How Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Play
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder tend to be less spontaneous than other kids. Unlike a typical curious little kid pointing to things that catch their eye, children with ASD often appear disinterested or unaware of whats going on around them. They also show differences in the way they play. They may have trouble with functional play, or using toys that have a basic intended use, such as toy tools or cooking set. They usually dont play make-believe, engage in group games, imitate others, collaborate, or use their toys in creative ways.
Autism Symptoms In Adults At Home
Other peoples feelings baffle you. You have a collection of figurines on your desk that must be in the same order at all times. These, and other common manifestations of ASD, may be apparent in adults at home:
- Your family members lovingly refer to you as the eccentric professor of the family, even though you dont work in academia.
- Youve always wanted a best friend, but never found one.
- You often invent your own words and expressions to describe things.
- Even when youre in a quiet place, like the library, you find yourself making involuntary noises like clearing your throat over and over.
- You follow the same schedule every day of the week, and dont like unexpected events.
- Expressions like, Curiosity killed the cat or Dont count your chickens before they hatch are confusing to you.
- You are always bumping into things and tripping over your own feet.
- In your leisure time, you prefer to play individual games and sports, like golf, where everyone works for themselves instead of working toward a common goal on a team.
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Symptoms Of Mild Autism In Children
You may recognize the signs of mild autism in children in how they interact with others, their toys and with the way they use everyday items.
Children with mild autism exhibit their disorder in these ways, according to the WebMD:
- Avoidance of eye contact
- Unusual facial expressions
- Abnormal posture
- Inability to recognize changes in speech tone and pitch, which could change the meaning of what the person is saying
- Speaking in a monotone voice
- Intolerance for changes in routine
- Lack of social skills
- Difficulty starting or maintaining social interactions
- Difficulty taking turns talking
- Difficulty reading other people’s body language
- Advanced language skills for his age
- Talking a lot about certain topics with which he has a preoccupation
- Verbalizing internal thoughts
- More interested in parts of items than the whole item
- Hypersensitivity to lights, textures, tastes, noises and other stimuli
As you can see, many of the symptoms for high functioning autism involve social relations. When studying your child, if he has mild autism, you would most likely see most of these signs while he is in a social situation playing with children his own age.
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Can A Child Be Slightly Autistic
A child could have mild symptoms of autism, but parents and guardians should still take proactive steps to seek a diagnosis.
When a child has autism spectrum disorder , caregivers can work with professionals to develop appropriate strategies in response. These strategies help children thrive in their environment through appropriate accommodations, therapy, and parent training.
While some children with autism may rarely encounter challenges related to their disorder, others may find that negative experiences increase as they get older. This can lead to unwanted stress, potentially up to the point of a crisis event. In extreme cases, a child could lose opportunities to advance in school or other life areas.
Understanding a childs needs is important. Individuals in their life should never brush away observations that a child might have a behavior disorder. Instead, they can educate themselves on the signs of ASD and look into the next best actions to take.
How Do I Know If I Have Borderline Autism
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in AdultsDifficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling.Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues.Difficulty regulating emotion.Trouble keeping up a conversation.Inflection that does not reflect feelings.More itemsMar 19, 2021
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What Is Mild Autism
Mild autism in itself is not an official diagnosis term. There is no specific form of autism known as mild autism. In 2015 the diagnostic criteria for autism underwent a significant change with the publication of the DSM-5. These criteria created one universal diagnosis autism spectrum disorder and included within that diagnosis a level of support for each individual found to be on the spectrum. These criteria replaced the labels of Aspergers, mild autism, and high functioning autism that had come to characterize the different ways in which autism presents in other individuals.
An individual found to require Level 1 support on the autism spectrum would be considered to have what was once referred to as mild autism.
Generally, the symptoms of autism are apparent in the toddler years. However, these may not be identified as on the autism spectrum for individuals with milder symptoms until later into childhood. It is important to remember that symptoms that appear for the first time after the age of three will not warrant a diagnosis of autism.
Girls are often diagnosed later than boys, in part due to their ability to mask their symptoms.
Individuals with mild autism must still meet the criteria set to receive a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The title mild can be misleading, as even those with mild autism symptoms will have developmental, communication, and sensory challenges associated with the disorder.
How Can You Tell If Someone Is Borderline Autistic
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in AdultsDifficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling.Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues.Difficulty regulating emotion.Trouble keeping up a conversation.Inflection that does not reflect feelings.More itemsMar 19, 2021
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Level : Requiring Support
Level 1 ASD is the mildest, or the most “high-functioning,” form of autism. Children with level 1 ASD have a hard time communicating appropriately with others. For example, they may not say the right thing at the right time or be able to read social cues and body language.
A person with ASD level 1 usually is able to speak in full sentences and communicate, but has trouble engaging in back-and-forth conversation with others. They may try to make friends, but not be very successful.
They may also be inflexible in certain ways and have trouble moving from one activity to another. Additionally, they may have problems with organization and planning that prevent them from being as independent as expected for their age.
Social And Communication Skills
Impairments in social skills present many challenges for individuals with ASD. Deficits in social skills may lead to problems with friendships, romantic relationships, daily living, and vocational success. One study that examined the outcomes of adults with ASD found that, compared to the general population, those with ASD were less likely to be married, but it is unclear whether this outcome was due to deficits in social skills or intellectual impairment, or some other reason.
Prior to 2013, deficits in social function and communication were considered two separate symptoms of autism. The current criteria for autism diagnosis require individuals to have deficits in three social skills: social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communication, and developing and sustaining relationships.
Social skills
Some of the symptoms related to social reciprocity include:
- Lack of mutual sharing of interests: many children with autism prefer not to play or interact with others.
- Lack of awareness or understanding of other people’s thoughts or feelings: a child may get too close to peers without noticing that this makes them uncomfortable.
- Atypical behaviors for attention: a child may push a peer to gain attention before starting a conversation.
Symptoms related to relationships includes the following:
- Defects in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships.
- Difficulties adjusting behavior to fit social contexts.
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Understand The Autism Spectrum
Autism is a neurological disorder that impacts a person’s communication styles and behavior. Prior to 2013, doctors used many terms to describe disorders like this. Now, they are all grouped under the heading autism spectrum disorder .
Three levels exist within the autism spectrum.
- Level 1: This is the mildest version of autism, but people with this disorder still need help with social interactions, planning, organizing, or changes in routines.
- Level 2: This intermediate level of autism also comes with difficulties in communication, planning, and changes in routine. People at this level need more help than those with a milder form of autism.
- Level 3: This is the most severe type of autism, and people with this condition often require substantial help. Some never live independently, talk freely, or connect with strangers.
Within this formal framework, even people with so-called mild autism need support from family members, friends, and therapists to handle everyday life. Those who don’t need assistance won’t qualify for the diagnosis.
For some families, these rules are too restrictive. They know something is unusual about the way their loved one communicates or behaves, and theyd like more information to understand those differences. Some researchers agree with them.
Different Questionnaires Different Results
One recent study by Dr. Peters, Dr. Goin-Kochel and others illustrated the difficulty in assessing the BAP.11 The study involved the Simons Simplex Collection, which includes 1,650 families who have just one child with autism. When autism strikes a family “out of the blue,” as it did in the SSC families, it’s more likely that any genetic change that contributed to that child’s autism was not inherited from a parent. The researchers used three different assessment tools. They found that a small percentage of the parents had the BAP, but how many parents depended on the tool used. The percentage of parents with the BAP ranged from almost none to 12 percent, depending on the test.
What explains these differences between assessment tools? It may be that each one measures a different concept of the BAP. Another explanation may be found in the way each assessment was conducted. One assessment was completed by the parent herself, another by her partner, and the third by a researcher. “Folks sometimes see themselves differently than their partners do, and often they behave differently in different contexts, which is why we felt it was important to examine BAP from these different perspectives,” said Dr. Goin-Kochel.
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Social Behavior And Social Understanding
Basic social interaction can be difficult for children with autism spectrum disorders. Symptoms may include:
- Unusual or inappropriate body language, gestures, and facial expressions .
- Lack of interest in other people or in sharing interests or achievements .
- Unlikely to approach others or to pursue social interaction comes across as aloof and detached prefers to be alone.
- Difficulty understanding other peoples feelings, reactions, and nonverbal cues.
- Resistance to being touched.
- Difficulty or failure to make friends with children the same age.
Further Support For Cyclothymia
You may also find it helpful to join a support group so you can talk to others who share your experiences and problems.
You can ask your mental health service or GP if thereâs a local group you can join.
Itâs not known how many people with cyclothymia will go on to develop bipolar disorder.
But some people with cyclothymia see their elevated or depressed moods become more severe.
Other people will find their cyclothymia continues and they need to manage this as a lifelong condition.
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Other Signs Of Autism
You may also have other signs, like:
- not understanding social “rules”, such as not talking over people
- avoiding eye contact
- getting too close to other people, or getting very upset if someone touches or gets too close to you
- noticing small details, patterns, smells or sounds that others do not
- having a very keen interest in certain subjects or activities
- liking to plan things carefully before doing them
People With Milder Forms Of Autism Struggle As Adults
by Deborah Rudacille / 8 September 2011
Blurred boundaries:
Contrary to popular assumption, people diagnosed with so-called mild forms of autism dont fare any better in life than those with severe forms of the disorder. Thats the conclusion of a new study that suggests that even individuals with normal intelligence and language abilities struggle to fit into society because of their social and communication problems.
In fact, people diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified are no more likely to marry or have a job than those with more disabling forms of autism, according to a Norwegian study published online in June in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders1.
Early intervention has the potential to alter this trajectory, say experts. But until todays children with autism reach maturity, it will be hard to say how much behavioral intervention at a young age can alter the course of their lives.
The implication of our findings is that the consequences of having an autism spectrum disorder with profound difficulties in communication skills and social impairment cant be compensated for by either high intellectual level or normal language function, says lead investigator Anne Myhre, associate professor of mental health and addiction at the University of Oslo in Norway.
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Terminology And Distinction From Schizophrenia
As late as the mid-1970s there was little evidence of a genetic role in autism while in 2007 it was believed to be one of the most heritable psychiatric conditions. Although the rise of parent organizations and the destigmatization of childhood ASD have affected how ASD is viewed, parents continue to feel social stigma in situations where their childâs autistic behavior is perceived negatively, and many primary care physicians and medical specialists express some beliefs consistent with outdated autism research.
It took until 1980 for the DSM-III to differentiate autism from childhood schizophrenia. In 1987, the DSM-III-R provided a checklist for diagnosing autism. In May 2013, the DSM-5 was released, updating the classification for pervasive developmental disorders. The grouping of disorders, including PDD-NOS, autism, Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, and CDD, has been removed and replaced with the general term of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The two categories that exist are impaired social communication and/or interaction, and restricted and/or repetitive behaviors.
The Internet has helped autistic individuals bypass nonverbal cues and emotional sharing that they find difficult to deal with, and has given them a way to form online communities and work remotely.Societal and cultural aspects of autism have developed: some in the community seek a cure, while others believe that autism is simply another way of being.
Asperger Syndrome Generally Involves:
- Hypersensitivities
- Difficulty with the give and take of conversation
- Difficulty with nonverbal conversation skills
- Uncoordinated movements, or clumsiness
- Anxiety and depression
The tendencies described above vary widely among people. Many learn to overcome their challenges by building on strengths.
Though the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome is no longer used, many previously diagnosed people still identify strongly and positively with being an Aspie.
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Other Terminology You May Have Heard For Types Of Autism
Terms like mild or high functioning arent official diagnoses. Some people find these terms useful, but many in the autistic community havent found them to be helpful or accurate, largely due to the range of abilities that can be present in an autistic person.
You may also have heard about three levels of autism, with level 1 being the mildest and level 3 the most severe.
Restrictive / Repetitive Behaviors May Include:
- Repeating certain behaviors or having unusual behaviors. For example, repeating words or phrases, a behavior called echolalia
- Having a lasting intense interest in certain topics, such as numbers, details, or facts
- Having overly focused interests, such as with moving objects or parts of objects
- Getting upset by slight changes in a routine
- Being more or less sensitive than other people to sensory input, such as light, noise, clothing, or temperature
People with ASD may also experience sleep problems and irritability. Although people with ASD experience many challenges, they may also have many strengths, including:
- Being able to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time
- Being strong visual and auditory learners
- Excelling in math, science, music, or art
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The Journey From Classical Autism To Autism Spectrum Disorder
Till about the 1970s, the classical autism studies included all shades of ASD bundled under a generic term Autism.
Today, however, physicians, therapists, and researchers consider each of these five categories while referring to specific autism symptoms:
- Autistic Disorder also known as Classical Autism
- Aspersers Syndrome
- Childhood disintegrative disorder also referred to as CDD
What Are The Three Types Of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Just like there is more than one type of anxiety disorder, diabetes, or developmental disorder, there is more than one type of autism. In anxiety, for example, there are five completely separate types, each with their own symptoms, some unique to the other types and some types sharing similar symptoms on a spectrum. Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered the broad term for autism, but there are actually three separate sub-types that fit within the ASD category.
When you think about a spectrum, think of seeing different shades of blue all together in one band. All of the shades are technically blue, but they range from lightest to darkest. You can also think of a rating scale with two extremes or opposite points. The term autism spectrum disorder should be viewed similarly there is a spectrum of symptoms that someone with autism can exhibit, ranging from mild to severe.
You may be one of the millions of people around the world affected by autism. Or you might know someone personally affected by the disorder or have realized its impact on people and the world. Either way, it is encouraged that you educate yourself on what autism is and what the three types of autism spectrum disorders are. In doing so, you will have a better understanding about the disorder, which can help you to interact and communicate more effectively with individuals who are on the spectrum and to put yourself in their shoes.
The three types of ASD that will be discussed are:
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