Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Fight Autism And Win

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Amazon Is Still Selling Books Recommending Dangerous And Fake ‘cures’ For Autism

Wise Traditions podcast #19 Fight autism and win w/ Tressie Taylor

Just weeks after Amazon removed several anti-vaccination documentaries, the company has now taken down three more online listings – this time for books that claim to contain ‘cures’ for autism.

Respectively titled Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, Fight Autism and Win, and The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, the three books have hundreds of reviews.

But while their removal is a win, the truth is, Amazon still sells dozens of these pseudoscientific books – with titles that would raise the brow of any doctor. More often than not, these products are medically inaccurate, claiming to treat or even cure autism with sex, yoga, camel milk, electroconvulsive therapy and veganism, according to Wired.

An article in the magazine this week revealed that Amazon’s stores are rife with these texts, some of which advise parents to treat their child’s autism by drinking, bathing in, and making enemas out of a toxic, bleach-like substance called chlorine dioxide.

“Other pseudoscientific books available on the website instruct parents to force their children to undergo chelation a treatment intended for arsenic and lead poisoning that caused the death of an autistic boy in 2005,” journalist Matt Reynolds details.

“I am concerned by the report that Amazon accepts paid advertising that contains deliberate misinformation about vaccines promoting these advertisements as suggested content ahead of intended search results,” Schiff wrote.

Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work By Jan Martin And Tressie Taylor

Fight Autism and Win is about how to chelate metals using the Andrew Culter protocol. Cutler is a medical research who became poisoned by mercury. Having the proper scientific background, he was able to form his own protocol to recovery. I have been familiar with Cutlers work for years and regularly use his method of interpreting hair analysis.

Fight Autism and Win was banned by Amazon in March 2019, for supposedly spreading anti-vaccine information. However, the book hardly mentions vaccines. It does in passing and is not favorable to vaccines, but this just is not what the book is about. It was targeted by people who either did not bother to read it, or are more concerned with parents trying to help children with autism than spreading information questioning vaccine safety. Anyone who picks up this book for its anti vaccine agenda will be very disappointed.

If you want to learn about vaccines, I suggest reading How To End The Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley. That is the books which goes deep into the science of vaccine safety. Ironically, this is still being sold on Amazon .

Fight Autism And Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work Second Edition

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Zeolites/do Not Remove Metals

Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals, really a fancy word for rock or dirt. Zeolite salespeople have engaged in a number of unethical, unsubstantiated claims to sell their MMS product. Like a lot of other companies they have promised for at least 5 years to run clinical trials, but have yet to actually produce any results.

The research on Zeolites would not make the grade for any kind of reasonable scientfic study. They conduct the research themselves . They use small sample sizes , they dont use control groups that would allow anyone to see that people might excrete the same amount of Mercury with Vitamin C or more with Dmsa than they do with Zeolites. Definitely not scientific.

Dr Boyd Haley received his PhD in Chemistry/Biochemistry in 1971. He is Chair of the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky and has risked his career to talk about the negative effects of mercury amalgams/vaccinations on the body. Dr Haley has been a friend of the ASD child, testifying in front of Congress about the deleterious effect of the current vaccination schedule and the correlation with the rise in ASDs. You can hear him here.

Boyd Haley writing about Mercury and zeolites:

I thought I would share this information with you. A week ago I received two vials of NCD, or zeolite from two suspicious mothers who thought it might contain mercury. We have tested it. The good news is that it does not contain any detectable mercury.

Boyd Haley

Amazon Pulls 2 Books That Promote Unscientific Autism Cures

PDF Ebook Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That ...

By Tiffany Hsu

Amazon has removed the online listings for two books that claim to contain cures for autism, a move that follows recent efforts by several social media sites to limit the availability of anti-vaccination and other pseudoscientific material.

The books, Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism and Fight Autism and Win, which had previously been listed for sale in Amazons marketplace, were not available on Wednesday. The company confirmed that the listings had been removed, but declined to discuss why or whether similar books would be taken down in the future.

Several such books were still listed on Wednesday. In an article published this week, Wired UK magazine noted that Amazon is crowded with titles promoting unproven treatments for autism that include sex, yoga, camel milk, electroconvulsive therapy and veganism.

There is no cure for autism spectrum disorder, but there are medications that can help address associated symptoms like high energy levels and depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency has found that as many as a third of parents with an autistic child have tried treatments that most pediatricians do not recommend, and that up to 10 percent may be using potentially dangerous tactics.

The books that were listed on Amazon were both written more than five years ago and have together generated more than 600 customer reviews.

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Amazon Pulls Books Offering Dangerous ‘cures’ For Autism

Following reports of dangerous therapies being promoted in titles being sold through the site, a number have been quietly withdrawn

Books that promise cures for autism through potentially dangerous therapies have been quietly removed from over the last week.

The removals followed an exposé in Wired magazine this week that highlighted how Amazon was selling dozens of titles claiming to be able to cure the lifelong condition with nostrums from camel milk to yoga and veganism.

On Thursday morning, Kerry Riveras Healing the Symptoms Known As Autism, which advocates dosing autistic children with a bleach-like substance, chlorine dioxide, was no longer available from the online giant. The Autism Research Institute says that chlorine dioxide, which is known as Miracle Mineral Solution by its disciples, has side effects known to be seriously damaging.

Another book named in the Wired article, Fight Autism and Win, has also been withdrawn from Amazon. It advocates a process known as chelation, which involves using a dose of chemicals to remove heavy metals from the body. It is not an approved treatment for autism and can be dangerous: in 2005, a five-year-old boy died after undergoing chelation treatment.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, by the inventor of Miracle Mineral Solution Jim Humble, is also no longer for sale on

How To Fight Autism

Then he said something really interesting. He started talking about the Stanley Milgram studies on obedience conducted at Stanford University in the 1960s. In the experiment, an authority figure , told the test subject he was going to be participating in a study of memory and learning in different situations.

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Unique And Important Or Author Self Promotion:

It is written by two moms who used the protocol to help their own children recover from autism. They are not promoting anything except how other parents can help their own children. They dont pad the book with hundreds of pages of general health information you can easily find elsewhere. Its what you need to know, short and simple.

Rating: A

Fight Autism And Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Workby Rebecca Claire Jan Martin Tressie Taylor Pdf

Fight And Win Against Autism

Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!By Rebecca Claire, Jan Martin, Tressie Taylor PDF

Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!By Rebecca Claire, Jan Martin, Tressie Taylor PDF
Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work!By Rebecca Claire, Jan Martin, Tressie Taylor PDF

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Shipping During Covidall International Shipping Is Suspended Until Further Notice Due To Significant Delays In Shipping Times All International Orders Will Be Refunded We Now Offer A Digital Book With Instant Access

Our new digital book has the latest information for parents of all children, including those on the autism spectrum about safe detox. This book covers new topics like MTHFR & PANDAS.
Our paperback book is a parent guide to detox and other natural interventions like dietary changes, addressing candida and using supplements that may be helpful for parents with children on the spectrum. Read More

Amazon Yanks At Least 2 Books Telling Parents To Give Autistic Kids Toxic Substances

Reporter, HuffPost

Amazon has removed at least two listings for books containing nonscientific cures for autism, including drinking and bathing in a bleach-like substance and ingesting a drug used to treat lead poisoning.

Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism and Fight Autism and Win, both previously on sale through the retail giant, were not available on Wednesday.

The move comes around two weeks after Rep. Adam Schiff sent a letter to founder Jeff Bezos scolding him for doing little to combat some parents belief that vaccines cause autism. Schiff accused Amazon of surfacing and recommending products and content that discourage parents from vaccinating their children, and urged Bezos to find a way to distinguish quality information from misinformation or misleading information.

Activists have also stepped up efforts to combat vaccine misinformation in light of a preventable nationwide measles outbreak.

The specific titles removed were scrutinized in a Monday article on Wired UK, which detailed the volumes medically questionable content. The outlet reported Amazons digital shelves were stacked high with books recommending a strange array of unproven cures for autism including sex, yoga, camel milk, electroconvulsive therapy and veganism.

Another title mentioned by Wired, The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, was also unavailable.

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Where To Start

Overwhelmed? Confused by all the information? You dont have to tell me how overloaded you can get in the beginning as I was there. Breathe, take some time to read. I know the sense of urgency you feel at wanting to do something NOW to help your child but a little bit of research can prevent you from making a mistake at this point.

My advice is to read:

1. My page Safe, Effective Chelation

2. The book Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work! The protocol has been compiled in one place. There is only enough theory to adequately explain the process and any medical jargon has been plainly explained. You can get the book at :

3. Once you have the book you can join the parent group Fight Autism and Win Biomedical on Facebook at: to talk to other parents who are just starting or have more than a few rounds of low/frequent dose chelation under their belts. One of the Co-authors of the Book Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work! are also available to answer your questions.

All of the above recommendations are relatively inexpensive and I positively believe that if a parent is motivated and will do the reading, this protocol can be implemented by the parent alone, with the support of others.

5. For questions or comments pertaining to the blog or to inquire about consulting fees, a contact form is provided below.

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