Thursday, July 25, 2024

Online Games For Autistic Adults

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Why Do Games Work Though

Interactive Play (2/7) | Autism at Home

The question you may be asking by now is why do games work? Or why choose games at all? Ive listed the issues they can cause and the benefits they can have, so why not go with a solution that doesnt have the issues. Well, unfortunately, there arent many solutions that dont have issues. And as people with autism have an innate connection with a visual interaction and technology, games I believe are the better option.

The reason that games are good for those with autism is multi-layered.

The first reason is that a game delivers the player a simplified version of the real world. It removes much of the complexity to get you engaged quickly. There are no intricate systems like language and the social interactions around them that you need to learn first to be able to play the game.

Secondly, a game requires you to give it your full attention, to concentrate only on it. That comes naturally to those with autism, with their predisposition for intense interest. And the reward for this complete attention to the game is that you are given instant feedback in a clear and understandable package.

Thirdly, if designed well, a game is intuitive. This relates to the simplified version of the real world. Those with autism still have the same basic innate tools as everyone else, just theirs arent available in the same way as everyone elses might be. And a well-designed game still allows them to intuitively use those skills and perhaps even better than they could in the real world.

What Are Your Tips For Running A Successful Fundraiser And How Can People Start Their Own

Start early. Find people who have run a fundraiser before and ask their advice. Research your cause, find something youre comfortable doing and most importantly do it for the fun of it. As long as you are doing something you enjoy, you can raise awareness as people will come and enjoy it with you if people donate money at the same time, even better.

Wacky Tracks Snap And Click Fidget Toys

A long-time favorite for kids and adults with special needs, Snap and Click toys from Neliblu are made up multicolored links that click audibly when bent into different shapes. The auditory and tactile feedback these fidget toys provide is great for helping people with ASD stay focused or calm down.

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Stories From The Spectrum: Barrington Campbell

Meet Barrington, an autistic person who put his gaming skills to great use by raising money for the National Autistic Society, to help create a world that works for autistic people.

Barrington tells us about hosting an online game stream-a-thon, how online gaming can help reduce social isolation for autistic people and adapting his fundraiser during the coronavirus outbreak. He also shares his tips for running a successful fundraising event

It Can Be Difficult To Set A Time Constraint

Social Skills Online Games Autism

For many people with autism, gaming is considered a hobby not just a way to pass the time. For this reason, it can be difficult to negotiate a time constraint with a child who genuinely sees their video game console or PC as a means to cope . The best course of action, weve found, is to create a Behavior Contract with your child. This is a written agreement between parent and child that outlines a specific behavior, a set time by which it must be completed each day, and a resulting consequence depending on compliance. A document like this is most helpful when your child plays a role in writing it alongside you . Children with ASD usually prefer highly specific guidelines for behavior and predictable outcomes rather than vague rules and consequences.

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Tell Us About Your Fundraiser

My fundraiser was all about interacting with people and building a community. I hosted a stream-a-thon for the National Autistic Society. I was meant to go to my friends houses and stream playing games with them, but this ended because of the coronavirus outbreak, so we played lots of games online instead. I have a Twitch channel, a live video streaming platform , and I streamed playing games for a week, Monday to Sunday, twice a day, for six hours at a time. I usually played multiplayer games, such as online tabletop or board game simulators, so the community could play together. I played Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild solo in the evenings. We also held a Sea of Thieves Obsidian six item pack give-away, which was immensely popular. On one day, 78 people were watching the stream at any given time, and over the course of a week about 500 people joined the stream collectively. We raised £655.

Carry On The Conversation:

What are some of your favourite books, TV programmes and indoor games that you can recommend for lockdown? Let me know in the comments below. And, if you havent checked out last weeks comprehensive guide to Autism & Covid-19, then make sure to read that once youre done.

As always, I can also be found on Twitter @AutismRevised and via my email:

If you like what you have seen on the site today, then show your support by liking the . Also, dont forget to sign up to the Autistic & Unapologetic newsletter where I share weekly updates as well as a fascinating fact I have found throughout the week.

Thank you for reading and I will see you next week for more thoughts from across the spectrum.

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Aiko & Egor Animation 4 Autism

Android rating: 4.6Categories: Educational, Entertainment, Functional Skills

Aiko & Egor is a family sharing app. It shows simplified animations and interactive characters where the user can imitate and interact. It can help children to learn about underwater characters. It is best recommended to be watched together with parents and their kids.

Educational Insights Teachable Touchables Textures And Shapes Game

AKSION: the game app for autistic children

Is it silky or soft? Scratchy or Slippery? Build tactile fine motor skills through this fun social game. Encourage sensory social play at home or on the go! The product is made from textured material and pieces are approximately 3 inches x 3 inches in size. The textured pieces come in a portable drawstring bag making organization and clean up a breeze. Great for all kids but an amazing game addition for a nonverbal autistic child as well.

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Fun Outdoor Activities For Autistic Children

1. Playing with bubbles

Age: 3 to 5 years
Benefits: Motor-coordination and social skills

Bubble play can be a fun activity for your child. One of the main benefits of bubble play is that it encourages parent-child interaction. Since your child needs your support in blowing the bubbles, he will make more eye-to-eye contact with you or try to communicate verbally using a sound or a word. This activity is also good for motor development as your child will run around quite a bit trying to catch and burst the bubbles.

2. Throw a ball

Ages: 3 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years
Benefits: Motor-coordination, self-confidence and social skills
Suitable for: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disability

Physical play can enhance your child’s awareness of his body and build endurance. More than that, participating in a sports activity can do a lot to your child’s psyche. Line up some plastic glasses and play a bowling game. According to your child’s abilities, you can also consider including rules or involve him in a more formal game.

3. Splash in the water

Ages: 3 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years
Benefits: Motor coordination and social skills
Suitable for: Autism Spectrum Disorders

Water is therapeutic. Playing in the water can calm and soothe your child’s nerves. For a younger child, add some bath toys to an inflatable pool and let her have fun. Make sure an adult is supervising when the child is in the water. An older child can have fun outdoors with a garden hose or sprinkler.

The Connection Between Autism And Video Game Addiction

In 2020, the CDC reported that 1 in every 54 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder . Boys are also four times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with this condition. There are three levels of autism, each with a varying degree of symptoms and severity. Common symptoms associated with ASD include behavioral disturbances, poor eye contact, inappropriate social interactions, and abnormal tone of voice and speech.

Individuals with ASD are at higher risk of developing other behavioral and health issues including depression, anxiety, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder , attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder , and epilepsy. Research shows that those with ASD are also prone to addictive behaviors, including video game addiction.

Playing video games is a preferred pastime for billions of people of all ages and genders. Unfortunately, what starts as a form of entertainment can quickly spiral into a debilitating addiction. Studies suggest that children with ASD are more likely to develop an addiction to video games than those who dont have this diagnosis.

Here well explore exactly what autism spectrum disorder is, why individuals with ASD are drawn to video games, and how to address addictive symptoms and behaviors.


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Benefits And Areas Of Improvement: Digital Games

Engineers who design complex games for use in ASC interventions, often in collaboration with autistic individuals and special educators, benefit from their ability to provide in-depth descriptions of the game development process. Such detail is undoubtedly of use to future developers hoping to build upon these advancements. Indeed, many of these games appear to be primarily developed to showcase what can be technologically possible in an ASC intervention. These technological innovations almost certainly offer improvements regarding an intervention’s novelty and the player’s immersive experience within the game. As autistic people report high levels of enjoyment when engaging with digital media , it is not surprising that many game-based interventions rely on computerized technology. Digital games offer several advantages over analog games, including in-built performance tracking, more effortless customization, and improved visual engagement that may be particularly important for people with ASC.

Autism Read & Write Pro

Autism Awareness Bingo Card

AndroidCategories: Educational, Speech

The Autism Read & Write is a free app designed for children with autism. This family-friendly app provides assistance for your child to identify things found at home, at school, and in other places. Can help them understand what they read, write, and learn in their own space and time.

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Play Noncompetitive Games And Sports

Introduce noncompetitive activities like swimming, biking or dancing to increase fun among peers.

You can also change the rules to competitive games and sports as you build camaraderie and introduce your loved one to a broad range of playful experiences they can enjoy with others.

For example, kick a soccer ball back and forth, reduce the rules for board games and work together to stack Jenga blocks instead of competing to pull out the blocks.

Sensory Activities For Kids With Autism

1. Create a sensory tub

Age: 3 to 5 years
Benefits: Motor coordination and problem solving
Suitable for: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Speech and Language Delay.

Processing sensory information can be a challenge for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders or other developmental delays. A sensory bin can come in handy to integrate your child’s senses and improve his attention. Take a big, shallow tub and add household items like rice, lentils or flour. You can also add food colour to make it interesting. Let your child scoop, pour, measure, etc., and have a blast.

2. Sorting with snacks

Age: 3 to 5 years
Benefits: Motor coordination and problem solving

Give your child a plate with a variety of snacks that are different in shape, colour and texture. Ask your child to sort the snacks based on these characteristics. You can also use this sensory activity to teach basic maths skills such as addition and subtraction. Reward your child if he cooperates well with the activity by letting him eat the snack.

3. Colourful ice painting art

Age: 3 to 5 years
Benefits: Colour recognition, observation skills

This is a fun and simple sensory activity that you can introduce to your child. Fill an ice tray with acrylic paints and allow it to freeze in the refrigerator. You can take the paints out once frozen and let your child draw beautiful patterns with them on a sheet of paper. The sensory stimulation from using the cold ice paint will surely delight your child.

4. Jewellery with yummy snacks

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Happy Or Not: Emotion And Feelings Card Game For Children With Autism

Being able to read emotions is paramount to having appropriate social interactions in childhood. Children with autism tend to struggle with reading emotions and need a bit of extra help. When emotions are misread, this may lead to inappropriate behavior and social confusion. Practicing on how to read emotions and feelings is an important skill when it comes to social acceptance.

Autism Awareness Month: Are Video Games Good For Kids Affected By Autism

Autism & Video Games: Gavin’s Story

Parents concerned about risks can also weigh the potential benefits.

Carl Frisell

There is an ongoing controversy as to whether video games and technology are good for kids affected by autism.

On the one hand, it seems like dozens of new apps and games are being developed for kids on the spectrum every month and that these tools are being widely used in school special education programs for kids with autism. In addition, parents of kids diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders have observed how these games and technologies are a source of engagement, learning and contentment for their kids. Perhaps most important, video games are tools for digital play, and helping kids with autism learn to play is the same as helping them to learn.

On the other hand, parents report that kids affected by autism can become so focused on video game play that they refuse to do any other activity. And there are studies that support these observations that kids on the autism spectrum tend to become overly engaged in a video game play, can become inattentive as a result of extended game play, or develop obsessions .

Parents report that kids affected by autism can become so focused on video game play that they refuse to do any other activity.

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Carry On The Conversation

Lets be honest, a list containing 20 entries isnt even close to scratching the surface when it comes to available options for activities, sports and hobbies for people with autism, so let me know what I have missed in the comments below.

As always, I can be found on Twitter @AutismRevised and via my email:

If you like what you have seen on the site today, then show your support by liking the and signing up to the Autistic & Unapologetic newsletter .

Thank you for reading and I will see you next Saturday for more thoughts from across the spectrum.

The Issues That Arise With Children Who Have Autism

Children with autism develop differently than those with typical development. A strength area that arises very quickly with those that have autism are nonverbal skills. Nonverbal skills are usually those focused on visual and physical acuity. Though the underlying issue with this is that they then have regular verbal communication problems.

Gaming, therefore, is great for the skill area of nonverbal communication. As many games require a pure cognitive understanding of their framework and do not require you to talk to them to make them understand. Games such as puzzles and memory match games focus in on the visual and physical skills and are great ways to start engaging on a nonverbal level.

Though as a parent or guardian you must always be aware of the problems a lack of verbal communication can bring, especially in the virtual world of gaming. I will list some of the issues that you should be aware of that are associated with problematic video game use. And after that, I will lay out for you how games, with proper supervision and support, can overcome these problems and lead to more beneficial experiences.

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Great Games And Toys For People With Autism Spectrum Disorder

If youre caring for a child or adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder , its likely youve watched them deal with some level of hyper- or hypo-sensitivity to their surroundings. ASD affects sensory processing so that sounds, touch sensations, and other stimuli feel either too overwhelming or too muted to ground them in their environment. This can make it difficult for children and adults with ASD to stay calm and focused in a typical classroom setting, for example, or to interact with others in their peer groups.

By stimulating the senses in a controlled way, sensory toysand games can be a useful tool for people with ASD beyond the function of pure entertainment.

Toys that allow children to interact with a variety of textures, sounds, and shapes are great for encouraging and sensory development, while those that promote swinging, rocking, or spinning movements help to establish a sense of balance and core strength. For adults, fidget toys, puzzles, and other means of physical and mental stimulation can calm anxiety and improve focus.

Read on for 6 examples of toys that are educational and fun for people with ASD at various age ranges.

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