Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Free Online Learning For Autistic Students

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Autism Activities For Children

“Next to” – Teach Children with Autism and Learning Disabilities

Whether you host a play group, want to keep kids busy on summer or winter break, or need a fun activity for kids in school these ideas are sure to come in handy:

Youll also find plenty of find ideas for language development using the printables and instructions in the article Activities to Promote Language with Autistic Preschoolers, and plenty of social skills activities, complete with instructions and printables, in the article Social Skills Activities for Kids with Autism.

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Teach Kids About Autism

Our Kit for Kids program is designed to teach elementary and middle school students about their peers with autism. The kit is centered around an illustrated booklet entitled Whats Up with Nick?. This colorful, kid-friendly booklet tells the story about a new student, a boy with autism named Nick, through the eyes of a typical peer. The story teaches children that students with autism may think differently or need some accommodations, but all students are of equal worth and should be treated as such.

You can use this program to increase awareness of autism among students from grades K-8. With greater knowledge of autism, our youth will learn to see the person first rather than focus on a classmates disability. By increasing students acceptance of differences, the Kit for Kids creates a more inclusive classroom and overall sense of community.

Develop Good Practices For Autistic Children

Next, well investigate more thoroughly what contributes to good practice in autism education, including building upon research-based evidence.

Sharing the best practices can be beneficial to the autism community, so well explore social apps such as SOFA, co-designed by people on the autism spectrum.

Youll learn how to promote inclusion, cognitive accessibility, wellbeing and academic skills at school, and also understand how life skills can benefit autistic children beyond the classroom.

0:10Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Hello, this course provides a comprehensive introduction into Good Practice in Autism Education. It has been developed specifically for anyone working with autistic children and young people in education, as well as autistic people themselves. The course starts by discussing what autism is, as well as the role of special educational needs and disabilities within schools. Inclusion can be a difficult concept to define, and different models of inclusive education are discussed, including mainstream schools, special schools, and autism units attached to mainstream schools. What constitutes good practice in autism education is discussed, as is how to consider the evidence base for these good practices. Finally, we explore how to share good practice you is education Europe-wide.

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Cons Of Virtual Learning For Students With Autism

Regression: While virtual learning has been beneficial for several students with autism, many are finding it very difficult to grasp the current reality and situation. Many parents complain that their childrens progress has regressed as a result of virtual learning. There are also severe worries in terms of their ability to form social connections. Some students have adapted quickly to Zoom or other virtual platforms, but several others have completely shut down and disconnected from the outer world. This has led to the regression of their academic performances and emerged as a significant source of concern for both the parents and tutors.

Lack of Special Attention: For a virtual learning environment to provide the best results, all parties involved must be sufficiently dedicated to it. However, sometimes it could not matter if they have the best resources available and the best intention at heart it could still not work. The reason? Students with autism often need careful attention and a specialized learning environment, which simply cannot be replicated in a virtual space. Many of these students face trouble concentrating and working independently, and teachers cannot provide them with the special attention they might need to help them.

The Impact Of Socialization And Learning Environment For Autistic Students


A 2002 study by Comprehensive Issues in Pediatric Nursing found that 94% of students with Aspergers Syndrome, one autism spectrum disorder diagnosis, experience bullying at some point in their lives.

While practicing social skills is important for students with autism, a traditional school setting often places students with autism in social situations that can be overwhelming. If bullying is involved, these interactions can be harmful. Virtual learning provides a way to separate the education aspect of school from their social aspect so that it doesnt interfere with the learning process.

Some parents worry that online school will limit their childs opportunities for social interaction, but this is a common misconception. Online students, including students with autism, have access to student clubs, field trips, volunteer opportunities, and more. Many Connections Academy® schools have designated community coordinators who manage events for families, principals, and teachers to meet face-to-face. Virtual school technology creates collaborative learning environments, and tools such as the LiveLesson® sessions enable real-time teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions.

Online learning removes many of the barriers that can prevent students with autism from achieving their highest potential.

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Structure Activities Around The Childs Strengths

If they enjoy building things, try to incorporate some building activities into structured playtime. By using Legos, stacking toys, K-nex, tinker toys, or even something as simple as dominoes, integrating a skill that they are good at can facilitate learning new skills without them even realizing that they were involved in a structured activity.

La Planificacin De Futuros Para Los Estudiantes Con El Trastorno Del Espectro De Autismo

La planificación para un estudiante con autismo en la vida postsecundaria es el enfoque aquí. Aprenda las respuestas a estas preguntas clave. ¿Qué es la planificación de futuros? ¿Cuándo debería comenzar? ¿Qué recursos y herramientas están disponibles para ayudar en el proceso?

Approx. 6 hours to complete

6 CE credits

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Zane’s Online Learning Benefits

Our advanced online learning solution provides these significant and unequalled benefits for those parents of children with autism, and the children themselves:

  • Parent or Caregiver Benefits
  • No special Tutors or special classes needed
  • Simple and straight forward to use
  • Produces better learning outcomes
  • Quickly identify what interests your child
  • Family subscription includes all children
  • Available online at any time 24/7
  • Childs Benefits

For Parents: Distance Learning With Autism

The Sensory Room: Helping Students With Autism Focus and Learn

Do you have a child with autism? Are you struggling with how to effectively implement distance learning for them? Check out this video in which one mom shares how her family is making distance learning a reality for their family. In the video, you will be able to see and hear about how they set up school at home, items they used to address sensory needs and still continue to work on IEP goals.

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What Is The Family

We know that having a successful support system and team can have a large impact on the life of an individual with autism, so this module focuses on how to effectively build and maintain family and professional partnerships. Throughout the course of this training you will hear from the perspectives of several parents who will share their experiences in building professional partnerships to address the needs of their children and family, as well as from several professionals as they share recommendations on how to effectively team with families to best serve the individuals that they are working with.

Access the Family-Professional Partnerships module here.

If you need assistance or have additional questions about the online modules, please contact us at

Free Homeschooling Resources For Children On The Autism Spectrum

This free e-book explains how to involve your child in everyday tasks and home and teach your child valuable skills in the process. Mihaela, the mom behind Best Toys for Toddlers, recommends simple materials that will help you make the most of your space.

First published May 7, 2018. Last updated April 29, 2021 with more information, additional tips, and better readability.

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Autism Law Enforcement & First Responder Training

Designed for first responder groups, including student resource officers, this brief course provides information on autism, how an individual with autism may interact with others during a crisis, as well as basic tips and tools for interacting with individuals with autism.

Approx. 30 minutes to complete

0.5 CE credits

Assessment/Getting to know the student

Virtual Learning And Its Pros And Cons For Autistic Students

Autism Life Skills Free Visual Schedule Printables

The advancement of personal computers and their increased access across every household and individual have revolutionized our society and world. And, with the internet being far more accessible in all parts of the world, people from different areas and countries can easily share the same platforms and share ideas within seconds.

This doesnt only mean sharing the same social media platforms or forums. Still, these developments have brought about a significant shift in how children pursue and receive their education. When children receive education through computers and the internet, either inside or outside of the educational organization, it is referred to as virtual learning. However, its mainly referred to educational settings online, and the teacher and students are separated physically.

Virtual learning is a complete game-changer for the education sector because it improves educational access and significantly impacts schools cost-effectiveness and student achievement. While its true that virtual learning cannot replace or even replicate many aspects of physical education setting, it still provides unique opportunities for both teachers and students, such as recording classes so that students do not miss classes even if they are unable to attend their classes on time or they are in a different time zone. However, it is really challenging to help kids to stay focused during distance learning .

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Working With And Supporting Paraprofessionals In The Special Ed Classroom

In this course for teachers, Dr. Robert Pennington will take learners through the ins and outs of working with paraprofessionals in this classroom. It is divided into the following five modules: Roles & Responsibilities, Planning, Training, Inclusive Settings, and Building Relationships.

Approx. 2.5 hours to complete

2.5 CE credits


Literacy Instruction For Students With Autism

In this course, presented by Dr. Christina Carnahan and Dr. Pamela Williamson, you will first develop an understanding of the literacy needs of individuals with autism as the foundation for framing their instruction. Using video examples, we will then share specific strategies for engaging individuals with autism in increasing complex text and academic content, and supporting students in applying literacy skills to their social experiences.

Approx. 6 hours to complete

6 CE credits

Teaching Tools

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Effective Teaching Strategies For Children With Autism

In some cases, the learning characteristics of students with autism may differ from the rest of your class. But luckily, the right teaching strategies and methods can keep children with autism on track to finish the school year strong. Try these tips, educational accommodations, and resources for students with autism to help them learn concepts that might otherwise be difficult for them to grasp.

Get Sample Homeschool Curricula For Special Ed Kids

What is Autism? | Quick Learner

Homeschooling for special ed kids has been here for a long time. Why not take a clue from how theyve been running things?

Now, weve always stressed here that homeschool is different from distance learning, which is what youre doing now. However, distance learning is also often situated in a home environment.

Therefore, you could still study homeschooling special ed kids. After that, you could easily apply what youve learned when you teach children with autism online.

Here are some good homeschool curricula:

1. TeachTown

A combination of parent-led and computer-based learning. Their Meta-Play Method program is specifically designed for kids with ASD. It consists of videos, sample lesson plans, and teachers kit. Besides that, they also have the Transition to Adulthood, which prepares students with disabilities to transition to adulthood.

2. Time4Learning

If your students have Aspergers, Pervasive Developmental Disorder , or high-functioning autism, then you could check out this curriculum. They have programs that cater from Pre-K to high school students. Their curricula are also customized based on a childs type of condition or disorder, just like this program for kids with Aspergers.

3. Moving Beyond the Page

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An Accredited Provider Of The Cpd Standards Office

We are proud to be an accredited provider of the CPD Standards Office for our online short courses and free courses, demonstrating that they conform to CPD best practice and are appropriate for inclusion in a formal CPD record.

This massive open online course is comparable to level 6 on the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications , however it does not hold any credits and can not be used as a top up for your University credits.

Upon finishing the course, you will be issued an E-Certificate stating that you have completed the full course, so that you can add it to your CV or education portfolio.

If you’re interested in exploring what else University of Derby Online Learning has to offer, browse our online courses.

Bring Special Interests Into Lesson Plans

Many children with autism have a fixation on certain topics or activities. Take advantage of what theyre passionate about and use it while teaching students with autism to help them focus in class. If a child with autism loves outer space, for example, you could plan a math assignment about counting the planets in our Solar System.

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Also Check: How Many People Have Autism Worldwide

A Wealth Of Content Multiple Ways To Learn

Real life examples filmed in a variety of settings, including home, school, work, and the community, focused on individuals, their families, and the teams that work with and support them

Interviews with experts and practitioners telling you why strategies and supports work the way they do

Interviews with individuals and families sharing their personal experiences

Reflection questions and assessments to help you gauge your learning

Progress tracking, chapter notes, transcripts, glossary, and other tools to supplement videos

Video Conferencing Should Be Optional

Free Function Boards!!!

We know that video conferencing is the most common medium for online classes. However, as you might have inferred, not every student in special ed might get to participate. What if a handful of your students dont like video calls, too?

You could always make video conferencing optional only. There are plenty of alternatives to video conferencing when you teach children with autism online.

Say, your students might be auditory learners. Why not incorporate auditory activities into your new curriculum?

For example, you could record clear and specific instructions through your voice notes app. Your students and their parents could just listen to it on their scheduled time of learninginstead of participating in a video conference.

Thats just one alternative to video conferencing. Another option could be

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Do You Want To Know More Online Teaching Tips

All Digital School is the number one place to search for your online school needs. Want to get the latest scoops and hot takes from teachers and parents? Why not register on our site?

You can also register via your Facebook or Google account. Click any of the buttons below.

Do you know more tips for teaching children with autism online? Dont hesitate to share them with our fellow teachers in the comments below!

Best 2021 Apps For Autistic Kids To Enhance Distance Learning

by Michael Marcal

Distance learning is a challenge for many autistic kids. Fortunately, there are many apps available to provide extra support. Options include math and language games, social skills practice, time management solutions, calming techniques, and more. Here are 25 apps for autistic kids to enhance distance learning and be a positive addition to instruction.

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Emotions: Paper Emoticon Cutouts

Using colored construction paper, markers or crayons, and glue you can craft several different emoticons just like the ones you use on your cell phone. Draw and cut out various eyes, noses, mouths, and eyebrows. Arrange the features to display the emotions: happy, sad, jealous, bored, frustrated, sleepy, and whatever other emotions that you are teaching your child. Write the word for the emotion on the back of each face that you and your child construct and use them to talk about different moods and feelings as they arise.

Teach Students About Historical Figures With Autism

Good Practice in Autism Education free online course at

Although the disorder wasnt discovered until the twentieth-century, people with autism have made important contributions to history, and its important to educate students about themnot just in April but throughout the year. Here are a few well-known figures who are diagnosed with or believed to have had autism to get you started:

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Just Like Me Activity

For this activity, gather all of your students together on the floor so they can all see each other. Have each child take turns sharing something about themselves, like:

  • I have a pet dog.
  • I can play the piano.
  • My birthday is in September.
  • I love to play soccer.
  • My favorite color is yellow.

If a statement also applies to other students , instruct them to raise their hands. This will help remind students that they share more similarities than differences with their peers and that they can always find something to talk about.

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Learn About The Learner From The Learner

Oftentimes, educators needing information about a student will study the individuals educational records. While these documents are certainly one source of information, they are seldom the most helpful source of information. Teachers wanting to know more about a student with autism should ask that student to provide information. Some students will be quite wiling and able to share information while others may need coaxing or support from family members. Teachers might ask for this information in a myriad of ways. For instance, they might ask the student to take a short survey or sit for an informal interview. One teacher asked his student with autism, to create a list of teaching tips that might help kids with learning differences. The teacher then published the guide and gave it out to all educators in the school.

If the student with autism is unable to communicate in a reliable way, teachers can go to families for help. Parents can share the teaching tips they have found most useful in the home or provide video of the learner engaged in different family and community activities. These types of materials tend to give educators ideas that are more useful and concrete than do traditional educational reports and assessments.

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