Wednesday, July 24, 2024

When Did Your Autistic Child Start Talking

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Communication And Interaction Tips For Asd

Getting Your Child with Autism to Talk

There are no hard-and-fast rules on how to communicate with a child with ASD. But many family members have had success with these tips:

It can be challenging to interact with a child or grandchild with ASD. But it is one of the most important things you can do to help that child learn. Research shows that early, frequent, and loving involvement of family members is one of the best ways to help children with ASD.

When Did Your Autistic Child Start Talking

My son is a little over 2 and half years old and still says ZERO words. He doesnt even imitate words or sounds. He doesnt seem to understand a lot either. We are worried he may stay non verbal. He does communicate in his own way by pointing and directing us to what he wants. When did your child start talking?ETA: he does babble a lot though, thing he didnt do much of before.

I dont have a child with Autism, but have worked with many.each one has a different story. Are you working with a speech therapist yet? Have you tried teaching him some sign language or picture symbols for communication? Now is the time.early intervention is key. Good luck!

My son was in ST from 3 years old. He only started being verbal around 5 and even then it was slow going. Hes 13 now and has been tested for having grade level vocabulary but part of the speech disorder he has, he only strings together short phrases and words. Its very possible they comprehend far more than they can express.

My younger son, Basil, is 4 and has sensory processing disorder. He started really talking a little after he turned two. He still has a lot of trouble, but is very talkative now. We havent done any therapies as of yet. I just work with him at home.

Are There Red Flags That Dont Indicate Autism

Even if there is an issue, chances are very good that the problem is not autism . Autism spectrum disorders are characterized, not by a single delay or eccentricity, but rather by a constellation of symptoms. 1 Whats more, those symptoms must not only be present but must also be significant enough to impair function.

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Will My Nonverbal Autistic Child Ever Talk

Within the autism spectrum, roughly 40% of children are considered to be nonverbal. This percentage seems very high and is also a depressing outlook for parents whose children are nonverbal. But there is one recent research study that holds promising results for nonverbal autistic children and late speech development.

A study from the Center for Autism and Related Disorders looked at 535 children diagnosed with autism between the ages of 8 to 17. All participants experienced extreme language delays at four years old. At the age of 4, the participants language delays included nonverbal and only simple words or phrases.

The research study found the following positive results for children with nonverbal autism:

  • 47% of participants became fluent speakers
  • 70% spoke were later able to speak in simple sentences
  • In an effort to predict if nonverbal children with autism would develop speech, it was found that most participants had higher IQs than previously thought
  • Repetitive behaviors and intense interests didnt affect language development
  • This study published in Pediatrics holds promising hope for parents wondering if their nonverbal child with autism will ever talk. Although 70% of the children developed speech enough to only say simple phrases. I believe any language development is a positive step forward for a nonverbal child!

    What Does Nonverbal Autism Mean

    10 Tips to Get Your Autistic Child to Talk

    Nonverbal autism is not a diagnosis within itself. It simply means a child or person struggles with verbal communication. For those in the autism spectrum, theres no clear-cut line between verbal and nonverbal autism. Like autism spectrum disorder itself, its complicated.

    Here are a few examples of how complicated nonverbal communication is within the autism spectrum:

    • Some children with autism will say simple words to communicate what they want. For instance, a child will say car to mean I want to go for a car ride. But for those who dont know the child, they will think the child is just identifying the vehicle. While this child can use simple words to ask a question, he/she cannot answer a follow-up question like Where do you want to go?
    • Other children are able to use more complex words, but they lack meaningfulness. Example: They can echo or recite sentences from movies or scripts learned from a therapist. When this type of nonverbal communication is done, the child is not communicating their wants or needs.
    • Many children with nonverbal autism are able to communicate there wants and needs through sign language, flashcards or digital devices.

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    Vocabulary And Communication Patterns

    Between the ages of 2 and 3, kids have a huge jump in language skills:

    • At age 2, most kids can follow directions and say 50 or more words. Many combine words in short phrases and sentences. Kids this age usually can follow two-step instructions, such as “pick up the ball and bring it to Daddy.”

    Kids should be using language freely and starting to solve problems and learn concepts. They usually can engage in a simple question-and-answer session. They also can count three objects correctly, begin to tell stories, and know their first and last name.

    How Likely Is It That I Could Have Another Child With Autism

  • Clinical Corner
  • How likely is it that
  • I am a parent of a young boy with autism. I dont know of any other individuals in my family with an autism diagnosis but am considering having more children. How likely is it that I could have another child with autism?

    Answered by Scott M. Myers, MD, FAAP, Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician, Geisinger Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute, Lewisburg, PA.

    This important question is asked by many parents who are considering having more children. The answer depends greatly on whether a specific genetic cause of your childs autism spectrum disorder has been identified. Currently, genetic testing can identify a specific cause in approximately 15% of children with ASD, and this information allows more accurate counseling about recurrence risk for the individual family. In instances where a genetic cause is unknown, different types of studies have found varying rates of recurrence risk.

    For families in which a genetic cause of ASD has been identified, the recurrence risk varies significantly depending on the type of genetic problem found. For example, the risk could be as high as 50%, as in the case of a child who inherits a specific extra segment of DNA on the 15th chromosome from his/her mother. Or, the recurrence risk could be as low as 1% or less if the child has a small missing or extra section of DNA that is not carried by either parent.


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    What Age Should My Son/daughter Start To Talk


    Syed asks, My son is 2 1/2 and does not talk yet. He has no words, only babbling. He has also signs of autism like hand-flapping, walking on his tip-toes, and other forms of stimming. He is registered at our local special needs office where we live. We are very worried about him and my question is: at what age should he start to talk?


    Hi Syed! Im so glad youre seeking help since you have concerns about your sons development. I encourage you, and all parents, to follow your instincts when you feel something isnt quite right with your childs development.

    Different specialists may have different answers for exactly when a child should start talking. However, research shows that children typically begin producing babbling sounds in infancy. These sounds may be things like babagagaooh, etc. Then words begin to emerge, many times with things like mama, dada, papa or ba-ba at first.

    Tip : Create A Personalized Autism Treatment Plan

    Getting Your Autistic Child to Talk

    With so many different treatments available, it can be tough to figure out which approach is right for your child. Making things more complicated, you may hear different or even conflicting recommendations from parents, teachers, and doctors.

    When putting together a treatment plan for your child, keep in mind that there is no single treatment that works for everyone. Each person on the autism spectrum is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses.

    Your childs treatment should be tailored according to their individual needs. You know your child best, so its up to you to make sure those needs are being met. You can do that by asking yourself the following questions:

    What are my childs strengths and their weaknesses?

    What behaviors are causing the most problems? What important skills is my child lacking?

    How does my child learn best through seeing, listening, or doing?

    What does my child enjoy and how can those activities be used in treatment and to bolster learning?

    Finally, keep in mind that no matter what treatment plan is chosen, your involvement is vital to success. You can help your child get the most out of treatment by working hand-in-hand with the treatment team and following through with the therapy at home.

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    When Is It Decided An Autistic Child Is Verbal/nonverbal

    Each individual develops at their own rate. However, research showed that one third to half of parents of autistic children noticed issues before their childs first birthday. Also, around 80% to 90% saw problems before the child turned 2.

    There are certain symptoms that may indicate that the child has verbal/nonverbal autism. Here are some:

    • Not responding to their name by the age of 1
    • Not babbling towards parents or caregivers by the age of 1
    • Not pointing at objects of interest by the age of 14 months
    • Not imitating the parents or caregivers by the age of 18 months
    • Repeating words over and over
    • Flapping their hands
    • Not meeting developmental milestones in terms of speech and language

    Risk Of Having A Second Child With Autism Shockingly High Study Shows

    Megan Ogilvietimer

    Parents who have one child with autism have a one-in-five chance of having another child with the disorder a much higher risk than previously thought, a major new study has found.

    The risk jumps to one-in-four if the parents are having a boy, and goes even higher to one-in-three if the parents have two children with autism spectrum disorder.

    This represents a major change in estimates of risk to younger siblings, said Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, a study co-author and professor of pediatrics at the University of Alberta.

    Previously, geneticists had estimated the risk of having a second child being diagnosed with autism at between 3 and 10 per cent.

    Researchers say the findings will help parents of children with autism make family planning decisions. The study also underscores the importance of closely watching younger siblings for signs of autism so that interventional therapy can be started as early as possible.

    It emphasizes that younger siblings truly need to be carefully monitored, Zwaigenbaum said.

    The international study, which included researchers from Edmonton, Halifax and Toronto, is the largest yet to investigate the risk of autism recurrence among siblings.

    It found infants who had older siblings with autism have a 19 per cent chance of being diagnosed with the disorder. The risk rises to 26 per cent for male infants, and 32 per cent for infants who have two or more older siblings with autism.

    Gender selection is a worry, Roberts said.

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    Signs Of Nonverbal Communication Difficulties

    • Avoids eye contact.
    • Uses facial expressions that dont match what they are saying
    • Doesnt pick up on other peoples facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures.
    • Makes very few gestures . May come across as cold or robot-like.
    • Reacts unusually to sights, smells, textures, and sounds. May be especially sensitive to loud noises. Can also be unresponsive to people entering/leaving, as well as efforts by others to attract the childs attention.
    • Atypical posture, clumsiness, or eccentric ways of moving .

    Children with autism spectrum disorder have trouble picking up on subtle nonverbal cues and using body language. This makes the give-and-take of social interaction very difficult.

    Unique Concerns For Parents With Children At Risk For Autism

    Parents Talk Openly About Autism

    Metallothionein and chelator use because of mercury in vaccines

    Walsh et al from the Pfeiffer institute presented a study to the American Psychiatric Association in May 2001 suggesting that an inborn error in metallothionein proteins in autism may interfere with clearing toxic metals as well as interfere with immune function. In fact, parents need to know that Walsh has not measured metallothionein in autism, but merely makes inferences from treatment responses recorded in his centre, which has a proprietary interest in zinc products marketed for people with autism. Dr Amy Holmes has considerable credibility as a concerned paediatrician. Holmes et al presented data at the International Meeting for Autism Research in November 2001 suggesting that children with autism have a positive response to chelation, usually with DMSA, in combination with dietary lipoic acid supplements . In open-label use of chelation, Holmes reported that younger children show the most benefit when treated for two to three months. Side effects included transient increases in hyperactivity, self-stimulatory behaviour and loose stools. Excretion of heavy metals was suggested as proof of a heavy metal problem in children with autism. Although no one has, as yet, replicated these findings, parents continue to feel that mercury and other heavy metals may pose a threat and seek chelation therapy.

    The AAP News in August 2001 presented a good review of the facts that parents need to know about chelators .

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    Autism Nutrition And Diet Specialist Podcast

    Are you ready for an exciting podcast with an autism nutrition and diet specialist? I am SO excited to have Jenny Friedman on the podcast today. Jenny is a registered dietitian who specialises in nutrition for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Today is Jenny is talking all about different ways

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    What Disorders Are Related To Asd

    Certain known genetic disorders are associated with an increased risk for autism, including Fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis each of which results from a mutation in a single, but different, gene. Recently, researchers have discovered other genetic mutations in children diagnosed with autism, including some that have not yet been designated as named syndromes. While each of these disorders is rare, in aggregate, they may account for 20 percent or more of all autism cases.

    People with ASD also have a higher than average risk of having epilepsy. Children whose language skills regress early in life before age 3 appear to have a risk of developing epilepsy or seizure-like brain activity. About 20 to 30 percent of children with ASD develop epilepsy by the time they reach adulthood. Additionally, people with both ASD and intellectual disability have the greatest risk of developing seizure disorder.

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    Tip Six: Consider Voice Devices Or Visual Supports

    In many special needs classes, I’ve taught where nonverbal kids have not yet found their voice, they depend on technological tablets. Some teachers refer to these as that child’s “voice.” When there is a struggle, the teacher or parent points to the device and directs the child to “use voice.” These help the child communicate through pictures and audible readings of words and phrases.

    These devices and apps are accessed through touch and can help your child develop and practice verbalization of words.

    Your child’s therapists are uniquely qualified to help you select and use these and other strategies to develop language skills. By working with your child’s ABA Therapy team, you can help provide the support your child needs to find their “voice.”

    “Whatever a child’s communicative level is, it is important to know that ABA can help an individual share their voice,’ even if that is in a non-spoken form,” says Brian Kaminski, MA, BCBA.

    While ABA can certainly emphasize strengthening vocal’ communication, it can also help shape alternative forms of communication like sign language, augmentative communication devices, or a Picture Exchange Communication System, often referred to as PECS.

    All of these forms of communication will help ensure a child’s needs are being met, they have greater independence, and improved the overall quality of life.”

    Questions You Will Probably Answer To At The Pediatricians

    Is Your Child Talking Late or Is it Autism?

    Pediatricians are the first step in the diagnosis. You will come across the following question when you visit your childs pediatrician:

    • Did your baby smile by 6 months?
    • Did he mimic sounds and facial expressions by 9 months?
    • Was he babbling and cooing by 12 months?
    • Does he have trouble making eye contact?
    • Does he interact with people and share experiences?
    • Does he respond when someone tries to get his attention?
    • Is his tone of voice flat?
    • Does he understand other peoples actions?
    • Is he sensitive to light, noise, or temperature?
    • Any problems with sleep or digestion?
    • Does he tend to get annoyed or angry?

    If your answer was yes to majority of these questions, you should be prepared for the possibility that your child might be autistic.

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    Will My Non Verbal Autistic Child Ever Speak

    If your non verbal autistic child is not yet speaking, does this mean that they will never speak?

    Not necessarily.

    With therapy, with practice and with good reinforcement, sometimes your child will learn simple words and phrases that will help them communicate. Also the wonderful power of technology is also providing super helpful solutions and assistive devices to help families and non verbal autistic people to communicate better.

    Though, it is also possible that some autistic people will never speak, will have extreme difficulty in relating to other people and will remain strictly non verbal.

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