Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Every Teacher Should Know About Autism

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Role Of Teacher In Developing Autistic Child

Autism Spectrum Disorder: 10 things you should know

Role of teacher in the development of autistic children is multifarious. The teacher of an autistic child often carry the roles of a surrogate parent, mentor, counselor, role model, planner, and many other related roles. It needs great patience, high dedication, and strong perseverance to develop a child with autism. So, it is, indeed a daunting task for anyone to nurture and develop an autistic child as a teacher. Everybody cannot provide so much service to a disabled child in all respect.

Good teachers helped me to achieve success. I was able to overcome autism because I had good teachers. At age 2 1/2 I was placed in a structured nursery school with experienced teachers. From an early age I was taught to have good manners and to behave at the dinner table. Children with autism need to have a structured day, and teachers who know how to be firm but gentle. Temple Grandin, Ph.D.

Here, we can find a;letter;written by a mother to a caregiver of an autistic child in recognition of her dedication. She certainly deserves lots of appreciation for her outstanding contribution to the development of a child with autism.

I have an autistic boy of 22 years old. I know, autism is a lifelong disability;and until today there is no treatment for curing autism. But the teachers can play a great role to make him self-dependent as far as possible.

Role of a Parent as Teacher

Role of a School Teacher

If they cant learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn. Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas

Not All Autism Is The Same And Neither Is Every Child With Autism

Its called the Autism Spectrum because autism actually covers a wide scope of complex disorders in brain development. Included are Aspergers Syndrome, classic autism and; Pervasive Developmental Disorder, among others.; The types of autism range in everything from communication skills, anxiety, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors, among other things. As with any kid, a child with autism should be treated as an individual with his or her own set of abilities and preferences.

We Cant Just Get A Babysitter

Generally, when parents need a night away, they hire a babysitter. Simple right? Well, not if youre the parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum. Kids with autism exhibit different behaviors than do neurotypical children. For one, parents leaving isnt just annoying, its disturbing on an emotional level. That makes it very hard for an autistic child to settle down while a babysitter is running the house.

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How Do You Teach Students With Autism Spectrum

The number of students with autism is on the rise. So a deep understanding of the strategies and social skills needed to handle a class of autistic children is extremely important.

Listed are some tried and true strategies that will ensure every autistic child receives the best education possible.

These strategies apply to both the classroom and home environments.

  • Structure or routine is the name of the game when it comes to autism. Maintain the same daily routine, only making exceptions for special occasions. During such moments, place a distinct picture that depicts the days events in the child’s personal planner.

  • Design an environment free of stimulating factors:

    a. Avoid playing loud background music as it makes it difficult for the autistic child to concentrate.

    b. Eliminate stress because autistic children quickly pick up on negative emotions. So for example, if youre experiencing too much stress, leave the classroom until you feel better.

    c. Maintain a low and clear voice when engaging the class. Students with autism get easily agitated and confused if a speaking voice is too loud.

    d. Some autistic people find fluorescent lights distracting because they can see the flicker of the 60-cycle electricity. To mitigate this effect:

  • Place the child’s desk near the window or try to avoid using fluorescent lights altogether.

  • If the lights are unavoidable, use the newest bulbs you have as they flicker less.

  • Here are some statements you can recite on difficult days:

    Dont Take The Hurtful Words Personally

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    Because children with autism often lack social skills, they sometimes make comments we would consider mean or inappropriate. Teachers should be prepared to be on the receiving end of those hurtful words. Instead of taking the comments personally, teachers should find the strength to lead by example with words of praise and positivity.

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    Remain Calm Even During Problem Behavior

    It is easy to get flustered or even upset when a student has a tantrum in the middle of the classroom; the key is to remain calm. ;Students with autism will sometimes communicate using problem behavior when they dont have a more effective method of communication. During situations such as these, it is important to keep your reactions as neutral as possible . Present easy prompts to increase compliance and reestablish instructional control following problem behavior.

    Understand That Children With Autism Need Extra Time To Process Language

    Perhaps one of the most important things all teachers need to know about autism in the classroom is that children on the autism spectrum need more time to process language. If you receive a blank stare after giving verbal directions, understand that the child is likely still processing. Help him out by repeating the directions with the same words. Changing up the words will only require him to begin his process over again.

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    Every Person With Autism Is Unique

    ASD has spectrum in the title for a reason. Every person with ASD experiences autism differently. Some individuals will be very talkative and crave social interaction or things like physical touch, while others may be nearly or completely nonverbal and extremely agitated by social interaction. As Executive Editor of SheKnows, Nancy Prince who also has a 10 year old son who was diagnosed with autism at 21 months puts it, Some kids with autism are very affectionate while others shy away from hugs. Some talk a lot, some mainly repeat the same things, and others dont talk at all and everything in betweenThe variations are huge. Although early intervention is integral in helping individuals with autism cope with certain triggers and various other effects of ASD, many go on to live fulfilling, successful lives. A child with ASD may face more scrutiny and, thus, have a more difficult time when feeling misunderstood. In her book, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, author and mother of sons with autism and ADHD, Ellen Notbohm, offers a perspective of a child diagnosed with autism.

    Use Teaching Methods Which Support Their Strengths

    5 Things Teachers Should Know About Students With High-Functioning Autism

    Just like children who arent on the spectrum, autistic children have different strengths and weakness, yet theirs are a bit more extreme. They might be capable of extraordinary things, having an outstanding talent for math, arts, or music, but at the same time, they might be incapable of spelling their name correctly. This is why you should apply teaching techniques which support their talents rather than focus on improving their bad pronunciation. If you need help understanding your autistic students, you can always reach out to Behaviour Zenand ask their professional help and opinion on the matter. You shouldnt try to prevent their repetitive patterns, or try to change their behaviour, as such approaches will only cause them to become anxious, angry, or even provoke acts of violence.

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    For General Education Teachers: Helpful Questions To Ask About Students With Asd

    ;Kim Davis, M.S.

    Many students with an autism spectrum disorder are included in general education classes. In some instances, the general education teacher may be comfortable with having a student with ASD enrolled in his or her class. Yet, some general education teachers may feel a sense of discomfort or fear, or maybe even overwhelmed and unsure. These are all legitimate feelings which may lead to undesirable behaviors or attitudes from those teachers. Let’s take a minute to begin to understand those feelings and behaviors.

    When a student with ASD is included in a general education class, that student can enter with a preconceived;reputation;based on past experiences between the student, the student’s family, and other school staff. In many cases, if the reputation is positive; the inclusion process can move forward smoothly. In other cases, where the reputation is not so positive, the process can be filled with resentment, discomfort, and even anger. These feelings can also be generated when a teacher suddenly feels unsure or inadequate in his or her skills. The anger and resentment may have nothing to do with the student at all, but be a very personal response to the situation.

    The following questions can help you get to know the specific child with autism and allow you insights that are different from test scores and IEP goals.

    • How soon will I have a copy of the IEP?
    • Who will explain all the jargon and special education language to me?
  • What is a behavior plan?
  • Learn About The Autism Spectrum

    Every child is unique in their own way. The same can be said about students with autism.

    There no one type of autism student. Autism comes in many different forms all across the spectrum. First of all, it is important to note that there are way more people with autism than we think. The thing is, autism is a wide spectrum and many can leave on this spectrum without even realizing it or being diagnosed.

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    Lets Not Discuss Your Theories

    So much is unknown about autism, that no one really knows the whys and hows. And yes, that includes you . Dont ask how my child got autism, and please dont offer your theories. The causes are generally considered to be unknown as yet, and is considered a very controversial and contentious topic, says Price. Instead, she suggests, ask questions like what were the first signs we noticed, or how they ended up getting a diagnosis.

    >>;Autism therapies: What educational and medical interventions are available?

    Communicate With The Parents

    Should the teacher know my child has autism?

    This may come as an obvious comment, but communication with the student’s parents is the key to understanding the child and finding the best learning tactics. There is no one who knows this child better than his parents. They have already tried many ways and strategies while educating and raising them. They know what works and what can cause an emotional breakdown. Learning from them will be the fastest path to understanding your future teaching strategy. To learn more, you can to see what other help a student can get online.

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    Teaching Students With Autism

    Research has shown most individuals with autism have problems with communication, language, social, and cognitive skills. Individuals with this disorder may learn better through the use of visual aids, imitation, and structured environments that offer various sensory inputs and routines. Since most students with autism do better with specific routines, a structured learning environment can make the child feel more secure and open to learning.

    Remain Calm During Even The Worst Behavior

    It is important to remember that children on the autism spectrum do not melt down to cause a disturbance. Rather, they melt down because all of their senses are in turmoil and its the only thing to do. As a teacher, the best thing for you to do is to remain a calming and supportive presence. The world during a meltdown is already terrifying; the child doesnt need a panicking or angry teacher to add to it.

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    Present Your Autistic Students With Clear Choices

    All children, including those on the autism spectrum, benefit from clear choices. Try not to ask an open-ended question such as: What activity would you like to play at recess today? Instead, ask: Would you rather play Sharks and Minnows or Capture the Flag? Such clear choices allow for less processing time, fewer arguments, and a greater sense of the classroom as community.

    What Teachers Can Do

    Episode12 – 10 Things Every Teachers Should Know about Autism – Kamini Lakhani

    Many students with autism can thrive in a structured environment, so establish a routine and keep it as consistent as possible. Adhering to daily schedules and allowing ample time for transitions can help with many students’ behavioral issues and frustrations.

    Instructional support is often needed within the classroom setting. Students with autism learn better with pictures and demonstrations. Limit long verbal instructions and provide visual cues and written instructions, when possible. Also limit distractions and use positive rewards for positive behaviors.

    Many people with autism have strong passions and deep interests. Getting to know your students’ likes and dislikes can help you understand what motivates them. Students with autism can participate in most activities that other kids and teens do, so provide encouragement to participate when appropriate.

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    A Teachers Brief Guide To Teaching Students With High

    Learn more about talents and challenges in children with high-functioning autism. Get tips on how to make your classroom welcoming and supportive, including lots of ideas for creating physical and instruictional supports, and how to use specific interests to jumpstart learning adventures with other subjects.

    Rise To The Challenge

    Positive Action recognizes the value of each and every person. We help special needs students integrate into mainstream classrooms while equipping them with the essential skills and motivation to thrive.

    Positive Action can help you assess your special education students needs and plan how to meet them with Individualized Education Plans.

    I am very grateful for these lessons. They fulfill a need that so many children are lacking in the educational process today. Linda Davis, 2nd Grade Teacher, Davis Elementary

    If you want to see how Positive Action can increase educational success at your institution or organization contact us by phone, chat, or email or schedule a webinar with us below.

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    Ten Things Every Teacher Should Know

    School is just around the corner for your sweet child.

    As you know, your childs teacher spends five days, and approximately 40-hours with your child each week. School is practically his second home. The teacher is there to help your child grow mentally and emotionally, and in addition to academics, she teaches your child many life-, social-, and communication skills in his classroom environment. It is therefore very important to communicate from the start and keep in contact with your childs teacher throughout the school year to help her contribute to his progress and success.

    I know this can be very challenging, especially if you had upsetting interactions with a teacher in the past. There are things you can do to help though, starting with getting everyone on the same page. Lets start the school year on the right foot.

    Here are ten things every teacher should know about you and your child:

    4.; Special interests:The teacher will benefit from knowing about your childs special interests.; You can prepare a list for her by writing down 10 activities or toys that your child likes. You can create a scrapbook filled with activities and photos of his interests, which your child can help prepare. He can then share this book with the teacher so that they can more easily connect.

    What do you want your childs teacher to know about your child?

    What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    ASD is a child developmental disorder that causes significant challenges in social skills, communication, and behavior in young children and lasts into adulthood.

    The learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities of students with autism can range from gifted to severely challenged. Thus, some require more help in their daily lives while others need less.

    An ASD diagnosis now includes several conditions that used to be diagnosed separately:

    • Autism

    These conditions are now collectively referred to as autism spectrum disorder.

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    Be Aware Of Sensory Issues What They Are And Why They Can Be A Problem

    You probably dont realize your own sensory issues when you have them. If the music is too loud, you turn it down; if youre too warm, you remove your sweater. But children on the autism spectrum cannot deal with sensory issues like neurotypical people because their senses tend to provide them with unreliable information. Before welcoming an autistic child into the classroom, teachers should become aware of exactly what sensory issues are, and what kinds of sensory issues they are likely to encounter in the classroom.

    Barney Angliss Sen And Disability Consultant

    Barney highlights that teachers often ask what they can do to reduce interruptions and repetitive behaviours, which includes the negatives like calling out and also the huge positives like trying to answer every question and trying to challenge other pupils’ inappropriate behaviours. My view is that interruptions are more likely to occur when the flow of the lesson is less structured and predictable, explains Barney. So use a consistent pattern in every lesson which helps the autistic child to feel secure. Repetitive behaviours are chosen by the child to increase the feeling of control and block out unwanted thoughts. So, if the repetitive behaviours are undesirable, offer the child other ways to feel in control, including lots of topic-related tasks, practice tasks and responsibilities around the room which support purposeful interactions with peers. Movement breaks are also helpful and, for regular stimmers , these might include going to another room to tap, hum, clap or rock for a short time.

    • More than four in ten families have been turned away when asking for the extra help their child needs, with 42% refused an education, health and care assessment the first time it was requested.
    • Nearly 70% of parents say their child waited more than six months for support at school and 50% waited more than a year.
    • 40% of parents say that their childs school place does not fully meet their needs.

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