Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is Donald Trump’s Son Autistic

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Trump Has ‘social Autism’ Doesn’t See ‘other People’ Says Conservative Pundit George Will

MELANIA TRUMP Threatens Suit Over False Barron ‘Autism’ Video | TMZ Live

Jason Le Miere U.S.Donald TrumpPuerto RicoTrumpAutism

President Donald Trump’s behavior during a much-criticized tour of the devastation in Puerto Rico on Tuesday is the result of “a kind of social autism,” according to conservative commentator George Will.

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After surveying the humanitarian crisis caused by Hurricane Maria, which includes much of the island still having no power or drinking water, Trump appeared at a briefing with local officials shortly after touching down in Puerto Rico. The president, hot on the heels of his attacks on San Juan’s mayor over the disaster response and claims that some in Puerto Rico “want everything to be done for them,” continued to praise his administration’s efforts while offending many American citizens residing in the U.S. territory.

Trump lamented the dent the relief efforts had taken on the federal budget while claiming that Puerto Ricans were “very lucky” that the loss of life was minimal compared to that wreaked by Hurricane Katrina on the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005. Later in the day, he distributed paper towels to residents by mimicking a basketball shot.

Will, who has been a fierce critic of Trump, said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Wednesday that there was something fundamentally wrong with the president that produces a galling lack of empathy.

He Traded One Prestigious School For Another

Sparing no expense on education, the Trumps sent their youngest to New Yorks prestigious Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. The schools impressive alumni include Moby Dick writer Herman Melville, as well as actresses Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ally Sheedy. The tuition is also close to $40,000 per year. But dont worry, with Donald Trumps proposed tax plan putting more money into the pockets of top-earners, the first family will still be able to afford it.

Given that Barron is now living in Washington, he attends St. Andrews Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland. The schools tuition is also about $40,000 per year and has a mission to know and inspire each student in an inclusive community dedicated to exceptional teaching, learning, and service.

Next: Not every little kid gets this kind of privacy.

Who Is Barron Trump

Barron William Trump is the son of former model Melania Trump and U.S. President and real estate mogul Donald Trump. Barron is the couples only child and the only one of the presidents offspring residing with him in the White House. His mother, Melania, told ABC News that the youngest Trump likes wearing a suit every day he is “not a sweatpants child.” Also, like his famous father, he enjoys golfing a lot.

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Presidential Campaign And 2011 Hints At Presidential Run

In 2000, Trump for nomination as the Reform Party candidate for the but withdrew from the race in February 2000. A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee and likely Democratic nominee showed Trump with seven percent support.

In 2011, Trump against President Barack Obama in , making his first speaking appearance at the in February 2011 and giving speeches in early primary states. In May 2011, he announced he would not run, and he endorsed in February 2012. Trump’s presidential ambitions were generally not taken seriously at the time.

Would Any Father Refer To Their Son The Way Trump Referred To Barron

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John Lennon referred to his son Sean Lennon as a Beautiful Boy in the excellent song of the same name. For many of us, children are what happens when were busy making other plans but what about Donald Trump? President Donald Trump certainly makes a lot of plans many of which anger parents but why did he refer to his beautiful son Barron in such a bizarre way? In other words, why would any father refer to his son the way Trump referred to Barron?

On Wednesday, in a press conference about the dangers of vape companies and e-cigarette brands targeting teens, Trump said: We cant have our youth be so affected, and Im hearing it, and thats how the First Lady got involved. Shes got a son, together, thats a beautiful young man, and she feels very, very strongly about it.

Okay, so props for calling Barron a beautiful young man. Way to channel some John Lennon vibes. Lets all sit with that for a second.

But wait. What the hell is going on with the rest of this? Trump is famous for bizarre statements, but this one seems to take the prize for most detached. Its like a robot who doesnt speak English was required to translate for an English-speaking toddler. If I were to start talking like Trump, relative to my daughter, heres the kind of stuff I would be saying.

My wife has a beautiful daughter.

We took a girl to daycare today. My wifes beautiful daughter. Shes very happy about it.

TONIGHT: Trump did something **checks notes** good? #LSSC

The Late Show

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Chelsea Clinton Defended Barron Trump

Regardless of Rosie O’Donnell’s motivation, bringing a minor into the conversation was inappropriate and she was quickly chided for her lapse in judgment.

Chelsea Clinton was one of Barron Trump’s most fervent defenders, at the time, and her ability to put aside her partisan beliefs and see the harm bringing Barron into the limelight could do, likely came from first hand experience. In a tweet from August of 2017, Clinton demanded, “It’s high time the media & everyone leave Barron Trump alone & let him have the private childhood he deserves.” She added a link to her tweet featuring an article in the Daily Caller that was critical of Barron’s appearance and dress.

It was less than a year later that the former FLOTUS launched her “Be Best” campaign, which, according to the New York Times, would focus on mental health issues in young people with a focus on social media bullying.

He Decorated His Own Room

Ten-year-olds tend to appreciate things like airplanes, helicopters, and cars, and Barron Trump is no different except for one spot. Melania Trump said he likes these vehicle designs all over his penthouse floor. The only exception is his bed. He needs it to be clean and white. His tastes should match the trappings in the White House.

Next: Barron has an odd choice of clothing for his age.

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Donald Trump Didnt Want Barron To Play Football

During an interview with CBS News in 2019, Donald Trump said he would have a hard time allowing his son to play football. According to the former President, the sport is dangerous.

I just dont like the reports that I see coming out having to do with footballI mean, its a dangerous sport and I think its really tough, the president said.

I thought the equipment would get better, and it has, he added. The helmets have gotten far better but it hasnt solved the problem. So, you know I hate to say it because I love to watch football. I think the NFL is a great product, but I really think that as far as my son well Ive heard NFL players saying they wouldnt let their sons play football. So, its not totally unique, but I would have a hard time with it.

Trump added that his son preferred soccer anyway. A lot of people, including me, thought soccer would probably never make it in this country, but it really is moving forward rapidly

The Leaders Of Autism Speaks Have Sparred Over Vaccines

STOP Saying Barron Trump Has Autism

Autism Speaks is one of the largest private backers of autism research in the United States. But its institutional stance toward vaccines has been a subject of controversy. Until 2015, the charity’s official position stated, in part: “It remains possible that, in rare cases, immunization may trigger the onset of autism symptoms in a child with an underlying medical or genetic condition.”

The subject divided the leadership of Autism Speaks and roiled Wright’s own family. Katie Wright became a vocal anti-vaccinationist and accused Autism Speaks of failing to sufficiently investigate the widely disputed hypothesis that thimerosal, a mercury-based vaccine preservative, causes autism. One of the doctors who treated her son was none other than Andrew Wakefield, the author of the discredited study that alleged a causal link between the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella known as MMR and the development of autism.

In 2007, Bob and Suzanne Wright issued a statement distancing themselves from their own daughter.

Katie Wright told Insider that she apologized after the incident. She said her comments about the organization not doing enough actually referred to what she viewed as a lack of urgency at the federal level to research environmental causes of autism.

“They got a lot of pressure to correct me or distance themselves from me,” she added. “Yeah, it’s very sad. It shouldn’t have gone that far.”

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Everything You Need To Know About Donald Trump’s Youngest Son Barron Trump

Barron Trump‘s life is about to change dramatically. On Friday, his father, Donald Trump, will become the 45th President of the United States, and as such, Barron and his mother Melania will be catapulted from relative anonymity onto the world’s centre stage. While Donald and his older children have long been in the spotlight, very little is actually known about the youngest Trump family member. Ahead of Friday’s inauguration, HELLO! Online has everything you need to know about the new President’s ten-year-old son.

Barron Trump will be the first presidential son in the White House since 1963

1. He is the first presidential son in the White House in 54 years. Since 1963, only daughters have lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Barron will become the first son since John F Kennedy Jr, whose father was assassinated in 1963, just before the boy’s third birthday.

2. Barron is the youngest of Donald’s five children. The new president has three children Donald Jr, 39, Eric, 33, and 35-year-old Ivanka with his first wife Ivana Trump, and a 23-year-old daughter, Tiffany, with second wife Marla Maples. He and Melania, who have been married since January 2005, welcomed their only child Barron in March 2006.

He is Donald Trump’s only child with third wife Melania

Melania has described her son as “very strong-minded” and “smart”

The ten-year-old is said to be just like his father

Barron Is Not Frequently Photographed

Over the past few years, he’s been most commonly spotted traveling with his parents, boarding and disembarking Air Force One or the President’s helicopter, as he was here, when the Trump family returned from a holiday trip to Mar-a-Lago.

A couple months earlier, Barron was seen heading to Florida to spend the Thanksgiving long weekend at Mar-a-Lago with the President and First Lady.

In 2018, the Trumps spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Florida at Mar-a-Lago. When 12-year-old Barron got off the plane with his parents, it was one of the first times he appeared to be as tall as his father.

And in April, 2018, he had made a rare public appearance at the annual White House Egg Roll. Barron hung back with his parents and watched his younger nieces and nephews race off to hunt for eggs.

The three presidents prior to TrumpObama, Bush, and Clintonwere fathers only to girls. While other presidents since JFKs time have had sons, theyve all been adults who lived outside of the White House.

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Where In The World Is Barron Trump

During Trump’s final farewell speech as president of the United States, preceding the inauguration of President Joe Biden, many of Trump’s children sat front row at the ceremony, supporting their father before he and Melania boarded Air Force One. In attendance were Trump’s oldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, as well as Eric and Lara Trump, Don Jr. and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Tiffany Trump and her fiancé, Michael Boulos.

But while most of Trump’s children gathered for the ceremony, Barron was noticeably absent from the group, despite the fact he would be traveling with his family to their new home in Florida.

At this time, it’s currently unclear why Barron did not attend the speech, though it’s in line with his previous public appearances with his family. The Trump family offered no explanation for his absence. He was not seen leaving the White House that morning, though he was aboard the same Air Force One plane.

He And His Mother Took Their Time Moving To The White House

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After months of living in New York City with his mom, Barron finally made the move to Washington, D.C. in June, halfway through the president’s first year in office. First Lady Melania Trump confirmed the news with a tweet saying, “Looking forward to the memories we’ll make in our new home! #Movingday” and a photo presumably taken out one of the White House windows of the Washington Monument.

Looking forward to the memories we’ll make in our new home! #Movingday

Melania Trump 45 Archived

In his parents’ Trump Tower penthouse, Barron had a whole floor to himself, which his mother referred to as “Barron’s living room.” What does a nine-year-old do with his own living room? We may never know.

Also unknown: exactly how much it cost the New York City taxpayers to protect Melania and Barron during their time in Manhattan, making the decision to stay behind a controversial one. CNNMoney reported it cost more than $1 million per day to provide security for President Trump and his family while he was still living in New York after the election.

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Life At The White House

Barron and Melania stayed at Trump Tower for almost the first five months of Donald Trump’s presidency, so that Barron could finish his studies at the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School on the Upper West Side. He and his mom moved into the White House on June 11, 2017, and attended St. Andrew’s Episcopal, a prep school in Maryland.

Barron is the first son of a president to reside in the White House since John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1963. Although he stays out of the spotlight for the most part, he has turned up for some of the White Houses fun holiday-themed events in 2017, including the annual Easter Egg Roll in April, where he joined his parents in signing cards for members of the American Armed Forces. He also supported his fathers pardoning of the turkeys before Thanksgiving and soon after, stepped out with his mom on the North Portico to receive the official Christmas tree from Wisconsin, which went up on display in the White House’s Blue Room.

Barron Trump joins his father, U.S. President Donald Trump, as he makes remarks before pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey with National Turkey Federation Chairman Carl Wittenburg and his family in the Rose Garden at the White House on November 21, 2017, in Washington, DC.

He Has His Own Floor In The Manhattan Penthouse

While the New York real estate market has a brutal reputation, Barron Trump had a living space most New Yorkers could only have in their dreams. Melania Trump told Parenting magazine the boy lived on an entire floor of the familys Manhattan penthouse. He was also in charge of decorating it, which means when he was younger, he drew on the walls, and they just painted over them.

But now Melania and Barron live in the White House. Its unclear whether hell enjoy the same amount of living space in Washington as he did in Manhattan.

Next: His parents give him a certain artistic freedom.

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Tuition At Columbia Grammar Is Upwards Of $45000 Per Year

As one relative of a Columbia Grammar and Prep student told Heavy, parents who send their kids there have big bucks.

A lot of people there have a TON of money, the relative said. Its a different level of money. Its Wall Street people. Its CEOs, not doctors.

The cost of tuition for pre-kindergarten runs $44,120 annually and increases incrementally. The yearly cost of kindergarten through eighth-grade is $46,690 and high school tops out at just more than $47,000 a year.

The schools tuition costs are in line with the Big Apples other elite private institutions.

Need-based financial aid is available as determined by an analysis of the School and Student Service for Financial Aid forms and the familys most recent federal income tax return with supporting documentation, such as a W-2 form, according to the schools website. Some 20 percent of the student body receives some form of financial aid from the schools $6.8 Million financial aid budget.

Parents Irked By Potential Security Threats & Inconvenience

Barron Trump Yawns His Way Through Father’s Speech

Parents at the school, as well as those who live nearby, have been in a dither since the First Family announced Melania and Barron Trump would remain in New York so the child could complete the school year.

One frantic parent at the school told Vanity Fair that she was worried about some type of Mexican multi-car street abduction.

In March, the New York Post reported a scare involving a suspicious vehicle outside the school, requiring the NYPD Bomb Squad be dispatched to investigate.

An older model Chevy pickup with visible military equipment inside, and a vehicle identification number that didnt match its license plate, was spotted parked nearby, according to the Post.

Within an hour the bomb squad determined the truck didnt pose a security risk.

Vanity Fair obtained an e-mail sent to parents by Columbia Grammar and Prep headmaster Richard Soghoian in which he gave assurances that the school is taking extra precautions to accommodate having the First Lady and First Son among its school family.

Secret Service, traffic congestion and overall concerns about security are worrisome to parents, according to the relative who spoke to Heavy.

TMZ reported in January that to mitigate traffic congestion, the NYPD would be working with the Secret Service to block and re-open streets as soon as Barrons convoy passed. For security purposes, the childs route to school will be regularly altered.

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