Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is Autism Dsm 5

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Causes And Risk Factors

Autism diagnosis criteria: explained (DSM-5)

Researchers dont know the primary causes of ASD, but studies suggest that a persons genes can act together with aspects of their environment to affect development in ways that lead to ASD. Some factors that are associated with an increased likelihood of developing ASD include:

  • Having a sibling with ASD
  • Having older parents
  • Having certain genetic conditions
  • Having a very low birth weight

What Is The Dsm

By Yolande Loftus, BA, LLB

Medical professionals and researchers often consult the DSM-5, a manual sometimes referred to as the bible of mental conditions. In this article the criteria for an autism diagnosis according to the DSM-5 will be examined.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a manual often cited in scientific journals medical professionals like psychiatrists and pediatricians refer to it when diagnosingbut for some of us it appears to be a bit of a daunting read reserved for those with multiple abbreviations accompanying their name.

The name of the handbook, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders contributes to the intimidation factor. While it was never intended as a beach read for the public, the DSM-5 contains a lot of diagnostic information that may be useful for educators and parents, in addition to its intended medical and research audience.

Most doctors in the US use the manual as the authoritative guide when diagnosing autism spectrum disorders . For medical professionals without a lot of autism related experience, the DSM-5 provides guidelines and criteria to facilitate consistent and reliable diagnoses.

It may be a valuable diagnostic tool, but its also been criticized by many cliniciansspecifically criticism regarding its validity, reliability and utility . Issues relating to overdiagnosis and the risk of pathologizing normal behavior or conditions are further areas of concern according to Young .

Criteria C And D For Social Anxiety Disorder

Criteria C and D for Social Anxiety Disorder

C. Social situations almost always provoke fear or anxiety.

Criteria C captures the pervasiveness of the experience. We arent talking about situational anxiety that comes and goes were talking about anxiety that is persistent and present in many contexts.

D. The social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety.

Avoidance and anxiety go hand and hand. When we experience anxiety, we often avoid the thing that triggers the anxiety . Criteria C and D capture this element of social anxiety. The person nearly always pushes through the avoidance but experiences intense fear and anxiety , or they avoid these situations whenever possible .

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Understanding The Three Levels Of Autism

Steven Gans, MD, is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

There are three levels of autism spectrum disorder , which are described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition .

Each person with ASD is further diagnosed with either ASD level 1, level 2, or level 3, depending on how severe their disorder is and how much support they need in their daily life.

The levels range from least to most severe, with ASD level 3 describing an individual who has the most severe level of ASD symptoms, and ASD level 1 describing someone with symptoms on the milder end of the spectrum.

This article discusses the symptoms that are typical of each of the three ASD levels. It also includes realistic examples of the strengths and limitations that are unique to each level.

Verywell / Cindy Chung

About The Dsm And Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis

I Might be on the Autism Spectrum? Now What?

When diagnosing autism, professionals like paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists and speech pathologists use the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders , or DSM-5, produced by the American Psychiatric Association.

The DSM-5 lists the signs and symptoms of autism and states how many of these must be present to confirm a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. The DSM-5 refers to signs and symptoms, but this article talks about signs and characteristics.

To find out whether a child has autism signs and characteristics and meets DSM-5 criteria, professionals also need to do extra tests. These tests are called adiagnostic assessment.

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Question: Whats New In The Dsm

ANSWER: As you can see, there have many changes to the diagnostic criteria! Communication and social deficits have been grouped together because they often overlap. Under the DSM-IV, language delay was a very important diagnostic piece however, under the DSM-5, a language delay will no longer be considered a part of the diagnosis.

Another important difference includes the changes to the criteria regarding restricted and repetitive behaviors. New is the inclusion of hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input. Sensory differences have long been recognized as a challenge for many individuals with ASD and are now recognized as part of the official diagnostic criteria.

Criteria B For Social Anxiety Disorder

Criteria B for Social Anxiety Disorder

Criteria B for social anxiety includes: “The individual fears that he or she will act in a way or show anxiety symptoms that will be negatively evaluated.” Examples include things such as:

1) Fear of being humiliated or embarrassed

2) Fear of situations where one may be judged negatively

3) Fear of physical manifestations of anxiety

4) Fear of offending others

5) Fear of being Rejected

Here the person is highly anxious that others will perceive them as “anxious, weak, crazy, stupid, boring, intimidating, dirty, or unlikable” . The person is often particularly nervous about showing their anxiety symptoms through blushing, trembling, sweating, stumbling over one’s words, or staring, which will lead to being rejected or negatively evaluated.

Those from more collectivistic cultures are more prone to worry that they will accidentally offend others .

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Is Autism A Mental Illness Dsm

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , autism spectrum disorder is also classified as a mental illness. As a result, autism is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder in the DSM-5.

The DSM-5 describes autism spectrum disorder as a mental disorder. The DSM-5 defines autism as a psychiatric disorder . Many characteristics of autism overlap with those of other mental illnesses, which is why it is frequently misdiagnosed. The obsession of children with autism with a particular field of study may be accompanied by an indifference to the interests and concerns of others. Self-obsession is a common feature of narcissistic personality disorder. Autism is more likely than other illnesses to result in mental illness. In addition to mental illness, the majority of children and adults with autism have developmental disabilities. It is possible for a secondary diagnosis to direct therapy, academic support, and mental health services. People with autism and those suffering from other mental illnesses may exhibit behaviors similar to one another.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Diagnostic Criteria (DSM 5)

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism.

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Question: What Are The Dsm

ANSWER: Under the newest changes, the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder require the person to demonstrate characteristics in two categories.

  • Impairment in social communication and interaction. In the DSM-IV, communication and social were seen as two separate areas. In the DSM-5, because communication and social skills operate together, they are now combined. Characteristics may include the following:
  • Deficits in reciprocity
  • Presence of restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior. Characteristics may include the following:
  • Preoccupation with objects or topics of interest
  • Repetitive movements or speech
  • Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory stimulation
  • For a person to meet criteria, characteristics must be present during a childs early development. However, the characteristics may not become evident until the child is older and is placed in social situations that exceed his or her social abilities.

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    Question: What About Those Who Have A Diagnosis Now

    ANSWER: Anyone diagnosed with any of the four disorders from the DSM-IV should still meet the criteria for ASD in the DSM-5, or be found to have another, more accurate, DSM-5 diagnosis. According to the DSM-5: Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Aspergers disorder, or pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Individuals who have marked deficits in social communication but whose symptoms do not otherwise meet criteria for autism spectrum disorder should be evaluated for social communication disorder . .

    Individuals with a long-standing diagnosis, therefore, may continue to carry the new ASD diagnosis. As noted above, the DSM-5 also includes a new communication disorder called Social Communication Disorder, or SCD. Even though the definitions of ASD and SCD share similar social communication deficits, the difference is that the criteria for ASD includes restricted and repetitive behaviors, interests, and activities.

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    Social Communication / Interaction Behaviors May Include:

    • Making little or inconsistent eye contact
    • Appearing not to look at or listen to people who are talking
    • Infrequently sharing interest, emotion, or enjoyment of objects or activities
    • Not responding or being slow to respond to ones name or to other verbal bids for attention
    • Having difficulties with the back and forth of conversation
    • Often talking at length about a favorite subject without noticing that others are not interested or without giving others a chance to respond
    • Displaying facial expressions, movements, and gestures that do not match what is being said
    • Having an unusual tone of voice that may sound sing-song or flat and robot-like
    • Having trouble understanding another persons point of view or being unable to predict or understand other peoples actions
    • Difficulties adjusting behaviors to social situations
    • Difficulties sharing in imaginative play or in making friends

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    Application of dsm

    The spectrum illustrates a broad range of developmental delays and symptom severity.

    ASD includes people who have a few mild autistic traits to those who need help with day-to-day functioning. It represents every intelligence level, as well as varying degrees of communication and social abilities.

    The differences between one type and another type can be subtle and difficult to determine.

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    Asd Criteria And Manifestations In Adults

    The DSM-5 specifies diagnostic critera for ASD.24 The following table summarizes the DSM-5 criteria, with examples of how these criteria may manifest in adults.22

    Though the DSM-5 conceptualizes ASD primarily as a social-communication disorder, there is a growing literature supporting the hypothesis that ASD is primarily characterized by differences in information processing.23 See, for example, the intense world theory of ASD.

    Adults on the autism spectrum may display autistic traits differently from children. Most people, regardless of whether or not they are on the autism spectrum, mature and behave differently as they get older. As such, adults on the spectrum may not fit societyâs images of autistic children. In addition, adults often find coping strategies that help them function in the world, but that may make autistic traits harder to recognize.

    There is great heterogeneity in the clinical presentation of ASD. Although anyone on the spectrum would be expected to have challenges with social communication, these challenges can show up in many different ways. For example, a person may not be able to speak, may misunderstand facial expressions and body language, or may take language too literally. A person may have difficulty starting a conversation, may need more time alone than most people, or may feel uncomfortable socializing with others without a planned activity.

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    Risk And Prognostic Factors

    The best established prognostic factors for individual outcome within autism spectrum disorder are presence or absence of associated intellectual disability and language impairment and additional mental health problems. Epilepsy, as a comorbid diagnosis, is associated with greater intellectual disability and lower verbal ability.

    Environmental. A variety of nonspecific risk factors, such as advanced parental age, birth weight, or fetal exposure to valproate, may contribute to risk of autism spectrum disorder.

    Genetic And Physiological. Heritability estimates for autism spectrum disorder have ranged from 37% to higher than 90%, based on twin concordance rates. Currently, as many as 15% of cases of autism spectrum disorder appear to be associated with a known genetic mutation, with different de novo copy number variants or de novo mutations in specific genes associated with the disorder in different families. However, even when an autism spectrum disorder is associated with a known genetic mutation, it does not appear to be fully penetrant. Risk for the remainder of cases appears to be polygenic, with perhaps hundreds of genetic loci making relatively small contributions.

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    Restricted Repetitive Patterns Of Behavior

    This kind of behavior should be present and for a diagnosis at least two of these should be apparent:

  • Repetitive motor movements, this often manifests in a particular way in which the child lines up toys instead of playing with them, or repetitive speech patterns like echolalia or repeating phrases from movies at inappropriate times
  • Inflexibility when it comes to routines and patterns of behavior and an insistence on samenessthe child may display extremely rigid behavior, insisting on eating the same meal daily or watching only one show repeatedly
  • An atypically intense interest which is fixated and highly restricted, for example a fixation with regards to a specific object or a field of interest like math or trains
  • The DSM-5 added hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory stimuli . The child may overreact to neutral stimuli like tags in clothing, or seek sensory input with behaviors like smelling and touching things excessively
  • Even if these symptoms are present, further requirements are still needed for an autism diagnosis. For example, the symptoms should be present from early onit is however possible that full manifestation only occurs later due to circumstances. These symptoms should cause significant problems in important areas of the childs life and should not be better explained by intellectual disability or global development delay.

    Risks And Benefits Of Adult Diagnosis

    WHAT IS AUTISM? | DSM-5 ASD Diagnostic Criteria

    Many adults who meet diagnostic criteria for ASD do not carry formal medical diagnoses of ASD, either because they have never come to medical attention or because they have been misdiagnosed with a differential condition . When deciding whether to refer an adult patient for a diagnostic evaluation for ASD, one should consider potential risks and benefits of a diagnosis, and should discuss these possibilities with the patient and, if applicable, their supporters.

    Potential benefits of a formal diagnosis are as follows.

    • Would confer legal rights to accommodations in school, at work, in healthcare, or in other settings.
    • May assist the individual in developing a better understanding of self.
    • May provide peace of mind through the professional confirmation of life experiences.
    • May provide means to experience better coping or quality of life by more directly helping in recognizing strengths and accommodating challenges.
    • May provide others means to understand and support the individual.
    • May qualify the individual for benefits and services for people who have an ASD diagnosis.
    • May qualify the individual for programs for people with disabilities, such as scholarships or incentives that are meant to increase workplace diversity.

    Potential risks associated with seeking an ASD diagnosis are as follows.

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Umbrella Term

    One of the biggest changes in the DSM-5 is the revised diagnosis of individuals with autism-related disorders.

    Prior to the revision, patients could be characterized as having one of four disorders: autistic disorder, Aspergers, childhood disintegrative disorder or an unidentified developmental disorder not otherwise specified. After medical and scientific review, researchers found that these labels were not consistently applied across clinics and treatment centers. The DSM-5 has therefore done away with the prior mentioned labels and has redefined these symptoms under one umbrella term. In doing so, they hope it will improve diagnoses without limiting criteria or changing the number of individuals being diagnosed.

    People with autism spectrum disorder tend to display the following traits:

    • Communication deficits
    • High sensitivity to changes in their environment

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    Does Aspergers Syndrome Still Exist In Dsm 5

    With the new model of Autism, it means that Aspergers Syndrome which was added to the DSM back in 1994 and has existed for a period of time, was removed in May 2013. Which begs the question does Aspergers still exist? In official terms no, because the diagnosis would be Autistic Spectrum Disorder Level I.

    The reason for diagnosing what was Aspergers as Autistic Spectrum Disorder Level I is that in general terms the need is of a low level of support. On the face of it, that is correct, but the type of low-level support that is needed has to be of a different genre than for someone who is ASD Level III.

    However, to just give a label of ASD Level I, is not sufficient. Autism, at different level, affects each child or adult differently. On a personal experience, I have encountered clients with similar autistic traits but how the traits impact on their lives will depend on their personality levels of sensitivity resilience and the effectiveness of their support. To counteract the impact of ASD labelling, there should be specific descriptors to highlight individual signs and symptoms.

    Aspergers may not exist as a definitive within the DSM 5 Autism Spectrum Disorder, but clinicians will still carry on using the international coding system especially when they are dealing with medical insurance companies , as Aspergers is still included in that system. Groups and organisations that support their members that have Aspergers will continue to use the descriptor.

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