Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Will My Autistic Child Grow Up

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Treatment For Children With Autism

Growing up Autistic | My Parents on Raising a Child with Autism

Child development experts agree that a child with autism should receive treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible. There is no cure for autism, but early intervention using skills-training and behavior modification can yield excellent results. This type of educational and behavioral treatment tackles autism symptoms — impaired social interaction, communication problems, and repetitive behaviors. It can also boost the chances of a child with child autism being able to go to school and participate in typical activities.

Other treatment options for children with autism include:

  • Medication. Doctors sometimes prescribe it for children with autism if they have other symptoms, including depression, anxiety, seizures, or hyperactivity.
  • Alternative therapies. These might include vitamin treatments, changes in diet, and a procedure called “chelation” that attempts to remove heavy metals from the blood. Although many parents insist these types of treatment work, researchers have not scientifically proven them effective for children with autism, either for symptoms or long-term outcomes. Chelation, in particular, is dangerous and should be avoided. Deaths have been associated with this type of therapy. You should always discuss the safety and effectiveness of any alternative treatments with your doctor before trying them.

Then The Cliff Happens

But then, just as that future arrives, the cliff happens.

School-funded support all that work and investment ceases on every students 21st birthday. That is when many of these same individuals find themselves, as in earlier generations, once again invisible. Theyre home with their parents, with nothing to do or bivouacked in small group homes, watching TV, with no say in who they live with, when they go out, or what they eat. All the aspirations for something better than that employment, independent living, self-determination would require continuing support for many of these adults, at or near the same level of intensity delivered during the school years.

But funding for that level of support and it would be billions is missing.

Signs And Symptoms In Children With Autism

Autism usually appears before a child is 3 years old. Some signs of autism may be evident as early as 10 to 12 months, and certainly by 18 months.

Varying widely, signs and symptoms in children with autism typically include:

  • Impaired communication skills
  • Difficulty making eye contact
  • Repetitive behaviors and activities such as arm flapping, head banging, or twirling an object over and over
  • Rigid behavior and difficulty with change and transitions
  • Narrow range of interests and activities

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Treatment Can Radically Improve Symptoms

While children with autism don’t appear to just “get better” over time without intervention, most do improve over time with therapies and maturity. Some improve a great deal.

Practitioners of virtually every major autism therapy can tell stories of a child who started out with severe challenges and, over time, built significant skills. In some cases, children are described as “recovered,” or “indistinguishable from typical peers.” The reality, however, is that most children who appear to be “cured of autism” have either been cured of some physical problem which caused autism-like symptoms or learned coping techniques and behaviors that effectively mask their autism symptoms.

If a person was accurately diagnosed with autism, he will still have the same differences he had as a child. He will almost certainly need at least some support in managing the challenges of modern life. But in some cases, he may be able to “pass” as neurotypical in at least some situations.

Without Access To Straightforward Living Arrangements Or Gainful Employment Many Face An Uncertain Future Cammie Mcgovern Wants To Change That With A New Book

Autism: Can some children simply

Every single one of us wonders what will happen to our kids once they leave the safety of home. We hope they grow up healthy, live independently, find happiness but really, its beyond our control. Thats the ultimate gamble of parenthood. And for parents of a child with a disability, that worry is even greater.

In the United States, 1 in 54 children has autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thirty-one percent of those kids have an intellectual disability, too. But more than half of kids with autism remain unemployed or unenrolled in school in the two years after high school. Roughly half of young adults with autism have never held a paying job. Many of these young adults also age out of school-based autism services and also struggle to find health care.

What happens next? Hadley, Mass.-based author, disability advocate, and parent Cammie McGovern confronts these questions in her upcoming book, Hard Landings: Looking into the Future for a Child With Autism, out on Aug. 24. She draws from personal experiences raising her 25-year-old son Ethan, who has autism and intellectual disabilities, as well as from traveling across the country researching social, educational, and vocational resources.

What would you like to get across with this book that hasnt been covered enough?

You talk in the book about a disability cliff. What is that? What happens when autistic kids hit adulthood?

How is Ethan doing now?

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Why Does My 8 Year Old Still Wet The Bed

Generally, bedwetting before age 7 isn’t a concern. At this age, your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control. If bedwetting continues, treat the problem with patience and understanding. Lifestyle changes, bladder training, moisture alarms and sometimes medication may help reduce bedwetting.

Why Use Donotpay To Find Schools For Children With Special Needs

DoNotPay can help you find schools for children with special needs without any hassle. With a few clicks, parents can find helpful information about schools that cater to kids with special needs. DoNotPay does all the work, providing parents with a handy list of schools in their area that will be best suited for their child’s specific needs. Here are the key benefits of using DoNotPay:

  • Easy to useWith its simple search bar, finding schools for children with special needs is easy.
  • All in one placeDoNotPay brings together information on private and public schools that cater to kids with special needs.
  • Detailed informationParents can find detailed information on each school, such as the type of teaching approach they use and the availability of resources.
  • Customizable rankingsParents can rank schools by what’s important to them, such as best schools overall or most diverse schools.
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    Celebrate All Of Your Childs Achievements

    I wish I had known that unlike other parents we cant take even the smallest achievement or milestone for granted. When our son started wearing his coat without a fight and expressed that he was cold, when he was able to participate in circle time during music class and when he got up on stage with the other kids at his school show we celebrated.

    Steven Grossman, Los Angeles

    Teach Your Child About Autism Early On

    When Autism Grows Up

    If you delay telling them, they may think it is something to be scared or ashamed of. Tell them early on, and expect to have multiple conversations over time. Use an open and factual tone of voice to indicate that autism is nothing scary or bad.

    • Frame it in terms of strengths as well as needs. For example, Autism is why loud noises bother you and transitions are hard. Its also why you know so much about dogs, and love nature so much. It has hard parts and fun parts.

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    How Growing Out Of Autism Works: Is It Gone Completely

    Autism is a developmental disorder with no cure, but studies have shown some children seem to grow out of their autism diagnosis. How is this possible?

    Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there are different ranges of severity. Children with mild symptoms who are diagnosed early can sometimes learn how to manage symptoms so effectively that it seems like they no longer have the disorder at all.

    In these children, their autism symptoms are likely not gone completely. Rather, the child has learned how to compensate for, or mask, the symptoms of the disorder.

    In some cases where it seems as if the autism has disappeared, other disorders can manifest in its place. But this doesnt mean that the child grew out of autism and into another disorder. Most often, the original condition was misdiagnosed in the first place.

    Angelsense Gps Tracker For Autism Independence

    Many children with autism require additional safety measures to be given the level of independence that neuro-typical children receive. AngelSense GPS for Autism makes this possible by providing parents the peace of mind necessary to safely allow for greater freedom. Many of our customers never imagined that their child would be able to do so much on their own, but with the help of AngelSense they have built confidence and trust that has changed their lives. Learn more about how AngelSense helps with independence.

    AngelSense is committed to creating a safer world for those with special needs and providing peace of mind to their families.

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    Autism Is A Genetic Disorder

    Although autism was once believed to be the result of improper parenting, researchers now believe that genesnot psychological factorsare to blame. In fact, a 2019 study published in JAMA Psychiatry found that 80% of autism risk comes from inherited genetic factors. The study was widespread, looking at 2 million people from five countries .

    If a couple has one child with autism, there is a 5 to 10 percent chance that siblings will have some sort of autistic disorder. With identical twins, the likelihood is 60 percent. Even though profoundly autistic people rarely have children, researchers often find that a relative has mild autistic symptoms or a high-functioning autism-spectrum disorder.

    Experts believe that autism is the result of multiple genes anywhere from three to 20 interacting with each other. This may explain why the symptoms and severity of the disorder vary greatly. These genes may cause a baby’s brain to develop abnormally in utero or make him more susceptible to unknown triggers. “There is probably a combination of genetic and environmental influences,” says Catherine Lord, Ph.D., director of the Center for Autism and Communication Disorders at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor. Although the genes linked to autism have not yet been pinpointed, intense research is under way.

    Huffpost: What Are Your Fears For Your Sons Future

    Growing up with Autism

    Sue : I thought things would get easier after high school, and I was wrong, because now we dont have homework, but now Im facing the future. I know Im not going to be around, and it worries me, to be honest. Right now, I know that eventually it would be great to get him in some sort of independent living arrangement, whether its an apartment with another person with a disability or a group home. I also know that we could use those kinds of services here in Pendleton.

    My other son has gotten very involved with people with special needs. Hes a teaching assistant at the high school in the self-contained class, and after school he works with a little boy with Down syndrome, so hes really supportive. We probably have to talk about what are we going to do in the future? What is he willing to do? I dont want to burden him with everything, but at the same time, family to me is very important and I would hope that hopefully hed be supportive and, I dont know that they would want to live together or anything like that. In fact, they are typical brothers and fight a lot. But I also know he has a big heart and is not going to just walk away from everything either, so it definitely weighs on my mind a lot. Ive got a lot of friends who are my age, and who also have kids with disabilities, and we get together every few months and it is a huge concern for all of us, now that our kids are getting older.

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    The Battle For Acceptance Of Children On Autism Spectrum

    In itself, this is a rather recent development, hard won by parents only during the last third of the last century, and still a work in progress in some settings and communities. But still, we have come a long way since the days when parents were under enormous social and professional pressure to keep their autistic children invisible hidden at home, or locked away in institutions.

    Key to the change in attitude was parents successful campaigns starting in the 1970s for legal mandates requiring public schools to educate their children, while addressing their specific challenges challenges these same schools previously used to bar enrollment entirely.

    Yes, this change cost money.

    To give even a little language to one non-speaking autistic child, for example, can require a whole team of teachers working one-on-one with just a single child. But the presumed payoff is hard to begrudge, as the goal is raising each childs chances for maximum self-sufficiency, and fulfillment, in their adult futures.

    Some Children Do Outgrow Autism But It’s Not What You Think

    In the largest national study of children with autism to date, researchers examined one of the most mysterious aspects of autism spectrum disorder: that it sometimes simply vanishes.

    An estimated 1 in 68 children have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in the U.S., but researchers are beginning to take note of a small minority of children with ASD who seem to “grow out” of their diagnoses.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed more than 1,400 children with ASD — the largest nationally representative sample of children with autism to date — and found that about 13 percent of them seemed to shed their ASD-associated behaviors as they grew up.

    The catch: that doesn’t mean they’ve stumbled upon some kind of miracle therapy or cure. Rather, as some previous researchers theorized, most of them were simply misdiagnosed or intentionally diagnosed with ASD for other reasons.

    “The present study confirms that ASD diagnoses can and sometimes do change as children mature and overcome delays, and as new information is assimilated by their healthcare providers,” said Stephen Blumberg, lead author and an associate director for science at the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.

    Based on parent feedback, the diagnosis most often disappears in:

  • Children who are able to use the bathroom without help
  • Children who are able to eat without assistance
  • Children who ask for what they need, be it objects or information
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    Working With A Job Coach

    Nat works three days a week, sharing a job coach with two other young men. This coach, paid for by a state allocation, looks out for Nat at his job at CVS stocking coolers, making sure he understands what he is expected to do and stays on task. Hes also about to start a trial run at a second job retrieving shopping carts at a grocery store. Currently Nat spends the other two days in DayHab, short for Day Habilitation Services, meant to help people with developmental disabilities improve or maintain their independent living skills.

    DayHab is often babysitting, Senator says, table top activities, coloring, television or sheltered workshops, with very little out in the community, and theres a mixture of disabilities. This isnt true of Nats program, she says all of his colleagues, as Senator terms them, are developmentally or intellectually delayed, possibly due to autism or Down syndrome.

    Half of Nats funding comes from the state, half from Medicaid. After hes given a budget for rent, living expenses, transportation and his job coach, the family works with Nats service provider to come up with ways to stretch the money, Senator says. The family pays for extras like a recent three-day outing with a social group to New Hampshire.

    Encourage Communication Verbal And Otherwise

    When Autism Grows Up

    If your child cannot speak yet, find a form of AAC that will allow them to express themselves. Being able to communicate needs, thoughts, and feelings can reduce frustrations and meltdowns in your child.

    • Watch for nonverbal responses. For example, if you ask Did you have fun at preschool? and your child flaps their hands and shrieks happily, then this is their answer. Continue maintaining a dialogue.
    • Dont pressure your child to speak. Some autistic people are incapable of speaking, or they find it difficult and stressful. Allow your child to communicate through gestures, sign language, or by pointing to a picture board.

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    Autism Can Be Misdiagnosed

    In some cases, a practitioner may put an “autism” label on a child because of behaviors and symptoms that fit the criteria of autism but miss other issues that underlie the behaviors. Not only are many symptoms of autism shared by other related , but some autism-like symptoms may be caused by physical issues that can be addressed. For example:

    • Late or disordered speech, a classic symptom of autism, can be caused by many different issues ranging from Apraxia of Speech to hearing loss. Address the underlying issues, and typical speech may emerge.
    • Sensory challenges can lead to autism-like behavior, but it is very possible to have sensory dysfunction without being autistic. Help a child to manage or avoid sensory assaults, and many of the behaviors will disappear.
    • Some autism-like behaviors can result from allergies, toxins, or food intolerances. If a child is allergic to or intolerant of casein or gluten, for example, removing those items from their diet can have a tremendous positive impact on learning and behavior.
    • In some cases, children are diagnosed with autism when a more appropriate diagnosis might be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety, or Non-Verbal Learning Disorder. When that’s the case, it’s possible for a combination of cognitive therapy and appropriate medication to essentially eradicate the problem.

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