persons abilities. For example, a high functioning adult can be independent, so he/she can be in competitive employment. On the other hand, if your child needs care most of the time, then a supported or sheltered employment might be more suitable.

New Job Opportunities Coming

Many large corporations have started to see the value of hiring employees on the autism spectrum.

For example, the accounting firm Ernst & Young has a neurodiversity program that reaches out to autistic adults who have the math skills and focus that many neurotypical people lack.

Other companies with autism-friendly outreach programs include SAP and Ford.

In addition, a number of smaller companies are building their business around the strengths and abilities of autistic employees.

For example, Rising Tide is a carwash company in Florida that has attracted a lot of attention for its autism focus.

Its worthwhile to keep an eye on autism employment news to spot opportunities as they come up.

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Best Jobs For Adults With High

Posted: Statistician. Median Annual Wage: $80,500. With their attention to detail and their intolerance for Computer Programming. Median Annual Wage: $79,840. Computer programming is a well-paid job, Accounting. Median Annual Wage: $68,150. Have you seen the movie The Accountant with Ben Reference Librarian/Re-shelving library books. Median Annual Wage: $57,680. Working in a library Auto Mechanic. Median Annual Wage: $38,470. Car repair can be one of the best jobs for adults Journalist. Median Annual Wage: $37,820. Yes, people with Aspergers and high-functioning autism Veterinary Technician. Median Annual Wage: $32,490. Dr. Temple Grandin, who was diagnosed Lawn and Garden work. Median Annual Wage: $26,300. Lawn and garden work, thats up next on Telemarketing. Median Annual Wage: $24,300. Despite the fact that telemarketing thats on the 9th Taxi driver. Median Annual Wage: $24,300. Remember when we mentioned how persons with See full list on

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Great Jobs For People On The Autism Spectrum

New ventures train high

As more and more individuals with autism enter the workforce, it is becoming clear that finding just the right job presents a bit of a challenge. Thats why we began researching 30 ideal jobs for people on the autism spectrum. Because each person is unique, and no ones experience with autism is the same, we included on our list a variety of jobs, from janitor to veterinarian. While some will be most suitable for those who may be non-verbal or who have additional challenges, others will be most appropriate for those with high-functioning autism or Aspergers. However, all of our listed jobs were recommended to us by those on the autism spectrum. Weve even included the average salary for each job, according to PayScale. Keep scrolling for 30 ideal jobs for people on the autism spectrum!

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Information Security Analyst: $104k

Keeping networks and data systems safe from viruses and hackers requires careful analysis and keen attention to detail, which may be strengths of yours. Information security analysts are responsible for identifying weaknesses that could result in security breaches and developing standards and policies to protect an organization’s data. Security-specific certifications can boost your employment potential.

Opening A Vocational Training Centre:

Lastly, one of the best jobs that anyone with this syndrome could embark on is opening a vocational training centre where he or she could do the wonderful task of helping others who have Aspergers and do not have the confidence to work in offices or companies.

Few other jobs visual thinkers can look for are

  • Automobile mechanic

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Best Jobs For People With Autism In 2021

You are here:HomeCareer Ideas Jobs For People With Autism

If you have been told that you are on the autism spectrum, one of the concerns you might have is about how hard it will be getting a job with autism.

You or your family and friends might be wondering if there are jobs for autistic adults. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of positions for you to consider.

Some of them do not require any formal training, and others you can gain the skills to do in two years or less.

One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are thinking about autism employment opportunities is to consider your likes, dislikes, and skills.

Keep in mind that these are good jobs for people with autism, but you will find many others doing them who are not on the spectrum.

Difficulties Of Employment For People With Autism

Employment Struggles are real with Aspergers / High Functioning Autism / ASD…so is hope!

According to Autism Speaks, more than 50% of young adults on the spectrum are unemployed in the two years upon completing high school. Nearly 50% of the 25-year-olds with ASD have never been employed in a paying job.

People on the spectrum typically have difficulties with social skills. For them, even getting past the interview stage could be challenging. This issue shows how problematic it would be for them to manage the daily life of working corporate jobs.

Workplaces usually lean toward hiring extroverts and strong communicators, as suggested by James Mahoney, head of Autism at Work, JPMorgan Chase. He says companies look for particular behaviors and interaction styles commonly lacking in people on the spectrum.

However, not all hope is lost. Some of those supposedly unemployable owing to their inadequate social skills begin their companies. They are typically satisfied managing small capitals or outsourcing tasks related to raising funds to those more socially capable.

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Tips For Autistic Job Seekers To Find The Right Job

From the Office of Autism Speaks HR Department

A fundamental part of Autism Speaks mission is to increase understanding and acceptance of people with autism, including in the workplace. One way we are doing that is through our Workplace Inclusion NowTM program which helps bring autistic job seekers and employers together to create a more inclusive workforce.

But we also practice what we preach. We are proud to count several autistic individuals as colleagues, including the hosts of our Adulting on the Spectrum podcast, Autism Response Team associate, Tony Hernandez, and Board of Directors member, Dr. Stephen Shore.

With 66 years of combined experience on our human resources team, we have seen a lot of resumes and interviewed a lot of candidates both autistic and non-autistic. Now we want to share our knowledge with you. Below are our insider tips to help set autistic job seekers on a path to finding the right job, whether with Autism Speaks, or anywhere else.

Common Proficiencies Of People With Asd

You may have heard the axiom: If you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism. Like everyone else, people on the autism spectrum possess a wide range of skills, abilities and interests. However, many people with ASD demonstrate one or more of the following career proficiencies:

  • Visually oriented. Many individuals who are on the autism spectrum are strong visual thinkers. With a keen attention to detail, they can easily spot things others may miss and excel at intricate work.
  • Interested in animals. Children with autism often develop strong bonds with their pets. Because they can relate to an aversion to eye contact, loud noises and over-stimulation, people with ASD can be especially attuned to the needs of animals.
  • Good with facts. People with ASD have a tendency to approach situations logically, which can be helpful for making objective decisions. Many individuals on the spectrum enjoy research and develop an impressive knowledge base on a topic of interest.
  • High technical aptitude. For individuals who are very detail-oriented, technical skills often come easily. Many people with autism have a unique talent for learning the ins and outs of machines, systems or programs.

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Benefits Of Employing People With Autism

People with autism can hold regular, full-time jobs just like neurotypical people. In fact, autistic employees might perform better than their peers.

A study conducted in Australia reveals that there are no additional costs incurred when employing someone on the spectrum. It also concludes that the quality of work and the employees work ethic is higher in autistic employees than their neurotypical counterparts.

Chargeback, a Utah-based company that investigates credit card disputes, hired Carrie Tierney, an analyst with autism, to handle technical data and repetitive tasks. Tierney gets the work done in laser-like accuracy and in half the time as new analysts. Its president, Khalid El-Awady, says hes been very impressed and plans to hire more candidates like Tierney.

Based on these and other companies feedback, the benefits of employing people with autism are:

  • Better quality of work
  • Unique perspective
  • Less distracted by social interactions

This emerging phenomenon of integrating people with autism and other disabilities into the workforce is called neurodiversity. It is a new concept that has slowly taken off in the past few years.

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Other Considerations When Employing Adults With Autism

Pin on ADHD

Companies participating in these programs will need to go beyond adapting hiring and interview processes. Autism is considered a disability meaning that requests for accommodation by your employee population fall under the Americans with Disabilities Act which impacts employers with greater than 15 employees. Many of the companies are leading the charge in hiring this hidden talent pool. I am in agreement that adding leadership and manager training is also a step in the right direction, however, companies need to consider making additional accommodations they might not have considered:

  • Relocating autistic workers to quieter areas of the office. Open office environments can lend to sensory overload which can create challenges for your autistic workers who can become overloaded with all the sensory distractions an environment like this can make.
  • Honoring, anticipating and re-evaluating employee requests for accommodation. Take a look at your accommodation program as under the Americans with Disabilities Act. These are often small requests such as noise canceling headphones or wearing hats for light sensitivity inside the office.
  • Adding autism to your corporate diversity and respect training programs. Employers spend a great deal of time and effort on diversity training, respect and awareness programs. They need to consider updating their existing programs to include information and resources on autism for their employee and leadership teams.

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Jobs For Autistic Adults

Thankfully, public awareness of the wide spectrum of abilities of those with autism has gone up in recent years.

Gone are the days when autism was a scary word. People now realize that while some with autism have limited ability to work, many on the spectrum, can perform any job they wish and excel.

So, what are some of the best jobs for autistic adults? Keep reading to find out.

Other Issues To Consider

  • Health services coordination and medication administration
  • Behavioral and mental health support
  • Respite for caregivers
  • Support at home

Funding your physical home and paying for the supports you need are usually separate parts of this process. You’ll need to decide how you will pay for the residence, who will manage the property, who will pay the utilities, and who will contact the service providers for help.

For the actual physical house, you will need to consider the public and private funding options available in your state.

For service supports, you will need to consider applying for public funding – through Social Security and Medicaid – and/or private pay options. Find the service providers in your state.

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The Best Jobs For People With Autism

Grandin gives some great pointers for knowing what kind of jobs and careers for people with autism should look for. First, she explains that a good job should have a clearly defined goal, to avoid miscommunication or confusion. She also advises steering clear of jobs that might put stress on short-term memory, saying, Both high and low functioning people have a very poor short-term working memory, but they often have a better long-term memory than most normal people. This means jobs that require multitasking might be less suitable than a job that calls for high attention to detail or memorization.

As mentioned earlier, each person person with autism has unique needs, strengths, and abilities that will affect the type of job that fits them best. The following ideas are merely suggestionsareas of work that various people on the spectrum might perform well in. Please take into consideration the job candidates individuality.

  • Jobs that require visual thinking
  • Working with numbers

Identify And Practice Communication Skills

High Functioning Autism (It’s NOT what you think!!) | Patrons Choice

From being more patient with others to maintaining eye contact, interpersonal communication can cover a broad range of skills. Start by deciding which skills you want to improve on and why. For example, you might want to improve your understanding of nonverbal cues so you can tell when another person is disinterested in conversation. Or maybe you want to improve your active listening skills so you can get to know coworkers better.

Once you determine which skills you want to build, begin breaking them down into step-by-step processes. For example, to enhance your listening skills, you can minimize environmental distractions, visualize what the other person is saying, and then ask questions for clarification. Practice these skills with friends or family members who are willing to give you feedback. You can also choose to work with a therapist. Once you’re comfortable, start practicing your skills in real-world situations.

Don’t get too focused on perfection. And don’t feel pressure to build skills or make changes that you feel are unnecessary. Also, remember that communication is a two-way street. Your neurotypical peers should also be willing to put in effort to better communicate with you.

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Best Jobs For People With Autism In 2022

You are here:Home Career Ideas Jobs For People With Autism

If you have been told that you are on the autism spectrum, one of the concerns you might have is about how hard it will be getting a job with autism.

You or your family and friends might be wondering if there are jobs for autistic adults. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of positions for you to consider.

Some of them do not require any formal training, and others you can gain the skills to do in two years or less.

One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are thinking about autism employment opportunities is to consider your likes, dislikes, and skills.

Keep in mind that these are good jobs for people with autism, but you will find many others doing them who are not on the spectrum.

A Guide To Adult Autism In The Workplace

For adults on the autism spectrum, searching for a job can be challenging. You might feel confident in your job skills but intimidated by the recruitment and interview process, which is often a test of social skills. Once you land a job, you may face additional challenges remaining employed while maintaining your sense of well-being. You might find yourself in uncomfortable environments that overload your senses, or end up working alongside people who misunderstand or even discriminate against you.

While it can be frustrating to find that work culture often caters to the preferences of your neurotypical peers, not working a steady job can make you feel unproductive or inhibit your financial independence. The good news is that it’s possible for you to find employers who are open to the concept of neurodiversity. These types of employers will often work to accommodate your needs, and, as a result, their businesses will benefit from your unique skills and expertise.

So, how do you find jobs for people with autism? And how can you thrive in the workplace? It helps to identify your challenges, play to your strengths, and know how to navigate setbacks. Armed with that knowledge, you can feel more confident applying to jobs and feel more at ease while working a job.

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Choosing The Right Job For People With Autism Or Aspergers Syndrome

Temple Grandin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA

Jobs need to be chosen that make use of the strengths of people with autism or Aspergers syndrome. Both high and low functioning people have very poor short-term working memory, but they often have a better long-term memory than most normal people. I have great difficulty with tasks that put high demands on short-term working memory. I cannot handle multiple tasks at the same time. Table 1 is a list of BAD jobs that I would have great difficulty doing. Table 2 is a list of easy jobs for a visual thinker like me. I have difficulty doing abstract math such as algebra and most of the jobs on Table 2 do not require complex math. Many of the visual thinking jobs would also be good for people with dyslexia.

Some job tips for people with autism or Aspergers syndrome:

  • Jobs should have a well-defined goal or endpoint.
  • Sell your work, not your personality. Make a portfolio of your work.
  • The boss must recognize your social limitations.

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