Thursday, July 25, 2024

Math Curriculum For Autistic Students

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Putting A Plan In Place To Build Relationships And Agree Expectations


Autistic childrenwill bevery unlikely to say if they do not understand. They will either have a go and get the wrong answer, or they will panic and not even attempt the question. It is also highly likely that they will not want immediate attention because they do not want anyone to notice them as needing help.

It is a good idea to discuss this with parents and the student before the year begins so that an agreed plan for how to help the student is put in place. This plan is something the student should feel happy about, as well as feel like they can take ownership of it.

This kind of behavior is not just the case for elementary school age autistic children. I have taught mature students of 30+ who have literally run out of the room of a small class of nine students because they did not understand, did not want the attention drawn to them and left the room upset.

This is not trivial. Autistic learners do not grow out of being autistic.

However, if a plan is put in place then they will be extremely effective at learning. Feeling safe, having clarity, and having processing time , are all not only helpful but essential for autistic learners.

Third Space Learnings one-to-one set-up can really help in this area as the pressure of the onlooking class is removed the interaction is purely between the student and the tutor.

Reframe The Question & Relax

When looking for the best homeschool curriculum for our kids, we need to reframe the question from,

Whats the best homeschool math curriculum? toWhats the best homeschool curriculum for my child at this time?

Theres never going to be one right answer to this question.

Our kids all have different needs and those needs are going to ebb and flow as time and circumstances change. The point being give yourself grace. Take the pressure off when choosing learning materials for your child. We can only do our best with the information we have at any one time.

Be Aware Of Sensory Sensitivity

Many children with autism are either overly sensitive to sensory stimuli, such as noise, touch, and smell or dont really notice them. Sensory overload can elicit intense negative or positive reactions, which can result in a sensory meltdown. This may come in the form of:

  • shutting down etc.

Since every child with autism is different, there cant be a one-size-fits-all approach here and youd have to monitor the individual reactions of the child and get to know their triggers. You may also want to consider obtaining input from their parents. This way, you can adapt the classroom appropriately.

For instance, if the child gets distracted while solving math equations because there is too much noise outside, you could consider getting them noise-canceling headphones.

Sometimes an autistic child will find particular textures or colors unpleasant. Its especially important to monitor this during hands-on activities in math classes. As an example, if you want to use balls with an unusual fabric to teach counting, check with the child if the fabric is okay with them in advance, and adjust your activity accordingly.

Of course, you can never know all of the meltdown triggers, so its good to also prepare a calm down area. This can be an area where the child can compose themself. For instance, it can be the corner of the classroom where theres a bean bag chair and a few calming items that the student likes.

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What Is The Math Worksheet For Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. The majority of the time kids with autism go to school and learn to do the activities. The worksheet is a great way to teach your kids mathematics in a fun way. Autisms manifestations vary individually, no two persons with Autism spectrum disorder will behave and appear in the same way.

Worksheets For Identifying Objects

Pin on Math for Students with Autism

Worksheets for identifying objects are used to teach children to recognize common objects and increase their visual memory, in addition to helping them practice reasoning and pre-reading skills.

To complete this worksheet, your child will need to use reasoning skills in order to determine where an object belongs. As the child matches each object with the right location, he or she is also learning to recognize the words written under the pictures.

These cards prompt your child to identify common objects by choosing the correct alternative among several options. The objects were chosen for their short names that are easy to say, such as dog, ball, or car, so that your child can also work on their pronunciation. The set of cards with 30 objects can be purchased for $2.50.

This series of sorting worksheets is designed to help your child improve observation skills by identifying and circling the picture of one or more objects. Registered users can download the worksheets for free.

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Autistic Learners Are Part Of A Neurodiverse Classroom

Autism Spectrum Condition is a neurological and developmental condition that affects how those with autism interact with other people, including how they communicate, behave and learn.

Autism is a wide and varied condition and presents itself in a broad array of ways, meaning that not all autistic people will behave or face the same challenges when learning math or any other subject.

Autistic children, like any children, can make great mathematicians and can have many cognitive strengths and even savant abilities. However, in some cases, different approaches may need to be utilized to best teach math concepts to autistic students and unlock their mathematicalability.

For example, for some autistic learners, the classroom environment itself can be a challenge, especially if it is brightly lit, heavily decorated or loud. Sensory overload can be a big obstacle, preventing students from being able to focus on what they are learning.

Read more:How To Support A Child With Autism In The Classroom

What Is Public Education And What Challenges Does It Have Supporting Children With Special Needs

Parents may begin with a public education for a variety of reasons. They want their child with autism to socialize with other children and assume they will receive good teaching from the teacher who teaches the neurotypical kids. Often the reality is other parents are resentful that their child is receiving less attention because of the presence of a child with special needs. Classes are large often with no time for a teacher to provide extra attention. The teacher may have no special training in autism spectrum disorders and personal aide time is limited if provided at all. Traditional teaching techniques used in most classrooms involve too much listening, sitting still, and not enough breaks. Lesson plans are not modified specifically to accommodate special learning needs.

Public schools may lack the resources to provide a sound education for a child with autism. The school may not have a professionally trained staff, teacher aides, or special equipment such as a laptop computer. Laptops can be beneficial for children who have difficulty with motor control . They often find it easier to type than to hand-write. Many autistic children enjoy working on computers so providing them with one to use is motivational.

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Do All Students With Autism Require Curriculum Modifications And Adaptations

The short answer is no. The students temperament and level of functioning will provide guidance for whether, when and how his or her learning needs should be addressed. Some students diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder can be successful in traditional learning environments with few adaptations or none at all. Others whose needs, sensitivities and triggers make their ability to function much more challenging to manage may require an almost entirely separate curriculum from what is taught in a traditional classroom. Also, the need for curriculum modifications and adaptations can vary with age, developmental stage and subject.

Materials For Students Who Need To Work Independently

TouchMath Addition

This year, were going back to our traditional parent-led curriculum but in 2014, we had to move the kids to computer based programs to ease my load during my pregnancy.

There are many reasons to need to step back from parent-led curriculum- if you are not comfortable teaching, or if math class turns your child into a holy terror it may be best to send them off to learn with a virtual teacher. This doesnt totally get you off the hook- youll still need to be sure to check the work and reteach any concepts that didnt stick, but it is a wonderful option if you need to ease your load.

Dreambox Math is an awesome choice for special learners in grades K-3. Teaching Textbooks is a good full program for older students and breaks down problems step by step, and CTC Math and IXL are both awesome supplements to curriculum.

More Math Resources

Read our reviews on many different math programs and find one to fit your family.

See if your library has Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics to help you be a more effective math teacher.

Read more about Math, Science and Logic Curriculum Choices over at the Virtual Curriculum Fair!

Recommended Reading: My Husband Is Autistic

Meeting The Challenge Of Autism Education

The US Autism and Asperger’s Association is quick to point out teaching children with autism can be challenging. Children with autism or Asperger’s sometimes seem to be on their own clock, and the social cues we use have little effect. These children need a patient, ordered learning system that breaks large learning goals into smaller tasks.

How Autism Can Affect Math Problem Solving

Autistic children can experience deficits in executive functioning. This can lead to difficulties in math word problem solving as it involves:

  • Organizing information and operations
  • Flexibly moving between pieces of information
  • Identifying the relevant information in the problem
  • Understanding the problem holistically

All of these difficulties, in turn, have a direct effect on math word problem solving for students with Autism Spectrum Condition.

Autism and math example: times a number by 2

I recently asked a 10th grade student to multiply a number by 2. He did not know how to do it until I suggested that he add the number to the same number and then he got it. He tapped himself on the head and said Oh yes, but it was not immediately obvious to him.

Why, though? What is the root of him not having that connection embedded in his thinking? I suggest it is because that was missed in elementary school, and he has slipped through the net of that connection not being recognized.

How is it possible for a 10th grade student to have gone through 5 years of math and this missed information not be recognized?

In Third Space Learnings one-to-one tutoring programme, tutors try to convey these connections to students. For example, demonstrating that multiplying by two is the same as adding the same number twice.

We are trying to constantly plug the gaps that are obvious without realizing that the roots go so much deeper.

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Other Worksheets You May Be Interested In

Below are links to a few more worksheets which are closely related to the worksheet above.

On this page, we provided you with a Math Worksheet for Autism It hopefully helped you make your kids learn the basics of maths.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

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Abacus For Teaching Math To Autistic Students

Boom Cards

Abacus, or a counting frame, is an ancient tool used in Europe, China, and Russia long before the written numerical system was adapted and wide-spread. But, for us right now, the abacus is valuable for different reasons.

This interactive toy appeals to the senses, captivates the attention of children, and helps autistic kids learn basic math skills. Its a very clever way of making math feel real to children that can help them learn through play.

Today, there are different variations of the abacus, designed to appeal to kids. You can buy a unique vertical abacus, a creative ring-shaped abacus with number symbols and math operations written on it, or a traditional 10 rows with 10 beads abacus.

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What Am I Looking At

One social challenge many children on the spectrum encounter is following another persons eye gaze. This is called shared attention. Often, these children may not notice that someone is looking at an object. If asked what another person is looking at, the child may imagine that the other person is looking at the same thing he or she is.

This worksheet focuses on eye gaze. In each picture, the child is looking at one of several objects. The child can draw a line from the persons eyes to the object that person is looking at. Since no reading is involved in this worksheet, you can use it with children who have not yet learned to read.

Public Schools Vs Homeschooling

Should I send my autistic child to a public school or go for homeschooling?

This is one of the biggest concerns of parents when it comes to the education of autistic children. Before you make a decision, it is important to consider both approaches based on your childs individual needs and sensitivities.

While public schooling has its pros and cons, the biggest reason it may not be suitable for your autistic child is that schools often fail to accommodate childrens individual needs.

This kind of teaching approach is unlikely to work well for autistic children as they learn at their own pace and often require additional attention to learning new stuff. Plus, if your child has sensory issues, learning in a room full of children can be a challenge for him/her.

On the other hand, choosing to homeschool, your autistic child can seem like a daunting task. Most parents worry about choosing the right curriculum for autism and following it through. Fortunately, there are multiple amazing options available for homeschooling children with autism that you can choose from.

Scroll down to take a look at some of the best homeschool curriculum for autism. All of them can help your child learn and grow in their own space without facing social anxiety and sensory issues. Choose the one you like the best!

Also Check: Dsm 5 Autism Spectrum Disorder

Materials For Hands On Learners

Mr. Man struggles a little bit more with mathematics concepts, and as a active child with a shorter attention span, he does much better with math programs that allow him to learn the material in a slower, hands on way.

Some children really benefit from seeing the math with manipulatives and guided exploration, so a strong curriculum with lots of practice does them worlds of good.

Weve had wonderful success with Math U See and Right Start Math with him. Both of these programs have the added benefit of having a script or video lesson to help you as a parent teach the concepts.

Choose A Curriculum For Teaching Math To Students With Autism

ABA Autism Classroom Case Study 2012

Selecting an appropriate curriculum for teaching math to students with autism can be taxing. In order to facilitate this task, you may want to consider the questions below before choosing the curriculum:

  • What is the preferred learning style of your student? Do they like incorporating technology in their learning or perhaps a nature-based setting is more to their liking?
  • What are the strong points of your student in math? What are their weaker points?

How does the math curriculum address these particular math strengths and weaknesses? Remember that each child with autism is unique and youll have to set up an individualized approach that takes their uniqueness into account.

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Processing Time Is Crucial

These examples demonstrate abstract concepts which learners have not had enough time to process in their lessons. Students will always resort to the most familiar thing that they are sure of, even when that is not what the question requires.

Even when a child understands in a passive way when the teacher explains a concept, it does not mean they will remember it and be able to apply it later on. The amount of processing needed is likely to be considerably more than what may be assumed by us as teachers.

If we also consider that many people with autism struggle to process information quickly, we start to see where they may struggle in the fast-paced, busy and noisy environment of a classroom.

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Prioritize Learning Over Tradition

You want your kid to grow up confident in their ability to learn. In the end, we all want this, right?

With this in mind, its crucial to understand your child truly is unique. This means that what works for one kid may not be the best for yours. And this is 100% ok.

Bottom line. Learning needs to be the priority rather than tradition.

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Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner

Based on more than 60 interviews with homeschoolers with different learning abilities, Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner provides a wealth of insight into what its like to teach an autistic child at home. The book is written by Kathy Kuhl, who herself homeschooled a struggling child from elementary school through graduation.

How Time4learning Curriculum Helps Students With Autism

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Time4Learning is an award-winning, online curriculum that has received the distinction of being a Certified Autism Resource by IBCCES. Our interactive curriculum teaches students through engaging lessons using a student-paced approach, which includes access to multiple grade levels at a time. This ensures a strong foundation and closes gaps that may have been missed in previous grade levels.

The fun, interactive nature of Time4Learning appeals to students with autism since it offers a visually appealing presentation that captures their attention and motivates them to learn. Lessons and activities are brief, usually no longer than several minutes, and parents have the option to have their children redo activities, skip specific lessons, and more. Just as well, parents having access to the answer keys for tests and quizzes in Time4Learning assists them in aiding their intuitive math students, without having to review the lessons themselves.

Time4Learnings math curriculum offers activities that benefit students on the spectrum with these key features:

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