Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Dysgraphia Linked To Autism

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Ology Of The Study On Dysgraphia And Autism Or Adhd

Autism Jargon: Dysgraphia

The researchers wanted to determine the prevalence of dysgraphia and autism or dysgraphia and ADHD by age across all grade levels.

The overall goals was to gain valuable information for the assessment and treatment of dysgraphia in schools. If dysgraphia prevalence is high and does not decrease with age, educators and clinicians would need to focus on offering remediation and compensatory strategies and not ignore writing problems in these students.

This study included 1034 children with normal intelligence and ADHDCombined, ADHDInattentive, or autism. Each participant in this study completed the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children .

Autism And Dyspraxia: What You Need To Know

By A. Stout

Can you imagine what life would be like if you struggled to perform everyday tasks? For many people, this is their reality things like fastening a button, tying shoelaces, holding a pencil, and even sitting up straight can be an immense challenge for them due to a condition called dyspraxia.

Also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder , dyspraxia affects more kids than other common disorders like autism and ADHD. However, it often appears alongside these neurological differences, too. And in spite of its relative commonality, it oftentimes goes undiagnosed.

What Parents Of Dysgraphic Kids Can Do

Fall is back-to-school time for many families across the country, and parents are sharing notes about school requirements, curriculum updates and even homeschooling lesson plans.

But for students who face learning disabilities and their parents this can be a fraught time. Thats especially true with little-known disabilities that can take longer to be diagnosed.

Kathryn Stark, an elementary school literary specialist, offered additional insight for parents and teachers looking for signs of dysgraphia, which include:

  • Handwriting issues
  • Fine motor skill issues (holding a pencil or pen to write, problems cutting with scissors, unable to tie shoes
  • Taking extra time to complete written assignments
  • Having difficulty putting thoughts to paper/organizing thoughts

There are, however, solutions, to help a child with dysgraphia, says Stark. She suggests shortening written assignments for dysgraphic students, such as asking for two sentences instead of five. Teachers can provide graphic organizers for the child to draw pictures or write simple words and phrases to help organize thoughts before writing.

Its also helpful to allow the child to orally tell you their thoughts before you write them on paper together or by providing one-on-one assistance in writing exactly as he/she says, says Stark, which is one of the tricks my daughter and I use at home for more complex written assignments, such as book reports and worksheets.

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How Do The Symptoms Of Asd And Ld Overlap

ASD and learning disabilities share some common characteristics:

  • Both are lifelong conditions
  • Both can significantly impact a persons life
  • Early detection and intervention is important in both
  • Sensory processing issues, emotional dysregulation , and trouble with social skills are common in ASD and all learning disabilities

These and other overlapping symptoms can make both ASD and LDs difficult to diagnose:

  • ASD, social communication disorder, ADHD, and receptive language learning disabilities may all include trouble reading non-verbal cues, including determining other peoples feelings based on facial expressions. A person with any one of these conditions may be a literal thinker who often does not understand puns, riddles, sarcasm, and figures of speech.
  • ASD and ADHD both share difficulties with executive function, including organization, time management, problem solving, and emotional dysregulation.
  • ASD, ADHD, and sensory processing disorders all include sensory issues. People with sensory issues may either seek out or avoid sensory input.
  • ASD, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, and sensory processing disorders can all cause motor skill problems, clumsiness, and poor handwriting.
  • ASD, language-based learning disabilities, and nonverbal learning disabilities can all make it difficult to verbally express yourself, follow conversations, and speak at an appropriate volume and/or inflection.


What They Have In Common


Both dyspraxia and autism can lead to kids feeling awkward in social situations. At school these students may be treated differently by their peers and can become the target of bullying and ridicule. Some dyspraxic and autistic people have distinct speech patterns. When this occurs in dyspraxia it is referred to as apraxia of speech. They can have difficulty controlling the volume and pitch of their speech and using complex and long strings of language. Some people are hypersensitive to temperatures, light and noise and many prefer to stick to a familiar routine to help them complete day-to-day tasks. Attention issues can also be a problem and theres the possibility of co-occurrence with other learning difficulties, such as dyslexia.

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Is Dysgraphia A Diagnosis


. Similarly, it is asked, who can diagnose dysgraphia?

A. Dysgraphia is typically diagnosed by a professional, such as a physician or licensed psychologist, who specializes in the as-sessment and diagnosis of learning disabilities. Other professionals, such as an occupational therapist, school psychologist, or special educator, may also be involved.

Furthermore, what are the symptoms of dysgraphia? Symptoms

  • Cramped grip, which may lead to a sore hand.
  • Difficulty spacing things out on paper or within margins
  • Frequent erasing.
  • Inconsistency in letter and word spacing.
  • Poor spelling, including unfinished words or missing words or letters.
  • Unusual wrist, body, or paper position while writing.

Also to know, at what age is dysgraphia diagnosed?

While letter formation and other types of motoric dysgraphia can be diagnosed at the age of five or six years old, some diagnostic tools, such as the norm-referenced Test of Written Language , are only appropriate for students nine years of age or older, since they will have had more experience with writing

Is dysgraphia a disability?

Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing abilities. It can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper. Because writing requires a complex set of motor and information processing skills, saying a student has dysgraphia is not sufficient.

What Tests Are Used To Diagnose Dysgraphia

Among the tests often included in an evaluation for dysgraphia are:

  • An IQ test.
  • Academic assessment that includes reading, arithmetic, writing, and language tests.
  • Measures of fine motor skills related to writing.
  • Writing samples evaluated for spelling, grammar, and punctuation as well as the quality of ideas presented.

how is dysgraphia diagnosed?

A licensed psychologist trained in learning disorders can diagnose dysgraphia. This could be your childs school psychologist. The specialist will give your child academic and writing tests that measure his ability to put thoughts into words and his fine motor skills. Writing process.

what age can dysgraphia be diagnosed?six yearsnine years


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Can My Child Have Both Autism And Dyspraxia

Although Dyspraxia may occur in isolation, it frequently coexists with other conditions such as Aspergers Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder , Dyslexia, language disorders and social, emotional and behavioural impairments.

The term autism is used to describe individuals who have a marked difficulty with social relationships, social communication/language skills and imagination. These difficulties are often accompanied by repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests. Children with Aspergers syndrome are at the more able end of the autism spectrum and have difficulty with the non-verbal aspects of social communication such as gesture and facial expression. They also have difficulty adjusting their language to and behaviour to different social situations. Motor coordination difficulties are often observed in children with Aspergers syndrome. In theory a formal diagnosis of dyspraxia should not be made if a child has a pervasive developmental disorder . However in reality children are sometimes given both diagnoses, especially if their motor coordination is significantly affected. Where the autism is severe this should be given as the main diagnosis.

Dysgraphia In Children: Most Common Questions Answered

Do I Have Atypical Autism?

What are the signs of dysgraphia?

  • Poor Grammar – children with dysgraphia often have difficulty producing sentences that are grammatically correct. Punctuation can be missed and spelling can be poor.
  • Poor handwriting Handwriting is often disorganised and children find it hard to spell and write in a straight line as well as space out text. Some children with dysgraphia struggle to know directional differences, such as left/right and over/under.
  • Ambidexterity – Many children with dysgraphia are ambidextrous .
  • Frustration from handwriting children with dysgraphia often feel frustrated when asked to write and complain of it causing them to have a sore hand. Some children with dysgraphia also have dyspraxia which can affect motor skills. This in turn can affect their ability to write and make writing uncomfortable.
  • Avoidance of school work and low self-esteem children can often try to avoid schoolwork if they have dysgraphia as they are worried about their poor handwriting. It can lead to them feeling embarrassed and having low self-esteem.
  • Saying words out loud while writing can be a coping mechanism for a child with dysgraphia.

Is dysgraphia a form of autism?

Dysgraphia is not a form of autism, however it is a co-morbid condition that typically presents in people with autism. It can also present in people who do not have autism.

Is dysgraphia inherited?

What age can you get dysgraphia?

Is dysgraphia a disability?

What are the causes of dysgraphia?

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Results From The Study On Dysgraphia And Autism Or Dysgraphia And Adhd

Following data analysis, the results of the testing indicated the following:

  • VMI and WISC Coding scores were significantly lower than IQ and the normal mean of 100 for all diagnoses.
  • 59% had dysgraphia
  • 92% had a weakness in graphomotor ability relative to other abilities.
  • the prevalence of dysgraphia did not decrease with age or diagnosis, despite older children having up to 10 years more writing instruction in school than younger children.

The authors concluded that dysgraphia is common at all ages in children and adolescents with ADHD and autism.

Sensory Processing And The Brain

Historically, sensory processing symptoms were not considered to comprise a standalone diagnosis. Rather sensory challenges were thought of as symptom indicating another diagnose in the same way a fever was a symptom but a virus or an infection was the cause. However, a 2013 study out of UC San Francisco, revealed that sensory processing disorder is linked to quantifiable differences in brain structures and has a biological basis differentiated from other childhood disorders.

Underlying all our sensory systems is the vestibular system which functions within the inner ear which takes in information about our relationship to movement and gravity and provides ongoing feedback between mind and body about where we are in space. The vestibular system gets information from the body through proprioceptors, sensory neurons located within the joints of the body. This sensory feedback helps to organize the the information we receive from the world and how we respond. If we cannot orient to where we begin and end in space we tend to feel anxious. When in fight/flight activation it is difficult to pay attention, learn new information, and communicate effectively about our experience. The brain hijacks higher functioning learning systems and engages lower brain resources as if we are experiencing immediate threat. For a child, this can become a repeated habit repeatedly wiring the brain for survival.

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Evidence Of Symptom Overlap Asd And Adhd

Various studies have looked for ADHD or ADHD symptoms in samples of children with autism or ASD. Rates of ADHD have ranged from 28% to 78% of these samples . Studies that look at ADHD symptoms have reported even higher numbers: for example, Sturm, Fernell, & Gillberg, looked at a sample of around 100 high functioning children with ASD and found 95% had attention problems, 75% had motor difficulties, 86% had problems with regulation of activity level, and 50% had impulsiveness. About three-quarters had symptoms compatible with mild or severe ADHD, or had deficits in attention, motor control, and perception, indicating a considerable overlap between these disorders and high-functioning ASD in children.

In an large analysis of nine hundred forty-six twins, Reierson and colleagues assigned DSM-IV ADHD diagnoses, and measured autistic traits using the Social Responsiveness Scale. The study showed that there are clinically significant elevations of autistic traits in children meeting diagnostic criteria for ADHD. These findings confirm results in earlier studies . Santosh and Mijoovic which found children with ADHD had elevated levels of impairment in all three autistic symptom domains, namely social deficits, communication and stereotyped behaviors. Clark et al found 65-80% of parents of children with ADHD reported difficulties in social interaction and in communication . So the presence of autistic traits in children with ADHD appears common .

Can You Get Disability For Dysgraphia

Pin by Shannon Cohen on E

Other learning disabilities associated with dysgraphia include dyslexia , and oral and written language learning disability. OWL symptoms include trouble placing words in the right order in a sentence and difficulty remembering words.

How does dysgraphia affect reading?

Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects how easily children acquire written language and how well they use written language to express their thoughts. Occasionally, but not very often, children have just spelling problems and not handwriting or reading problems.

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A Closer Look Into Dysgraphia In Relation To Autism

This conditionare often seen in people who have autism.recent studywas publisheddysgraphia amongst 1,034 students of all ages with ADHD or autismThe results indicated that 59% had this conditionitis common at all ages in children and adolescents with ADHD and autism affecting handwriting.the process of writing much slowerand affects the movement of musclesusually detected around the time a child learns how to writestruggle with other fine motor skillsbuttoning, tying, using scissorssymptoms includetrouble with letter spacingorganizing wordswrites lettershard time writing on a linetrouble holding a pencil correctlyunable to use scissors wellissues with spellingavoids writing altogether types of dysgraphiadyslexic, motor and spatialwritinghandwritingTesting for this condition can help determine the cause of your child’s difficultieswriting If a child is diagnosed with this condition, the next step is to meet with the school to request additional services and supportworking with occupational therapistswritingTechnology may also be helpful such as keyboarding, word processing and/or speech recognition software.

About Dr Arielle Schwartz

Meet Dr. Arielle Schwartz

As a psychologist and mother of two, my passion is to teach parents how to integrate the tools of play therapy into your home and through clinical supervision, teach other clinicians how to support families with highly sensitive children. I understand the unique challenges parents can face in raising sensitive children and specialize in working with children with sensory processing disorders, speech/language delays, anxiety, challenging behaviors, trauma exposure, and emotional problems.

Dr. Arielle Schwartz is a licensed clinical psychologist, wife, and mother in Boulder, CO. She offers trainings for therapists, maintains a private practice, and has passions for the outdoors, yoga, and writing. Dr. Schwartz is the author of The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole. She is the developer of Resilience-Informed Therapy which applies research on trauma recovery to form a strength-based, trauma treatment model that includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing , somatic psychology and time-tested relational psychotherapy. Like , and sign up for email updates to stay up to date with all her posts.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how people process certain types of information. The main symptoms are:

  • difficulty with social interactions
  • engaging in repetitive or ritualistic behaviors
  • obsessions with certain topics of interest

Individuals with ASD may share some symptoms in common, such as difficulty in social interactions and repetitive behaviors. But because it is a spectrum disorder, these symptoms can range from mild to severe. Everyone experiences ASD differently. Some children with autism have speech or intellectual delays some do not. Some may have average or above-average IQs. Some may be high-functioning and others may have a severe disability.

What Can Be Done To Treat Dysgraphia

Autism Live Thursday May 6, 2021

In general, anyone with dysgraphia should be evaluated for muscle tone and vision problems. Strengthening muscles and/or correcting vision issues could make a world of difference for someone with dysgraphia. Then move on to other treatments.

Occupational therapy is often helpful to strengthen muscles, ensure proper grip of the writing utensil, and improve dexterity. An occupational therapist should be able to evaluate the individuals hand-eye coordination and ambidexterity .

Although practice doesnt always help a person with dysgraphia learn to improve their handwriting , there are certain ways to facilitate an individuals ability to learn proper handwriting. Warming up the fingers before beginning to write, focusing on the shapes the letters make, and ensuring appropriate grip and posture can cause practicing ones handwriting to be a more fruitful exercise.

If youre a parent of someone with dysgraphia, one of the most important things you can do is to advocate for your child in the classroom. In certain cases, parents and educators may make the decision to replace or supplement a childs handwriting with voice-recognition technology or the use of a keyboard for typing.

Certain other accommodations can also be made at school, such as multiple choice rather than written-answer tests or teacher-provided notes instead of student-written notes.

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Who Can Diagnosis A Child With Dysgraphia

While Dysgraphia can be suspected by professionals such as Occupational Therapists and School Psychologists, a Neuropsychologist is usually best to make this official diagnosis. It is not necessary to know the specific type of Dysgraphia in order to determine and implement successful solutions. Most students with Dysgraphia have a mixed form of this disorder.

Why Is A Diagnosis Important

Diagnosis of dysgraphia and other learning disabilities allows the individual to access treatments, support, and teaching accommodations.

Support from loved ones, teachers, and work can make a big difference in the lives of those with dysgraphia. Many schools, for example, offer special accommodations in teaching and assessment of those with dysgraphia.

The earlier a person receives a diagnosis, the sooner they can receive treatment and implement strategies to reduce the impact on their learning and daily life.

Untreated, dysgraphia can affect a persons prospects, self-esteem, and mental health.

Some people with dysgraphia

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