Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Teach Kids With Autism

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If You Hear Someone Making Noises Or Repeating Words It Isnt Something To Make Fun Of

Teaching Kids with Autism

Whether you hear someone repeating words , humming or making other noises while they are stimming, it may be because they are having a hard time processing the situation around them, or they do not know how to respond in a conversation.

In addition to these conversation-starters, learning and reading about autism spectrum disorders can also be helpful in aiding their understanding. Parents can also help children understand more about autism through literature. By reading together, parents and children can learn about behaviors and actions that may arise in children with autism. This opens the doors for honest discussions, where education and understanding take place. These lessons can be applied at school, on the playground, or in the grocery store. Through literature and education, kids learn that children with autism are simply kids just like them with a brain that works in different ways, adds Colleen.

Looking for more ideas? Check out 15 Great Children’s Books About Autism to get the conversation started.

About the author

Children With Autism Will Never Achieve As Much As Their Peers

Students with autism have so much potential, and some of the brightest minds in the world have been people with autism spectrum disorder, including:

  • Charles Darwin
  • Temple Grandin
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Beloved poets, talented musicians and artists, and scientists who shaped how we see the world today have been included on lists of famous people with autism. Our communities would not be the same without people on the autism spectrum. While students with autism may have different weaknesses than their classmates, they often have plenty of strengths, too.

You’re Doing Something Amazing

No matter what kind of progress your child makes on your goals, you’re doing something amazing when you teach her at home. You’re showing your support for your child and offering help when it comes to overcoming challenges. Your child will remember your efforts, and you’ll see greater progress overall.

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Use Positive Reinforcement Over Punishment

Just as certain methods of communication are not effective when speaking to a child on the autism spectrum, so too is the case with punishment. Children with autism tend to misconstrue negative punishment, but respond much better to positive reinforcement. Speak with the childs parents about what methods of punishment and discipline they find most effective.

Rise To The Challenge

Teaching Children with Autism

Positive Action recognizes the value of each and every person. We help special needs students integrate into mainstream classrooms while equipping them with the essential skills and motivation to thrive.

Positive Action can help you assess your special education students needs and plan how to meet them with Individualized Education Plans.

I am very grateful for these lessons. They fulfill a need that so many children are lacking in the educational process today. Linda Davis, 2nd Grade Teacher, Davis Elementary

If you want to see how Positive Action can increase educational success at your institution or organization contact us by phone, chat, or email or schedule a webinar with us below.

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Activities Teaching Strategies And Resources For Teaching Children With Autism

Because approximately 1 in 59 students are diagnosed with autism, learning how to help students with this disorder in the classroom is so important. Teaching young students with autism communication skills and learning strategies makes it all the more likely that theyll reach their academic potential later on. And the more you learn about autism spectrum disorder, the better youll be able to prepare these students for lifelong success.

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that causes hypersensitivity to sights, sounds, and other sensory information.;Symptoms of autism generally fall into three categories:

  • Communication issues
  • Social impairment
  • Repetitive behaviors

Here are 15 fun activities to help children with autism feel welcome in your class while addressing their symptoms and individual learning styles. Whether you play them one-on-one or as group activities, these are excellent ways to keep students with autism engaged and ready to learn.

And Finally Develop Your Own Coping Strategies

When we work with autistic students, we often encourage them to find strategies to look after their own wellbeing. But we often forget to consider our own.

I recently told an audience;

If youre not worrying about your students on the drive home, youre not doing your job right.

It was a very tongue-in-cheek way of saying that our job is so important that we cant pretend we can forget about it the moment we walk out the door. But at the same time, the compassion we feel for our students, if left unchecked, can lead to issues for ourselves.

Im under no illusions about how emotionally connected I am to my work. I have a long history of lying awake at 2am hoping my kids will be alright when they become adults. This is just a natural consequence of caring; it only becomes problematic when we dont have healthy ways of addressing how we feel. Personally Ive always had strong relationships with senior staff as well as having private therapy to explore my mental adventures as well. This works for me.

Despite this article being mostly about my teaching, its only one of my jobs . Running Autistic Not Weird and also takes its share of my energy. And I came to realise how vulnerable I was a few years ago when a follower sent me a video of a man killing himself, as punishment for me not responding to her email for three days .

In summary:

  • See your students individuality, instead of seeing a diagnosis and looking no further.
  • Take care,

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Symbol For Autism

    Create A Comfortable Classroom

    Sometimes students are unsuccessful because they are uncomfortable or feel unsafe or even afraid in their educational environment. Providing an appropriate learning environment can be as central to a students success as any teaching strategy or educational tool. Students with autism will be the most prepared to learn in places where they can relax and feel secure. Ideas for making the classroom more comfortable include providing seating options ; reducing direct light when possible ; and minimizing distracting noises .

    Like All Kids Children With Autism Have Strengths And Weaknesses


    As is the case with any child in a classroom, those on the autism spectrum have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some may be excellent with memorization, but struggle with reading and sounding out words phonetically. Teachers should be prepared for a child to struggle with subjects to varying degrees .

    Recommended Reading: How To Teach Empathy To Autistic Child

    Tips For Teaching Children With Autism To Read

      Home / Blogs / Tips for Teaching Children with Autism to Read

    Learning to read requires a number of skills and is a complex task for every child. Because autism is primarily a communication disorder, it can be much more challenging to guide children with any ASD spectrum issues through the steps to literacy.

    Essential Skills has developedreading programs for children with autism that will help teachers who have students with ASD whether they are in specialized contained classes or integrated in a regular class. Knowing some tips for teaching children with autism can help a lot.

    Teachers should remember that kids with spectrum disorders will not necessarily learn in the same order or at the same rate as other children. Research-based reading programs for special education can help to identify strengths and areas of need and allow children to advance at their own level and pace.

    Here are some tips to help children with autism become successful readers.

    1. Always give thorough, consistent, and simply worded instructions. You may have to repeat the instructions each lesson until they have been mastered.

    2. Provide a quiet work area free from distractions. Often headphones are a good way to keep a child focused.

    3. Recognize all successes, even small ones. Essential Skills research-based reading programs for special education give instant feedback, marking every success with a bit of recognition.

    Different Schools Suit Different Teachers

    Ive worked in mainstream and special schools that were wonderful, and Ive spent time in mainstream and special schools that sucked. Want to know what the distinguishing factors were?

    The good schools knew who I was. They knew my strengths, they knew what motivated me, and had the wisdom to know that teachers like students work harder and work better when theyre doing something they love.

    The bad schools expected us to adapt 100% to the vision of senior management, rather than seeing what skillset lay among their staff and adapting their approach to allow us opportunities to do what were good at. Kind of like commanding a bunch of mathematicians to be plumbers, and wondering why they cant fix pipes using a protractor and a compass.

    Finding a teaching post isnt just about finding a school that will employ you. There needs to be a culture in the school that you feel comfortable with, senior staff you feel supported by, and a school ethos that matches your own.

    Recommended Reading: How To Teach Empathy To Autistic Child

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    Christopher Is Out Of Bounds

    • Pupils with ASDs are visual learners so they respond better to visual stimuli when marking boundaries within the class or school environment.
    • Creating obvious visual boundaries for play activities is very important as pupils with ASDs find it hard to process two tasks at once for example, play the game and watch out for the boundary sign at the same time.

    How Functional Communication Training Works

    Supporting students with autism in the classroom

    Stephanie Lee, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, explains how a clinician implementing FCT works. She begins, Dr. Lee says, by identifying something the child is highly motivated to achieve say, a favorite food, toy or activity. That will serve as the natural reward for using a sign or picture that represents that thing.

    So if a child really, really likes his Ninja Turtles or Thomas the Tank engine, or a childs favorite, favorite thing to eat is Cheetos, she says, we would take that item and then teach the child either a sign or a picture that represents that item.

    Initially, the child is set up for what Dr. Lee calls errorless learning, in which the therapist guides the child to use the sign or picture and obtain the reward. This supported communication is repeated, each time resulting in the earned reward, until the child is able to succeed with less and less prompting from the therapist.

    As we fade that prompting, the child becomes more and more independent in their communication, says Dr. Lee.

    Once the child has learned this system of communication that the sign or the picture that theyre using needs to be received by someone else, in order for them to get their item then slowly but surely we can teach a new sign or introduce a new picture,explains Dr. Lee.

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    Teach Coping Skills And Provide A Safe Space

    Dealing with emotions is a lot more than just identifying themchildren with autism need to be provided with a variety of coping skills and a safe space to deal with emotions when they feel overwhelmed. Start by identifying things that seem to calm your child down; these could be a tight hug, playing with their favorite toy or going for a walk. Coping mechanisms vary widely and its important to make a list of things that seem to help your child calm down. Once you have this list, create a visual representation of each thing on the list and print it out. Check out this example.

    When your child is experiencing overwhelming emotions, present their visual list and ask them to choose what they want to. Its important to not only present the list but to model the coping mechanisms as well, then provide specific praise for using these coping skills: You did a good job of walking away from what was upsetting you.

    Talk About What They Want To Talk About

    One approach that will never get you far with an autistic kid is to try to force the conversation in a direction you want it to go. At best youll get ignored; at worst, theyll shut down or have an outburst.

    Obsessions are part of the syndrome and an obsession means a lot of discussion about one particular thing. You might find it boring or simple but youll find far more engagement by sticking to the topic that the child wants to discuss.

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    How To Tell A Child They Are Autistic

    Last Updated: April 8, 2021References

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 11,362 times.

    Introducing autism with a positive attitude can help your child accept that they are different and influence whether a diagnosis holds them back or helps them succeed.

    Tips On How To Teach Children With Autism

    Teaching Children with Autism

    Teaching a child with autism can prove to have its challenges. Autistic children have unique learning needs and will require extra guidance and support to succeed in the classroom. To best understand how to work with a child with autism, you must first take the time to understand what the child needs and then learn how to help them best. Here are some tips for working with autistic children.

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    Students With Autism Cannot Make Friends Or Feel Emotions

    Children with autism feel emotions just like everybody else, even if they show it in different ways. Most students with autism want friends, but if they struggle with social skills, they might not know how.

    Luckily, teaching students with autism key social skills can help them bond with their classmates. If a child has trouble fitting in, try playing autism awareness activities or teaching a lesson about diversity with your whole class to help all of your students feel welcome.

    Tips For Working With Individuals On The Autism Spectrum

    Thank you to the Indiana Resource Center Autism and Autism Society of Indiana for compiling these tips.

    Remember that each person is different, and specific tips may not apply to all.

    For more information on the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, visit our website at;. Also, be sure to like IRCA on Facebook, and join us on Twitter and;Pinterest.

    For more information on the Autism Society of Indiana, visit their website at;. Also, be sure to like ASI on Facebook, and join them on;Twitter.

    Indiana Resource Center for Autism & Autism Society of Indiana. Autism awareness month: Tips for;working with individuals on the autism spectrum. The Reporter, 21. Retrieved from;.

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    Autism And Math: How To Teach The Basics

    Autism and math: I’m here to dispel the myth that those two concepts can’t go together. And I’m here to assure that you that yes, many of our children can learn the basics. All you need is patience, time and effective strategies.

    While you can provide the time and patience, I’m here to help you with the effective strategies.

    If you are struggling to teach your child basic math skills, you aren’t alone. Many parents just like you are searching for answers to how they can help their children learn this vital skill.

    The outdated myth that children with autism can’t learn has been disproven by many parents, including myself.

    My own son has moderate to severe autism, and he has done very well with learning the basics of math.

    Our kids are smarter than we think. Let’s give them a chance to prove it!

    As I mentioned earlier, I’m here to help. In this article, I outline a few tips on how to help make your math lessons a success.

    Strategies To Help Children Cope With Autism

    Kids Are Special : Structured Teaching: Strategies for ...

    Accurate knowledge is vital in understanding autism and how to help children who have it. Use trustworthy resources, such as the one shared under our Free Resources tab, to learn about autism, its challenges and treatments, and how to help a child with autism be successful in school and in life. Remember that an early diagnosis and consistent support can give children with autism a better chance at a successful future. We’ve based the following strategies on information from Dr. Clarissa Willis’ My Child Has Autism: What Parents Need to Know and Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Check out those two books for more information about any of the topics and strategies below. We hope you can implement these 16 strategies at home and in the classroom to help children cope with autism:

  • Identify what triggers strong reactions or meltdowns A small schedule change or being in an unfamiliar situation are just two examples of something that can trigger a strong reaction or meltdown in a child with autism. After a strong reaction or meltdown occurs, it’s important to evaluate the child’s surrounding environment by taking into account any recent changes and keeping track of what was happening when the strong reaction occurred. Keeping notes on each child’s reactions and the possible triggers can help you address those issues and possibly find a pattern in what triggers have the biggest influence on each child.
  • Use indirect lighting or a softer overhead lighting
  • Read Also: What Is The Life Expectancy Of People With Autism

    Offer Accommodations For Students With Limited Motor Skills

    Some students with autism may have more trouble with activities that require fine motor skills than others. In an article with the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, renowned scientist and advocate Dr. Temple Grandin suggests offering accommodationslike typing on a computer instead of writingto mitigate these challenges.

    When it comes to specific accommodations, it may depend on the individual. Its always a good idea to reach out to a students family to determine the best resources for their child.

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