Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jobs For Autistic Introverts

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Human Services Worker: $36k

Man with Autism Challenges Stereotype in the Workplace

If you’re driven to make a difference in the lives of people who are dealing with a range of challenges, you may find your calling in the human services field. These workers help connect struggling people with appropriate aid and community resources. They might find support groups, arrange for personal care services, or help people find meaningful employment.

Forensic Science Technician: $61k

A methodical focus on detail is important for forensic science technicians. These professionals collect, examine, and analyze crime scene evidence like blood, fingerprints, and bullet fragments. They also write up reports about their findings and give testimony in court. A bachelor’s degree in chemistry, biology, or another natural science is typically required.

Best Jobs For Autistic Adults Top 10 In 2022

As an autistic adult, you might have wondered if there are jobs for autistic people in the market. The answer is YES, there are autism-friendly jobs out there, in fact, autism careers that need you.

The secret to finding the best jobs for people with autism is to know your strengths and discover an industry that matches what you have to offer when finding jobs for autistic adults.

One general trait common with Autistic persons is the inability to cope with activities that may require their short-term memory rather autistic individuals excel more in activities that require using long-term memory.

In this Top 10 Jobs for those with autism guide, we have highlighted the top ten best autism jobs and revealed how to get a job with Aspergers.

The guide also explains why each of these best jobs for autistic adults is a good fit as this depends on your level of autism also that is if you fall into the spectrum of being either of these:

  • Aspergers or High-functioning autism
  • Visual thinker
  • Non-visual thinker
  • Nonverbal People with Autism or those with poor verbal skills.

The truth is that there are more jobs for Aspergers sufferers, that is high-functioning autism, those who are visual thinkers and non-visual thinkers. Whereas for those who have severe autism or non-verbal autism, finding a job may be more difficult however, theres something there for you too.

In fact, autism and employment statistics suggest that people with ASD can benefit a business in many ways.

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The Job At A Recycling Plant:

In recent years people have really begun to look into the needs of Mother Earth so as to ensure that the future generations are able to enjoy the resources of the earth just as we do.

So due to this reason across the world, there are various recycling plants that have come up so that recyclable material like plastic and glasses can be made use of instead of disposing of it.

For recycling plants there is a lot of labour required for sorting waste, so individuals with this syndrome could do this job of sorting well and efficiently.

What Are Some Examples For Companies That Hire Autistic Employees

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Microsoft, SAP, IBM, Dell and E& Y are known for hiring autistic people. Aspiritech, Ultranauts and Daivergent are also dedicated to hiring autistic adults.

In addition to those, companies hire autistic freelancers who work from home on Spectroomz for their SEO needs. An example for such companies Peer5, Numero, Rabbet – all VC-backed startups that hired autistic freelancers on Spectroomz.

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How Can I Choose The Right Job As An Autistic

In my opinion, it all starts with not hiding your autism. Thats part of who you are, even if employers cant always tell. I know hiding it is tempting since many autistics are unemployment and you gotta do what you gotta do in order to make a living.

Once you did disclose your autism, ask questions about the work environment and how flexible is your potential employer about accommodations.

Im aware this process isnt always realistic when you search for a job. But there are good news. COVID, which increased the work-from-home movement and a platform like Spectroomz which enables autistic people to work from home in their own terms is an opportunity.

Spectroomz was launched because many autistics and Aspergers wanted to work from home, but didnt have an autistic-friendly freelancing platform to go to. A platform in which clients already know they hire autistic freelancers.

Spectroomz also offers you an SEO course that will enable you to start a new career path and simply upgrade your skills.

What Are Some Strengths That Introverts Bring To The Table

Theres no denying the fact that introverts have incredible advantages that they can offer to their work team.

Introverts tend to be highly focused workers who are productive in utilizing their time without having to be monitored by a higher authority. Introverts often take the time to fully understand a task before rushing ahead to complete the project, and in turn end up saving more time than extroverts. Introverts are known to be great about getting the job done, rather than simply talking about it which is without a doubt the key to success.

Also Check: Autism Spectrum Disorder Dsm 5 Criteria

Who Is An Introvert

Although its commonly believed that introverts are very shy people who speak too softly to hear and seek to avoid social interactions at all costs, this is in fact really just a false stereotype.

Introverts may be more quiet and reserved than extroverts, but they can still be highly sociable, and often have impressive interpersonal skills. Introverts are without a doubt more than capable of taking on the very same responsibilities as extroverts but rather tend to prefer working in fields that allow them to best utilize their strengths.

Aspergers And Autism Employment Resources

Surviving – and Thriving – with Autism | Magali De Reu | TEDxAntwerp

There are many employment resources available for individuals on the autism spectrum. This is our list of resources we believe are particularly helpful. Life in Progress Coaching does not endorse or warrant any organizations listed or mentioned in these links. While we do our best to review and screen all items, some content on these sites may contain opinions or advice that we disagree with. Please use care and judgment when using any information resource.

See something missing?

Do you know an excellent autism employment resource that weve missed? Let us know! Send us a link. and a brief note about why you find it useful to . We will review any suggestions we receive, and promise to post the best of the bunch here. Thank you!

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Restocking Shelves In Stores:

Having Aspergers syndrome does not mean that the person is incapable of doing any task or has to be confined to the house at all times. Many people make the mistake of not allowing their loved ones with the syndrome to work and this does affect him or her adversely because as time passes by, he or she begins to feel useless.

Even a job at a retail store, involving him or her to restock empty shelves could most certainly give the person involved a sense of importance and identity.

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If it works out, Avanade believes employees with autism add value to the team.

Hes a very detail-oriented person, so its like a trusted pair of hands. When you give him work, hes very thorough, she said.

Theres another autistic employee whod ask for more work after shes finished her task because she doesnt want to be idling. They want to show that they can provide value and impact on the work or even on our clients.


The implications of the label high-functioning, however, are hard to fully shed.

I appreciate that theres an attempt made to distinguish , said Marvin. Were not a monolithic block.

But is still an acknowledgement that Im not truly neurotypical, even though I can be hard to distinguish from someone whos merely introverted or low-key neurotypical. It causes me a bit of stress because Im aware theres a gap. There are times I do wish I was normal.

The 30-year-old agreed, however, that his inability to grasp the same assumptions, leaps of logic and automatic understanding of certain steps, as a neurotypical peer would, can benefit workplaces especially if there is support.

Employers should do their best to clarify workflows, like clearly, predictably and specifically spell out explanations, instructions and requirements, he cited.

His inclusive team made work easier.

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Medical Lab Tech: $54k

Want to play a vital behind-the-scenes role in the healthcare industry? Lab techs study urine, blood, and tissue samples to search for abnormalities or evidence of disease. This is detail-oriented work that requires a high degree of precision. You could choose to specialize in areas like immunology, molecular biology, or cytotechnology.

Best Jobs For Antisocial People

Thriving at Work While Autistic, Introverted, Shy, and Otherwise ...

13 Best Jobs For Antisocial People | Jobs For Introverted People. While antisocial or introverts and extroverts alike can be successful in any role, people with introverted personality types might be drawn to some positions over others. Many introverts might also find that they excel in positions with certain qualities.

  • 13 Best Jobs For Antisocial People | Jobs For Introverted People
  • Weve found some jobs where you work alone or that require as few interactions with people as possible. These jobs for antisocial people typically involve working with computers, animals, plants, and heavy machinery because, well, they usually dont talk back

    Best jobs for introverts are those that:

    • Are best performed by people with excellent active listening skills
    • Allow you to focus your attention on one task or project at a time
    • Require more one-on-one interaction than public speaking.
    • Prioritize independent work over large group collaboration sessions.
    • Offer quiet spaces for working alone rather than noisy, open workspaces.

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    The 20 Best Jobs For Introverts

    Nov 27, 2020 | Careers

    Being an introvert doesnt always mean that people with those personalities are anti-social or shy. They are just quite picky at which conversation they should invest their energy and focus.

    On one hand you can be a complete introvert, where you distance yourself from other individuals and find peace and comfort in loneliness. On the other hand, you can be an extrovert, where you recharge by being socially active and be professionally successful.

    However, there are careers for introverts, where they will thrive from a professional point of view. In this article, we will take a look at the best jobs for introverts, with all their pros, cons, salaries, etc. Some require a bachelors degree, some dont.

    Read Part 2 Of A Series On Adults With Autism I Felt Like An Alien Abandoned In This World: An Autistic Mans Quest To Be Human

    A better replacement for high-functioning, they said, would be low support needs. But Kuan Min does not mind the label.

    On the one hand, I know how important the words are. On the other hand, being too sensitive may make it harder to encourage conversation. There must be some middle ground, he said.

    As long as theres no offence intended and no egregious ignorance involved, to me, its okay.

    He functions well enough to work in a typical office, namely at MOH Holdings, the holding company for Singapores healthcare institutions.

    He has been there for about eight years doing research and administrative work, among other things since he completed a masters in English literature at the National University of Singapore. But there are challenges.

    Kuan Min struggles with social anxiety due to his autism, especially when it comes to social interaction. Also, a lack of awareness and support during his formative years has had long-lasting effects on his stamina and physical and mental health.

    Although individuals like him would be able to blend in if they choose some companies believe that autism is not something to hide and that it can benefit the company. So they develop hiring programmes to embrace these differences.


    Information technology consultancy, Avanade Asia, has been one of these employers since it began a partnership with the Autism Resource Centre in 2018.

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    Opening A Vocational Training Centre:

    Lastly, one of the best jobs that anyone with this syndrome could embark on is opening a vocational training centre where he or she could do the wonderful task of helping others who have Aspergers and do not have the confidence to work in offices or companies.

    Few other jobs visual thinkers can look for are

    • Automobile mechanic
    • Video game design and web page design.

    Best Jobs For People With Adhd

    Shire House (Autism Residential Program)


    Most of us know what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder looks like in kids fidgety, hyperactive, trouble getting organized, and lack of focus.

    About 60 percent of kids continue to have symptoms of ADHD into adulthood, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Thats 4.4 percent of the adult population, or about 8 million adults.

    ADHD looks a bit different in adults. It may present as restlessness, disorganization, and trouble focusing. ADHD may also come with some unique strengths.

    Choosing a career that capitalizes on those strengths and doesnt depend heavily on areas of weakness may be the key to professional success with adult ADHD. That, along with successful ADHD treatment.

    Certain job traits may complement the strengths of some adults with ADHD:

  • Passion-fueled
  • Hands-on creative
  • Independent risk-taker
  • Finding a job that ranks high in one of these qualities, or a combination of them, may be just the thing to lead you to a career that you love. Check out these jobs that might be a fit.

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    Types Of Jobs Typically Suited For Autistic People

    When looking for a job, it is important to search for positions that will highlight your strengths, whether you have autism or not.

    For autistic people, this means looking for jobs that do not require high levels of short-term working memory. People on the spectrum often have a stronger long-term memory than a typical person, but they struggle with tasks that require strong short-term memory.

    Similarly, abstract thinking is typically difficult for those with autism. Instead, autistic individuals tend to do better with clear, concrete language.

    These types of jobs require little short-term memory and abstract thinking:

    • Computer programming
    • Physics
    • Math

    The right job for someone with autism depends on their personal skillset and interests. Jobs should be selected based on an individualâs strengths and which environment will encourage the person the most.

    This means the first step is identifying the autistic individualâs strengths. By focusing on their abilities and interests, they will be better able to secure and hold meaningful and successful jobs.

    Amazing Jobs For Introverts You Never Knew Existed

    When it comes to how successful youre likely to be in a job role, whether youre introverted or extroverted is irrelevant. What does tend to happen, however, is that people with introverted personality types find themselves in more independent work positions due to their less outgoing manner. There are great opportunities out there for introverts that suit their independent skills, while other jobs that involve too much human interaction may not be well suited for them. So what are the best jobs for introverts?

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    Careers For People With Autism

    People with autism perform best in positions that maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. In general, they should seek jobs that provide structure, require attention to detail and avoid those that regularly involve intense interpersonal work or require a strong short-term memory. Here are eight types of occupations that may be a good fit for someone on the autism spectrum.

    Whether your teen loves to draw or spends hours online, identifying and developing their skills is the key to a fulfilling career. Lexington Services specializes in helping children with autism and other learning challenges reach their full potential. to learn how Lexington Life Academy empowers its students to succeed academically, socially and professionally.

    A Few Tips For Introverts On The Job Hunt

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    Just because you prefer to work alone, it surely doesnt mean that you have less opportunities available to you, or that you have any less to offer to a company. It simply means that you need to prove yourself and your abilities, which you surely can do with flying colors. There are plenty of ideal jobs for introverts out there with your name on it!

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    Actor: $2188 Per Hour

    For some people with autism, becoming immersed in a role on stage or on screen can be deeply satisfying. In fact, well-known actors like Daryl Hannah and Anthony Hopkins have revealed that they have autism. You have to be able to memorize a script and repeat the same performance over and over again. Formal training can help you develop your craft.

    Personality Characteristics Are Unique To Every Person

    Personality characteristics are unique to all individuals, whether they are neurodivergent or not.

    An autistic person may enjoy and re-energize when spending time alone which is characteristic of an introverted personality, autistic or not.

    An autistic person may also gain much energy when spending time socializing with people which is characteristic of an extroverted personality, autistic or not.

    Kerry Magro went on to say:

    As I started speaking in complete sentences at 7, conversations and friendships were easier to build on allowing me to realize how extroverted I wanted to become.

    I know Im not alone either. Along my journey, Ive met others on the spectrum who have also expressed being extroverts.

    There are some challenging times though when I still struggle with things like mindblindness being able to understand the perspectives of others.

    I can also feel burnout when Im in social situations for long periods of time.

    Other times I may come off intense because, especially when Im meeting somebody for the first time, Im unsure if Im being too talky.

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