Autism Rates Continue To Skyrocket Nj Leads Nation In Latest Study
The autism rate in New Jersey continues to skyrocket, and the state once again leads the nation with the highest percentage of children with the disorder, according to the federal government’s latest comprehensive study of eleven states.
One out of every 34 children in the state is affected by autism, according to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , which used research by Rutgers University. That represents a 19-percent increase from two years ago when the report was last released. At that time, one out of every 41 children were affected.
One autism expert noted, however, that more minority kids are being identified as autistic, which could help explain the increase.
Nationally, the report also found that one in 59 children is affected by autism, a 15 percent jump from two years ago, but only 11 states participated in the study.
It’s still unknown whether New Jersey families are more likely to have an autistic child, or whether doctors in the state are better at diagnosing the disorder than in other states. New Jersey is widely recognized for providing substantial clinical and educational services for children with autism.
But, some experts think other factors could be at play.
“That’s similar to what they find in all other states … It all points to some factor that is causing autism rates to increase,” Zahorodny said, adding that he believes it must be due to some “unknown, environmental factors.”
How Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence Is Estimated
As understanding of ASD has changed, so have the methods for diagnosing the disorder and estimating its prevalence in the general population.
It is critical to understand that any numbers measuring autism prevalence in the U.S. are estimates scientists use a statistical method to extrapolate a subset of data to the country as a whole. Research methods for estimating autism prevalence across the country are much more accurate than they were in the ’60s, as well as more broad, so they gloss over fewer cases in the general population.
In 2000, the CDC established the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network to estimate prevalence of autism. It detailed its method in a 2016 study on autism prevalence. Every two years, these researchers scan a representative sample of the school records of 8-year-old children for signs of autism, then extrapolate that number to estimate the number in the general population.
The influence of awareness and resources for ASD on prevalence estimates is clear: without schools screening children and keeping detailed records, and without parents inquiring about their childrens ASD status to doctors, less children are diagnosed. This applies to distinct periods of time as well as to distinct geographical areas.
Rates Of Autism In 2021
Autism is a common developmental condition, affecting approximately 1 in 54 children in the United States. Far more boys are diagnosed with autism than girls .
Most diagnoses are made after the age of 4, though a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder can be reliably made by the age of 2. Earlier screening tools are being used to catch cases earlier, allowing for therapy to begin at the soonest point possible, which results in the most successful outcomes.
All ethnic and socioeconomic groups are affected by autism. There is no medical test or cure for the disorder.
The exact cause of autism is unknown, though many risk factors have been identified.
- There is a genetic link to autism. If there is a family history of autism, it raises the likelihood that a child will develop autism.
- Parental age is a factor. Children born to older parents have a higher risk of autism.
- If your first child has ASD, your second child has a 2% to 18% chance of also having ASD.
- Despite past media coverage, there is no connection between childhood vaccines and ASD.
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Can You Prevent Autism
There is not a cure for autism.
That being said, there are a lot of opinions on the causes of autism and ways of prevention. states that one of the best things can do is give herself six months or even a year to improve her diet and make better lifestyle choices .
She should consume organically grown grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean sources of protein.
Laying the foundation by putting herself in optimal shape prior to conceiving will go a long way in minimizing the chance of miscarriage, or developing other complications of pregnancy and delivery.
They go on to say that reducing or eliminating the white foods , chemical preservatives and processed foods may help prevent autism.
Lastly, they also recommend improving the gut bacteria which I get into more below.
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A Shift In Silicon Valley
For the study, the researchers analyzed 20 years worth of autism caseload counts from the California Department of Developmental Services, comparing data from 36 of the states most populous counties.
Between birth years 1993 and 2000, autism prevalence increased steadily among all racial groups.
But around 2000, the trajectories started to diverge: Prevalence among whites in wealthy counties like Santa Clara and from Monterey to the San Francisco coast started to decline.
In middle-income counties like Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego, prevalence among whites continued to increase, but at a slower rate.
Meanwhile, in lower income areas like Riverside and the South Central Valley, rates among whites climbed steeply.
Notably, Santa Clara County had a surge in the rate of autism spectrum disorders between 1993 and 2000, with rates doubling among whites and Asians in just seven years. As Nevison and Parker recall in the new paper, that surge gave rise to controversial theorieswidely reported in the mediathat men with poor social skills but strong math and engineering skills were increasingly able to find partners in the tech-age and were fathering genetically autistic children.
Our data contradict that argument, said Nevison, noting that today Santa Clara County has one of the lowest prevalence rates of severe autism in the state among whites. Growth in prevalence among Asians has also flattened in the county.
The Rate Of Asd In The Us Grew By An Estimated 14% In Just 2 Years
In the United States, the rate at which Autism has affected individuals increased by 14% between 2016 and 2018. In the past, there were notably fewer diagnoses of the disorder. But over time, diagnoses of autism have become more prevalent, making it a common health disorder today.
Additionally, a study conducted by the CDC shows that autism had a 16% increase in its total prevalence from 2012 to 2014. Why is autism increasing? For several years, many people have believed that the rate of ASDs prevalence has been alarmingly on the rise. However, the truth is that the diagnosis and monitoring of the disorder have simply become more accurate. In short, the number of people with ASD has long been inaccurately measured and is now being identified correctly.
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What Is The Best Therapy For Autism
Brian Udell, MD, is the director of the Child Development Center of America.
He claims that autism is often accompanied by gastrointestinal conditions.
People on the autism spectrum disorder often have:
- chronic diarrhea
- food allergies
There is currently no cure for autism or specifically recommended treatment.
However, removing specific food items from the diet and ensuring healthy gut bacteria have been shown to improve the symptoms of autism.
A recent study published by the National Institutes of Health found that a gluten-free diet was effective in reducing some autism symptoms, and 2 groups of investigators also reported improvement in nonverbal cognition.
Other parents have tried removing highly allergic food items such as eggs, fish, nuts, dairy, and soy. The best strategy is to eliminate all items in question from the diet.
Then slowly reintroduce them 1 at a time to see the effects.
Healthy eating for all children is essential, but this is even more true for kids with autism.
Going back to Brian Udell, MD, he recommends avoiding:
- heavily processed foods
- preservatives
- hormones & antibiotics in meat and dairy
He also recommends omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and a probiotic with 1.5 to 4 billion bacterial parts to improve gastrointestinal health.
How Many Children In The World Have Autism
Going back to the CDC, 1.7% of the worlds population is on the autism spectrum.
With about 7.5 billion people on the planet, that would have between 75 million and 150 million people being on the autism spectrum.
Since about 26% of the worlds population is age 15 and under, that would mean between 20 and 40 million kids with autism in the world.
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Does What We Eat Affect The Symptoms Of Autism
According to Brian Udell, MD, director of the Child Development Center of America, autism is often accompanied by gastrointestinal conditions.
Taken a step further, people on the autism spectrum disorder often have chronic diarrhea, abdominal discomfort and bloating as well as other nutritional issues and food allergies.
While there is currently no cure for autism or specifically recommended treatment, removing certain food items from the diet and taking steps to ensure healthy gut bacteria have been shown to improve the symptoms of autism.
According to the Autism Network, about 25% of autism patients who exclude gluten from their diet find relief and improvement.
Other parents have tried removing highly allergic food items such as eggs, fish, nuts, dairy, and soy. The best strategy is to eliminate all items in question from the diet. Then slowly reintroduce them 1 at a time to see the effects.
Healthy eating for all children is essential, but this is even more true for kids with autism.
My article linked above takes my 25 years with Whole Foods Market plus being a father of 3 and condenses that down to my very best tips that are simple and cost effective.
Going back to Brian Udell, MD, he recommends avoiding:
- heavily processed foods
- preservatives
- hormones & antibiotics in meat and dairy
He also recommends omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation and a probiotic with 1.5 to 4 billion bacterial parts to improve gastrointestinal health.
What Country Has The Most Autism
As you can see in our autism rates worldwide chart, courtesy of, The US, Canada, and Japan, by far, have some of the highest rates of autism.
Find more statistics at Statista
The immediate takeaway here is that autism rates by country are obviously higher in the so-called developed world and much lower in the so-called 3rd world countries.
Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands round out the list of countries with the lowest autism rates worldwide according to InsiderMonkey.
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The Real Reasons Autism Rates Are Up In The Us
A hard look at whether the rise comes from more awareness, better diagnosisor something else
The prevalence of autism in the United States has risen steadily since researchers first began tracking it in 2000. The rise in the rate has sparked fears of an autism epidemic. But experts say the bulk of the increase stems from a growing awareness of autism and changes to the conditions diagnostic criteria.
Heres how researchers track autisms prevalence and explain its apparent rise.
How do clinicians diagnose autism?There is no blood test, brain scan or any other objective test that can diagnose autismalthough researchers are actively trying to develop such tests. Clinicians rely on observations of a persons behavior to diagnose the condition.
In the U.S., the criteria for diagnosing autism are laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . The criteria are problems with social communication and interactions, and restricted interests or repetitive behaviors. Both of these core features must be present in early development.
What is the prevalence of autism in the U.S.?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 68children in the U.S. have autism. The prevalence is 1 in 42 for boys and 1 in 189 for girls. These rates yield a gender ratio of about five boys for every girl.
This article is reproduced with permission from Spectrum. The article was first published on March 2, 2017.
Verified Autism Spectrum Disorder Statistics From The Cdc Show That A Child Whose Biological Parents Are Older Is More Likely To Have Asd
The studies compared mothers aged 35 or older and fathers aged 40 or older to parents aged 2029. They found that children of older parents have a higher risk of experiencing severe autism. According to the same set of autism facts and statistics, the first child born of these parents is three times as likely to have autism as any younger siblings.
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The Outlook For Autism In 2021
While autistic individuals face difficulties that make various aspects of life more challenging, greater knowledge about the disorder has paved the way to better therapies. Autism research has allowed for more effective diagnostic processes as well as enhanced treatments and a better understanding of necessary accommodations for those with the disorder.
Effective interventions, therapies, and health care services greatly improve quality of life for those autism. Thanks to these advancements in our approach to autism treatment, there are more opportunities for autistic individuals than ever before.
Autism More Common In Children In England Than Previously Thought Study
Cambridge researchers find prevalence varied by ethnicity and levels of deprivation in largest data analysis yet
Autism is more common among children in England than previously thought, with rates higher among Black pupils than their white peers, researchers have revealed.
Autism spectrum disorder affects communication and behaviour and is thought to affect 1-2% of people around the world, with diagnoses more common among males than females. However, there has been little large-scale research into its prevalence, and whether it differs with ethnicity.
Now researchers say an analysis of data from more than 7 million schoolchildren in England not only reveals ASD is more common than previously thought, but that there are striking differences in ASD prevalence around the country, and between different groups.
This is the largest prevalence study to date in the world, said Dr Andres Roman-Urrestarazu of the department of psychiatry at the University of Cambridge and a co-author of the new research.
Writing in the journal Jama Pediatrics, Roman-Urrestarazu and colleagues reveal how they analysed data from the 2017 spring school census obtained from the national pupil database in England to determine the prevalence of ASD among schoolchildren aged five to 19 in state-funded schools in England.
This census records whether children have received a diagnosis of ASD through local authorities and the NHS, or have been flagged as having ASD through a school assessment.
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Beneath The Statistics Varying Severity
But numbers tell only part of the story, said an advocate who works with families to help them get the services they need. Each family whose child has autism faces unique challenges.
The statistics mask the huge range of severity among children with autism, said Suzanne Buchanan, a psychologist and executive director of Autism New Jersey, a non-profit advocacy organization. She likened it to saying children with asthma and with lung cancer all have lung disease. Their needs and the gaps in addressing those needs differ.
Story continues below graph
While the numbers are increasing, they only tell the first part of a very complex endeavor to meet the individual needs of students with autism, she said. Its a lot of specialized, intensive work to build better autism services.
Most children with autism are not intellectually disabled but need support for communication and social engagement and to help to address behavior that may be repetitive or obsessive, she said. Others have profound intellectual disabilities with overlapping medical or psychological diagnoses they may be unable to communicate or care for themselves, and in some cases they have self-injurious behavior.
Other Factors In The Increase In Autism Prevalence
There are other reasons why changes in practices around autism make it hard to compare autism diagnosis rates over time.
Writing for Scientific American, Jessica Wright, PhD, a genetics specialist at the research partnership Spark for Autism, stated clinicians tend to diagnose children on the borderline of the clinical criteria with autism because it now qualifies those children for special resources in school, where it did not in the ’60s.
In addition, a CDC study found that many African American and Hispanic children have historically had less early access to diagnostic services that would recognize and record the signs of autism, but more screening in schools has increased prevalence rates among those populations.
In the past two decades, the proportion of the child population the CDC has identified with ASD has increased 176%, from 6.7 cases per 1,000 in 2000 to 18.5 per 1,000 in 2016.
Finally, certain biological factors increase the chance that a child will develop autism. These include a child having older parents, in particular an older father, and a child being born prematurely. As modern health and medicine have enabled more premature babies to survive and parents of a greater age to have children, Scientific American estimates that these factors account for part of the rise in autism rates over time.
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Who Resolution On Autism Spectrum Disorders
In May 2014, the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly adopted a resolution entitled “Comprehensive and coordinated efforts for the management of autism spectrum disorders ,” which was supported by more than 60 countries.
The resolution urges WHO to collaborate with Member States and partner agencies to strengthen national capacities to address ASD and other developmental disabilities.